Tag Archives: invisible connection

Reset Energy of June

June Ascension Energies

by Jamye Price, Crystalline Soul Healing

June 2, 2016

June Ascension Energies – 2016



May had a lot of movement to it. It felt fast-paced for so much retrograde energy! This “Year of Clarity” is definitely distilling out discordant energies and refining positive patterns to amplify them.

May’s energy of focus on Action and Interaction brought clarity to relationships, boundaries, and throat chakra energy. The throat chakra is transforming and May enhanced that energy. The chakras shifting into a more complete spherical spin indicates a change in our interaction, so it is perfect that these energies were supporting such shift. For many of you, it may have been unnoticeable. Others may have had a dry cough, more throat clearing than usual, or sore throat symptoms, even if they were sporadic.

Heart Energies by Jamye PriceAlso in May, you might have noticed more push/pull with collective energy, especially those of you in the United States. There was a lot of fear and anger being stirred up. Without watching much news throughout the month, I would awaken realizing I had been processing those emotions during the night and I would have inklings of Donald Trump. Other times, the emotions would surge during the day. At first it feels just like any other emotion of yours. Then, with a little observance, you realize that it’s not. At these times, just observe and allow, which is a loving and empowered state of being, as it will flow without having to do anything to change it.

I spoke to another friend about the collective emotions and she was having a similar experience. She had asked not to participate in the collective energies and got denied (by her Higher Self). Sometimes you are able to disconnect, other times your Bodhisattva energy steps in and runs the show. We are a connected species. The Earth experience is a balance of sovereignty and connection, something these times of Ascension are bringing into focus. You are never asked to do more than you can handle. You are always guided by your Higher Self for your greatest benefit and that of the collective, a balance of sharing.


For two months I have been getting the energy of “reset” for June. That is unusual. I don’t often get information that far ahead. As the time grew closer I realized I didn’t know exactly what that meant. Was I suddenly going to have to start channeling about the currency reset?! A few days later I received a channeling from Areon, the Lyran Council of Time, that June is offering us unprecedented support for change. That we have a great potential to create a lot of internal change in June and create greater alignment, a reset, with our Divine Blueprint in this physical expression.

It is the core of what Ascension is about. You always were, are, and always will be a perfect being of divinity. Yet what we are doing is integrating that into this particular physical expression. We are remembering our divinity from this perspective. We are integrating our non-physical aspects into our physical experience. The shift is exciting, sometimes frustrating, yet always worth it! The energy of May was helping us to begin this process in a very focused way.

When I was meditating, I was also given a simple exercise from Areon to help utilize the energy of change. During a short daily meditation, set the intent to receive the support of change. There are many ways to do this with a simple statement:

“I am open to beneficial change.”

“I reset into my Divine Blueprint.”

“I release all that is not serving my highest good. I integrate all I need to embody my Divine Blueprint.”

Or find a simple statement that works for you. I started doing this each day around the end of May and I noticed more ease with the current energies. I also noticed a fairly consistent tingling in the area of the pineal gland. You may notice different things, or even nothing at all. Yet your intention is a powerful catalyst, so go with your flow!


I have been seeing 555 a LOT lately! Just a reminder that change is in the air. I’ve also been seeing numbers line up, like 123 345 456 789… Change is always good, even if it doesn’t seem like it in the moment. Already June is feeling smoother than May, so I’m excited about the change that is opening us to a greater alignment with our Divine Blueprint, our core truth!

Quantum Change for Ascension by Jamye Price

What does it mean to reset back to your Divine Blueprint?

The process of Ascension is about becoming more whole from this physical expression. It is integrating what is already there, but not as obvious at first glance. It’s a remembering of your divinity to anchor your full capacity.

The human biomechanism is a perfect machine for this environment and this time. The evolution of it is fascinating. Even I as wrote Opening to Light Language, it was becoming clearer to me how we are evolving into natural gifts of our multidimensional nature. Over these last 12 years of focusing intently on Ascension, I’ve watched Light Language evolve, I’ve seen different chakra systems evolve, intuition opening up, channeling becoming easier. It also brings the glorious need of clear discernment, personal empowerment, and responsibility. Our evolution is a beautiful thing!

All of these gifts and more are about integrating more of what we always have been. As we begin to make subtle changes, life on Earth changes: like more peace, forgiving easily, focusing on solutions rather than problems, looking beyond the obvious, trusting ourselves, embracing diversity, releasing control of the uncontrollable, and much more. This changes our neural patterns and our behavioral patterns. As an interconnected species, change then ripples out.

The Power of the Word

Power of Word by Jamye PriceOne of the specific energies that came through with the Light Language this month is the return of “the power of the word.” As you watch/listen to the Light Language, notice what you are sensing for yourself. What I was shown is that part of what we are resetting is connection in with the clarity and power of our word.

It is very helpful to observe what you are saying and being clear and positive with your words. However, don’t overlook your authentic emotions, thoughts, and perceptions in the process. It is far more valuable to be authentic, say something negative, recognize it and truly shift it from within, rather than avoid it and just temper your speech to be pleasant words.

In this sense, “word” is a broader meaning than just words that you speak. It ultimately means the clarity of your intent. Bringing idea into form, honoring your “word.” Word is direction, it directs energy into focus. It only has value if your words match your intent. Resonance will be coming up a lot in June LightBlasts, so there will be additional information around recognizing the clarity of your vibrational resonance and directing your energy. Remember that play, joy, and appreciation are powerful directing of your energy, too!


In June, ride the waves of support for change and allow the tide to move you into greater alignment with the truth of your Divine Blueprint. Change comes in many forms at different times in life. On the path of Ascension, the powerful quantum changes are internal first—how do you perceive yourself, others, life, love, forgiveness, saying yes, saying no, being creative, honoring uniqueness, seeing invisible connection, and more.

These internal changes create a new resonance of you. You are changing yourself from within. That changes the core of the human experience on Earth. Your change matters. It literally creates matter! In this month of June, catch the waves of change and enjoy the ride!



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This article originally posted HERE.