Tag Archives: patience

Creating a Moment

Creating a Moment

by Jamye Price

June 16, 2016

Creating a Moment

Powerful Being, you are Love in human form, Life in changing form. Your unique perspective, your focus, and your choice create a perfect path of evolution. Your Life’s pace is unique to you, for Time responds to you.

Your Life’s path is perfect for you, for it is a convergence of your inner and outer worlds meeting in Time and form. You are cherished by Life. Your perfection is embraced by Time and enhanced by form. You are magnificent.

Your electromagnetic emanation is a vibrational library of information that Life understands completely.

From your human perspective of linearity, you are learning to understand the vastness of the self and your interaction with the invisible to form the visible future. This is your process of Ascension, an exciting point in your ongoing evolution as humanity becomes more consciously interactive with the subtle realms.

The vastness of you is written into each moment. Your past, your future, the infinite nature of Life is in your now moment. What resides within you is All potential. Your choice is its vehicle into form. What will you choose?

All creation begins in the subtle realm, the invisible, the unformed, the potential. Your bridge to this subtle realm is your thoughts and emotions, your subtle nature. As you imagine and feel into your creative desires, you are creating a momentum that is invisible in the moment. This momentum, this moment, is the bridge to new form. The Will of Love, the passive force—spirals outward infinitely, without the bonds of space and time, for it is formless.

Your power resides within your now moment.

Your unique perspective, your focus, and your choice are Creating your Moment. This creates a momentum that calls forth change. Your patience (peace in action) with form forming creates a fluid and responsive state—easier change as you read the clues of life aligning you with Love. In your current moment the tides of form are changing. It is your focus on your inner realm, your subtle bridge—that creates your vibration which emanates out. This moment you have created causes change. Focus your unique perspective and choose. Life unconditionally awaits your active choice with the passive force of Love.

As we sit to Blast Creating a Moment, we are amplifying our imagination with the unification of Love. We are making a choice in a moment to focus our intent outward into our world with a momentum of Love that changes Life on Earth. We are becoming the dominant force in our lives, allowing our Freedom to flow into our choice as Life calls us to the courage to live it. We are creating a tide of change in this moment, for each one is an opportunity to discover the power of Love flowing within. Blast on!

You can watch the video version here





by Lisa Renee, Energetic Synthesis

April 18, 2016

We have multiple planets in the Solar System moving into a retrograde position, which adds to the intensified sensations of the amplified polarities that are surging in the collective consciousness fields of the planet, during this cycle. Many of us that are sensitive to the collective miasma rising can feel this purge of imbalanced energies surfacing as a type of energetic pressure that gains its chaotic momentum in the environment. These accumulated misqualified or imbalanced energies in the collective consciousness have to find a point of release in order to clear out from the planetary grid.   We may have noticed over the past few days several strong earthquakes and volcanoes have erupted in the Pacific Ring of Fire, a direct result of tectonic plate shifting through the massive amounts of accumulated collective energies, both natural and unnatural,  attempting to find pressure points to release.  When there are multiple planets in retrograde simultaneously, there is a tendency in the planetary field to generate intersections between multiple timelines where people, places and things of the past, present and future, energetically bleed through into the current moment of reality. This can bring surreal and unexpected circumstances that may feel disorienting and strange, where things feel out of whack and we feel that we are out of sync with our daily schedule in life.

With all of the retrograde influx of multiple planets in reversal energies, it can feel frustrating, as it may seem we keep bumping up against roadblocks or knocking on closed doors which are not opening to allow us any progressive forward movement. Retrogrades at this level of intensity will force us to slow down, and change our schedule or routines, it will make us take careful, deliberate and well thought out steps before we commit to anything in the future direction of our life. If there are circumstances that are not moving with us in the next new cycle, they tend to fall apart, breakdown and be completely dismantled. As challenging as this can be, it gives us more opportunities to resolve karmic issues where we have been stuck in a loop or we have felt stuck in a pattern through the imposing nature of things operating in our periphery.

When we undergo such prolific and rapid change, our energy body (lightbody) and our emotional state can be more vulnerable to feeling weaker and more exposed to negative emotions. We may feel that negative emotional state in other people, and catch the low vibration which amplifies the voices of our own inner fears. Thus, it is essential to maintain spiritual center and energetic balance as possible, taking very good care of our emotional body, as we undergo a series of rapid, life altering transformations. This is the time to discipline and observe our thoughts, while being especially careful of where we place our mental focus and invest ourselves emotionally. We will have challenges to meet inside ourselves, while the people and things around us will reflect back to us, the same kinds of mental and emotional challenges for us to master. This is the inner to outer, and outer to inner challenge of seeing the collective consciousness mirror and maintaining grace while under pressure!

