Tag Archives: truth

Security and Knowing

Security and Knowing

by Kara Schallock, Soulstice Rising

September 13,  2016

We continue to receive ongoing downloads of Light; there is no timetable for the downloads; they occur at perfect moments individually for each of us. Some downloads flow easily, while others seem to take our breath away. However you experience them is divinely orchestrated for you. Many of us are guided to go within and stop all outward busy-ness. Meditation and Silence as well as Nature are essential tools; more than they have been in the past. Still, there are those who continue their attachment to the outer world looking for answers or some sort of guidance. Guidance is found in the quiet times; the times of non-attachment. We can do both…be still and continue to observe the outer world. The key here is observation and detachment. I see the outer “chaos” as a positive sign that all is proceeding as it is intended to. Remember that Transformation requires a breakdown before a breakthrough. And a breakthrough is seen in some scenarios, is it not?

If one seeks security outside of themselves, they may very well be disappointed. For the only true Security is found within. We think Security comes from our paycheck or our relationships or our bank account, yet this is little security and it changes and shifts. What may seem secure in one moment is gone in the next. This little view of lower ego-security certainly can bring up fear, can’t it? If one can stay centered in their own Security (Soul Essence)…no matter what the outer is doing…they feel safe. Outer security definitely brings up insecurity; and this too is a gift, for it gives each being an opportunity to release these old and limiting energies of insecurity, not feeling safe and fear out in the open for release. Realize too that the energy of insecurity comes from lifetimes of old rules, separation and the fear of not being safe. Even the chaos of our present-time world is a gift, for it helps us identify where we hold fear, judgment, paranoia, discrimination and all things that keep separation alive and well. As we release these energies of separation, we find Peace within. When we feel peaceful, we shine our Light out, which touches all. Our Perspective shifts; we see things differently and through the eyes of Source. We see that the world is not an unsafe place, but truly a place of Love.

The old matrix/paradigm is for sure crumbling. This crumbling is a positive thing, for it leads to the New eventually. When one can be in their Center of Peace, they shift their perspective to see the “good” in even what the old mindset would judge as “bad.” As frequencies rise, the Light shines on all that is not Love and this is all that is separate in life. If one would look closer and deeper, they would see the Truth that is beneath the rubble and that is Love and Transformation. It is only when one is attached to how something “should” be that there is pain. When we let go of old assumptions and notwanting things to change, we are free.

What is Transformation and how can we be sure that it leads to something better? Transformation is a complete shift from the old to the New. It depends on what you hold in your Heart. If you don’t think anything will change, you hold doubt in your Heart. If you trust that Love is truly all there is, then Love is in your Heart. We know that we create through consciousness. When Love is your consciousness, then that is all that can be created. When fear is your consciousness, then that is what is created. Again, we choose. First comes the choice and then Commitment to that choice and from Commitment is being that which you choose to be in everything you say, do and feel. Through consciousness, we create the New Earth. Is it Love you choose or fear?

Is this easy? I would say no unless you truly flow with What Is. When you flow with What Is, you accept that which is hindering you so that you can let it go. We have had lifetimes of fear and persecution, which has created a heavy boulder of fear and unsafety within. It is our choice to release this and it may not be quick, for there are many layers that go deep. However, if one begins to let go of this old dark energy, they/you feel lighter and freer, even when there are more and more layers to release.

Along with releasing this old fear and insecurity, it is also important to realize that much of the ancient civilizations  that many hold as something to emulate, were rife with separation (rules, roles, expectations, etc.).It is best to let it all go, including the illusions you hold dear, and allow the New to unfold. So not only do we release our personal histories, we may choose to release our cultural histories as well, including all the illusions within those histories. This is a big task, so deep do these go and our love for them. As we cleanse, we also cleanse the Earth. This most likely feels huge to you as well and you may encounter much resistance within you. Yet unless we let go of everything, the New is delayed.

