Choose Love

The Correct Answer is Always “C”  ~  Choose Love

by Linda Rain, The Golden Age of Aquarius

November 17, 2015

Hello, Brothers and Sisters!

This past weekend was an intense and challenging time for many people. Most of my time was spent cleaning, painting, and otherwise working around the house but I know that there was a lot of energy moving out there, on both lower and higher levels. I’ve had some wonderfully blissful transcendant times the past few days and I’ve pretty much been happy and moving through my activities effortlessly.

So, I am speaking from experience when I tell you that, no matter what appears to be happening around you (in the illusion), the way that you feel and what you do is entirely your choice. If you choose to stay grounded, centered, and balanced and if you choose to stay in 5D or Unity Consciousness, then that is what you will experience. On the other hand, if you choose to fall back into the old paradigm, then you can look forward to all the things that a dualistic existence brings: ups and downs including drama, fear, pain, and suffering. You can embrace judgment and everything that judgment brings with it: drama, fear, pain, suffering and all the lower vibrational emotions you love to hate.

We knew that November would be an exciting and interesting month. There is a lot going on energetically and there is a lot of movement on the Ascension Front. November, of course, is the time of Scorpio. Personally, I love November and yes, I am a Scorpio. Scorpio is represented by three animals ~ the scorpion, the eagle, and the phoenix. For more on where I am going with this, please check out Pam Younghans’ fabu post: Northpoint Astrology Journal ~ Your Guide to Planetary Energies for November 16 to 22, 2015.

Bottom line ~ in this Now, do you want to be the scorpion, the eagle, or the phoenix? It is your choice.

You are free to choose whatever you like. There is no right or wrong and everybody is on their own journey. My suggestion would be to choose consciously rather than reacting and heading down one road or another with no awareness of what you are doing.

I Love You, I respect your journey, I am honored by your Service, and I thank you for playing your Role.
And, as always, I will meet you on The Bridge!

~ Love, Rain

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This article originally posted HERE.