When we undergo such intense and rapid changes, it may also mean that we will experience both endings and beginnings in many areas of our life. When involved in these types of intense changes, we will want to know that we can create a sense of personal freedom while enduring rapid growth, and simultaneously, decrease any entanglements, dramas, and the forces of chaos that tend to be generated in the dismantling phases. The art of Surrender is especially useful when enduring these chaotic phases of transformational growth, where it may seem that things are backfiring and going in the wrong direction. The art of Surrender requires increasing degrees of trust and self-reliance that we develop inside ourselves, and it is the process of learning to let go in order to reach beyond our limitations. We cannot be codependent or involved in circumstances that are harmful to our emotional and spiritual growth, and this will be transformed into situations that involve greater self-reliance in order to develop inner strength. We get constantly stretched beyond the parameter of our inner resistances, that are based on our unresolved fears. As we surrender to the process of transformation and let go, we learn how to trust ourselves more, in order to confidently navigate in these new circumstances.

Surrender does not mean being passive, helpless or powerless when being confronted with conflict. It is about discerning the correct balance needed between action and non-action, and surrendering the end result or outcome to your highest purpose and highest self, even if you cannot fathom what that looks like right now. Growing compassion for ourselves helps us to surrender to accept these changes with composure, centering and level headedness. We remove the negative self-talk and stop mentally torturing ourselves with the anxiety and fear of not knowing what’s coming next. The power inherent in Surrendering will help you to let go and accept that not knowing what will happen is just fine.  Sometimes, it gives us the opportunity to re-examine strong inner desires we have had in manifesting something, and coming to the deeper realization that this was just not meant to be. This is a testing of the contents of our heart, to deeply discern the difference between personality or instinctual desires versus the deeper motivations and prompting that comes directly from our inner spirit. When we surrender to the process of intense or rapid transformation, it helps us to attune to the natural flow, the synchronistic alignment of energies. When we are feeling into the natural flow, and we are listening to follow the energetic synchronicities, we are honoring divine right timing and divine right order.  There is no way to think our way towards Surrendering to the natural flow, we must feel into it.  Surrender cultivates the power of the heart, develops higher sensory perception, and helps us to find and listen to the inner stillness. All of these practices will strengthen the energetic harmonizing effects in every area of your life, which will guide you to the highest outcome and choice that is designed for your personal spiritual growth and ultimately, fulfilling your highest expression.

Applying the intuitive art of Surrendering to all aspects of ourselves will support restoring energetic balance and thus, increasing harmony in all areas of our life.

Physical Surrender: Every day feel into our physical self and sense our current physical wellness, while regularly moving our body intermittently throughout the day, helps to release stored tension and blockages. We can also apply breathwork, in short breaks in the day, to refocus our mind to help release mental and emotional tension stored in the body. As you keep your body as relaxed as possible throughout the day, it increases the surrender potential of the body to let go of held tensions immediately, when exposed to different stressors. We do not want the body to hold onto stress or tension.

Emotional Surrender: Observe feelings and when you clench or tighten up from instinctual reactions. Work on resolving emotional conflicts that lead to resentments, blaming or generating unloving thoughts towards yourself. Recognize when you are emotionally carrying tension or feeling upset, and work on letting that go, in that moment, do what you can to find peace, acceptance and tranquility with whatever had been bothering you.

Mental Surrender: Most of the time our ego mind wants to understand the end result or outcome of events, and will try to control the outcome to our favor. On the spiritual path, one learns that this controlling behavior will backfire and many times creates obsessive looping thoughts. Refocusing our mind to maintain peace, and asserting that it is not up to you to know everything, helps to let it go and give the circumstances to flow with higher purpose.  Mindful meditation, and the ability to still the mind, can shift obsessive thoughts, and allow the mental body to surrender to the natural flow. This is deferring personal will to divine will, in knowing there is a blueprint and plan for all things in our life.

Spiritual Surrender: When we surrender to spirit, we are giving over control to the God forces, while we release ourselves from the need to exert control. We realize that we are not alone, and that this burden is not ours to carry by ourselves. We have the love, power and compassion from Gods spirit to guide us, and as we trust in the divine right order, we become more comfortable with life’s uncertainty. Developing trust with our inner spirit and relationship with God, makes letting go much easier.

Take good care of yourself at this time, give yourself plenty of loving kindness, and patience as you are learning the art of Surrender.



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This article originally posted HERE.