We are creating positive change. It may seem daunting and even impossible, yet it truly is happening. The more we commit to this personally, the more things in the world shift. As a way to affirm this, just look at your life, the world and how your body has shifted. Those of us who are ultra-sensitive feel much in our bodies and as we shift, our bodies feel this physically. Much of how we have experienced this physical shifting has changed for some. They may include (or not, for everyone is unique in their experience) a sense of not being in your body (feeling ungrounded, dizzy, etc.), different experiences in digestion and elimination, fluctuations of emotions (some may feel depressed when they never have before), lack of motivation to do much of anything, sleeping patterns vary widely, and these are just a few and meant to confirm your Ascension and let you know that you might not even notice that you are shifting, for all is slow to help us acclimate to the energies, although it may not seem slow at all.

As Sensitivity expands, you notice things you have not noticed before. Your Awareness becomes more acute and your senses are accentuated, as is your Intuitive Knowing. Realize too that a lot of what you experience are not only the downloads of Light, but you are also detoxing the old from your cells, tissues, organs, bones and muscles. You may still be in the old habit of wondering if it was something you ate or some malady you picked up. This is old thinking and a way to continue an old pattern of complaint and blame. The ultra-sensitive ones truly are required to keep their Solar Plexus clear, as it is easy to take on others’ toxins and old beliefs. Ask your body what it needs without following old rules of what’s good or bad for you. Your body will respond to you. And if you bump into things or stub your toe or something like that, your message is to slow down, ground and be in the Present Moment.

Our True Selves want nothing but the best for us (as us), and so anything that interferes with that will be “problematic,” which is a way of saying that we simply cannot exist in the old any longer, so shift to where you flow instead of blindly following your self or culturally-imposed rules that surely limit you. Being authentic means to be who you are everywhere you are and by me saying “be who you are,” I mean your Soul-self. I wonder how many of us are truly authentic, since we have been molded by culture and family values and beliefs. At times, it is self-loving to set boundaries in order to be authentically you. In time, there will be no need for boundaries, as all those around us accept fully who we are. Being authentic is being Love and there is no greater Truth than this.

Some of us have been having lots of memories of the past. These memories come up because they are releasing, yet many want to hold onto them, because it’s better than having nothing to hold onto now. Let them go. As we let the memories go, with them we release beliefs and patterns and old ways of being. It’s best not to cling to them for comfort. Find your comfort within. Have Faith; trust in what is here now in this Moment. Allow all to surface, even memories you have deemed “bad” or “good.” It all comes up to be loved and then released. With the release comes greater Love.

If you are concerned about not finding your “tribe,” since this seems to be a popular notion, realize that your “tribe” will not be found by seeking, but by being authentically yourself. If you find you don’t relate with anyone, let it be all right. A “tribe” is just a word that symbolizes a longing to belong. You belong to a bigger energy, so honor who and where you are. There is nothing wrong with you if you find you cannot relate to anyone or to just a few. Treasure those you find Resonance with and let the rest go.

As we continue to receive more Light and we continue to let go of what is not Love, we are also blessed with synchronistic meetings and surprising events that are joyful and meaningful. These connections help you evolve more as the Love you are, helping you be more. Continue to follow the energy; what expands, expands you; what contracts, contracts you. In this way, you are Divinely guided to be who you are meant to be. Pay attention to where and to whom you resonate. Your Heart and Soul know the way, while your intellect will hold you back in the past.



Copyright © 2009-2016, Soulstice Rising. All Rights Rreserved!


This article originally posted HERE.




Navigate Opportunities

Navigate August Opportunities

by Selacia

August 1, 2016


As the energies in August heat up and intensify, it will be more important than ever to find your center and apply intuitively guided reason. You cannot afford to take things at face value or make quick judgments without researching all the facts. The world is not as it appears and things are changing at lightning speed.

In fact, with so much happening all at once, if you are not present you could miss opportunities and make decisions that you will regret later. Continue reading to learn more about what we face and how you can not only find your calm zone but thrive during this important phase of awakening happening across the world.

Understanding the Path to Now

If you are like most of us, you may already be weary of the relentless pace of intensity and change since 2016 began. You may have moments of simply wanting to stop the world, think of nothing, and do nothing. That’s understandable.