Folding Time

Folding Time

by Jayme Price

February 4th, 2016

Folding Time


Blessed Being,

Time is a construct of your physical reality. It responds to the resonance of the collective of Earth, and it responds to each individual. Just as all of your experiences on the earth plane do, Time responds to the duality experience—visibly unique/separate from you as it flows from day to night; and it is invisibly connected to you as it responds to your resonance. You are moving beyond the limits of duality as you observe and interact with the invisible, subtle nature of Life. This is your Ascension process.

Time has a certain consistent flow based on its own existence, for it is not merely a thing, but more an effect. Much like light, it responds to electromagnetic radiation. Light illuminates, while time marks movement. You, as a being of density, have an effect on time just as you do light. In essence, it bends to your density, it bends to your resonance, it shapes with your electromagnetic radiance.

This time of rapid evolution in which you reside brings new understanding to solid concepts.

From your perspective, time flows. It is a result of light flowing as you mark day and night, seasons and cycles. This is true. It is a construct of your reality. Yet just as your physical separation is not the whole truth (merely the obvious truth), there is a greater aspect of time that is not visibly obvious.

Your electromagnetic radiance shapes time. Time seems to slow as you are bored because your density and stagnation stagnates its effect. Time seems to speed as you are having fun because your increased vibration speeds its effect. In essence, in a state of joy, you experience a timeless state. You are touching your infinite, subtle nature—your formless that forms your world.

There is a Law of Resonance that guides the rules of form and formless.

You live in a conditional reality because form has conditions. Time is one such condition you observe as you perceive an aging process, a rusting process—this is visible, obvious and a real part of your conditional reality. As you honor those rules andwork within your internal, invisible, unconditional nature; you gradually exceed certain rules as your resonance guides. Therefore, it is helpful that you understand the full scope of your resonance.

Are you stagnating your vibrational flow with resistance? Are you depleting your vibrational flow with constant running from life? This is the polarity of resistance, one looks slow, one looks fast, both are polarized rather than your neutral state that facilitates your loving flow creating new form.

Because time bends to your electromagnetic radiance, you have the capability to speed and slow its flow with your intent. This Folding of Time is invisible. You cannot shape its flow with conditions, only complete unconditionality. Hence the role of peace, patience, allowance, knowing all is well—Love in its unconditional form. These powerful and open electromagnetic flows shape time more readily. There is no need to overcome conditions with the active force, the invisible passive force begins shaping form from its core. Your peace, your patience become the still point where the passive and active forces meet. Time folds into new form.

As we sit to Blast Folding Time, we are opening our hearts to Loving Life, for this allows the future to form with a strong foundation of Love. We are observing fear compassionately, as we understand what has built form, and choose the path of least resistance to creating the new. We are allowing past, present, and future to meet in our perception of all is well and change is good. We are timeless in our patience, and timely in our choices; for choosing Love isn’t always the easy way, but it’s always worthwhile. It is the path of Loving Life into the new. Blast on!

You can watch the video version here



Ascension Energies

February Ascension Energies – 2016

by Jayme Price

February 4, 2016

February Ascension Energies – 2016

Woohoo! The energies this year feel like they are moving fast! While I feel February as a little smoother than January (Whoa that Mercury retrograde felt stronger than most!), I still feel a fast-paced month—even with the leap year dragging it out for one more day.

Overall in February there is a lot of movement in the throat chakra. I was shown a vortex of energy moving up from the torso and out the throat. I began noticing a lot of throat chakra clearing in January, so expect more calling toward expressing yourself and aligning with what you want to manifest. Watch the video version HERE.


Expressing yourself is more than just words, though your verbal expression is important. The path of Ascension is one of personal empowerment so that unity consciousness can anchor on Earth. Your personal empowerment begins with healthy boundaries so that you are holding your power and being responsible for creating your experience. Previously humanity has mainly responded to outside circumstances as we were not taught the power of our intent and our ability to consciously synchronize with resonant experiences.

Conscious coherence is synchronicity in Action with Jamye Price

Also in February, we are beginning more focus on developing a new relationship with time. This is also a natural part of Ascension, because Ascension is a vibrational elevation into more conscious interaction with the subtle realms. One aspect of that is time. As we begin to shift our relationship with time, we are becoming more creative and less reactive. This means more patience, more allowing, and ultimately, more peace. It can be a bit challenging to learn to access peace in fast-paced flow, but it is well worth the effort.


This Year of Clarity is going to bring areas of refinement into view that assist your co-creative experience with Life. As we learn that it isn’t about control or just “getting what we want,” it is an adjustment. We have to shift how we feel about patience (it’s not punishment! ;o), as well as how we prioritize our own feelings and focus. Areon channels over and over that it is time to get more of your Loving energy into this world—that is what improves it. Watch a little news occasionally and send some Love, compassion and a new perception of potentials that a challenge can bring. Love yourself more, forgive easily, hold healthy boundaries and say no with loving empowerment, even if it is wisely silent or loud in a moment.

Embrace Love in its Many Varied Forms by Jamye Price

Love is a varied experience that encompasses all of life.

As you embrace more life with Love (from a distance if need be), even those experiences that don’t seem to offer Love, you are anchoring more Love into the human experience.

It is a really exciting time! Since December of 2013, the balance of Loving Light tipped into critical mass. As a Lightworker, you are consciously focusing on creating in the subtle realms and shifting your life from within first (working in the invisible realm) and emanating that out into your life (form builds from the subtle). How is your patience? Are you seeing that life is responding to you in different ways as you enhance your internal foundation of Love? That pesky Law of Resonance keeps moving you toward more clarity. Isn’t it a fun ride?!

Happy February!

Watch the video version HERE!


Copyright © 2005-2016 | Crystalline Soul Healing.

This article originally posted HERE.






The Space In Between

The Power In the Space In Between

by Jennifer Hoffman, Enlightening Life

January 12, 2016


If you feel like your life has been ‘on hold’ for a long time, and many of us do, once the energy starts moving, as it is now, it brings a rush of action and activity. We have so much to catch up on and so much lost ground to recover that we set lots of powerful intentions to move the energy and our lives forward. And then we wait in joyful anticipation and as time passes and nothing seems to happen, we lose hope. Here we go again, we think, more delays and more limitations. But we’re in the ‘in between space’, that middle ground between intention and outcome, where can create new pathways and energetically multi-task, holding our intention while we also stay open to different outcomes. It’s a very powerful place to be because all of our power is in the ‘space in between’ and it is what we do in this in between space that keeps the energy flowing.

Patience is where our will meets divine timing and we don’t like to wait, especially if we need something right away. If we don’t see pretty quick results we get perturbed, annoyed, and impatient. But the waiting period is where all of the potential gathers, and so does our energy. And there are two ways to look at the situation, with impatience or with optimism. Impatience leads to second guessing ourselves and the universe, believing we’re doing something wrong, and then we step onto the path of fear that our necessary and desired outcomes won’t happen. Optimism, another choice, keeps us on track and encourages us to keep the energy flowing by maintaining our intention and channeling energy into opening new portals of possibility. We can use our energy to be impatient and block the flow, or we can encourage the flow by staying with our intention and seeing what else is happening.

We have made so many changes in the past few years and have done so much work on ourselves that many new and different kinds of  potentials are possible. But we don’t know what they are because we can only ask for what we think is possible, available, and accessible. A vast field of potential lies beyond our mind’s knowing, one that we have yet to explore and those potentials become possible in the ‘in between’ space, as long as we don’t judge how long it’s all taking to happen.

The energy begins flowing in the direction of our intention the moment we make it. Then the miracles begin to happen as the energy expands and other things become possible too. But if we get impatient, think that nothing is happening, and start judging the process, the energy stops flowing. What if that space in between was where all of our different,  unexpected, unanticipated, and miraculous outcomes are becoming possible? It’s an opportunity to multi-task our energy, holding our intention while we are also anticipating the best and highest outcomes that may be just beyond what we’re looking at. We get impatient because what we want is important, or it’s an emergency, or we feel that we have already been waiting for a long time just to get to this point.

It doesn’t take ‘time’ for our outcomes to manifest, it is a process of alignment and integration. We’re aligned with new potentials now, but we can’t know that until we start creating new things. Receiving is the second step of the manifestation process, and it’s the one we think we have to ‘wait’ for, but we don’t. We just have to know that outcomes reflect our energy and our highest potential, which is often the thing we don’t know is possible. Think of something you want and what you believe can happen. What else is possible that you haven’t asked for yet or don’t think is possible? What is the miracle, the outcome you think is impossible but would be the best one for you? That’s what happens in the space ‘in between’ asking and receiving, and it’s the point of greatest power.

When we are intentionally optimistic and creatively active, expecting the very best of all possible outcomes, we empower our intentions with the belief and faith in our own abilities. We’re the architects of our realities which may sound like a  lot of new age talk but it’s true. If we don’t start the energy moving in the area of our intentions and keep it moving, it gets stuck and then we feel like we’re waiting. But if we use that time we spend in our personal waiting room, the ‘space in between’, we can explore new potentials and allow possibilities greater than we can imagine to become possible and then energetically multi-task to allow our highest outcomes to become the reality that we truly desire.


Copyright (c) 2016 by Jennifer Hoffman. All rights reserved.  You may quote, translate, reprint or refer to this message if you mention the author name and include a working link to http://enlighteninglife.com


This article originally posted  HERE