This phase is not easy or simple, regardless of your awareness and substantial preparations to get to this point. As a divine changemaker, however, you did not sign up for easy or simple. You are a quantum and vast being, with countless types of trainings and experiences over the ages to prepare you for your current role.

You are encoded to be here! You are wired at a DNA level to be at the forefront of things, even when the world gets scary or crazy or just plain stupid. Your role is to courageously face what is in front of you and respond in a heart-centered way. Your role is to model for others how the new human faces uncertainty and relentless change. You do that by drawing upon what you already know and discovering additional tools specifically tailored to these unique moments.

One thing that gives you strength is remembering that this is not your first time here. If you had a resume with all that you as a soul had experienced and mastered, you would be in awe!

Most likely you were alive during other key flash points humanity experienced during ancient times. Places and civilizations involved included:  Egypt, Turkey, the Holy Land, Greece, the Inca, the Maya, Tibet, India, China, Atlantis, and Lemuria.

What I’m seeing now in my work with people is a huge momentum of remembering – men and women connecting with a knowing of having been on Earth during some of the earlier great civilizations. Sometimes how they begin to remember is through their children, for the kids being born now have fewer veils on their intuitive gifts. A six-year-old child may all of a sudden say: “Remember mommy when we went to that place in Turkey, that place they are showing on TV?”

Stepping Into a New Crossroads

Keeping this long history in mind, it can be easier to face new rounds of change and the countless unknowable factors of these moments.

The August energies are setting the stage for what will be a series of new crossroads humanity must move through between now and end-year. At each point along the way, we are being tested. When we become still and listen, we are shown by our intuitive guidance just how important this time is. We are reminded that there is a higher view to each and every piece of nonsense unfolding. We are nudged by spirit to go deeper and look for truth at a higher level.

As you may remember, my “2016 Predictions” article was about themes of truth and justice taking center stage. Those themes of course won’t disappear after 2016, but this year is the time when these crucial issues are getting a huge cosmic spotlight. That spotlight is essential, as uncomfortable as it is, for a radical revolution of consciousness to be seeded and begin to unfold.

You are an essential part of this revolution!

Navigating August Cycles

For optimal success this month, become aware of key energy dates and learn more about how you personally are impacted by the ups-and-downs of planetary cycles. As an example, even an intense moon cycle stirring strong emotions can be a time of significant breakthroughs. You may meet an important person or see the culmination of efforts you first initiated months earlier.

To remain stable and connected to your inner voice it’s helpful to get and stay aware of energies impacting the world. We are energetic beings, after all, being impacted by flows of energy that affect humanity in a universal way. Your success comes from being able to sense this larger dynamic when you are going about your personal life, doing business, and making plans.

A devastation or crisis in one place can send energetic ripples across the world. Even those unaware of these energies can feel tension or sadness. That’s because we’re now connected 24/7 through technology and we also share humanity’s mass consciousness.

Take regular time-outs with meditation and self-care so that you can stay resourced. You will need both your inner and outer strength for the mega transitions unfolding over the next two months.

August Moon Watch

August 2 – Leo New Moon: This is a time to refocus your self-care and listen to your heart on a deeper level than before. Most likely, there is something your heart has been trying to tell you for a while now. As you listen more deeply, you may just find the insights needed to break through a key roadblock. You can start today with some powerful New Moon intentions. Make a list of five specific things, say them out loud to yourself, then put the list next to where you sleep.

August 18 – Aquarius Full Moon: During this cycle, extending into the weekend, you may find yourself seeking to enlarge your circle of like-minded people. After all, you are not meant to travel your path alone! Other potentials include getting in touch with the final piece of a puzzle that you haven’t been able to resolve, perhaps all of your life or even lifetimes. It may involve a DNA-level pattern inherited from your ancestors, too. Know that whatever is appearing is key to your forward progression and that resolving it now within the DNA can make a huge difference in your life.

Mercury Retrograde – August 30

Just before August ends we have a three week Mercury Retrograde starting on the 30th.  Watch for time warps beyond the norm. Pay extra attention to details and apply discriminating wisdom to what you take in from the world. Some things that may have seemed completed may reappear for another review. It’s an excellent time to review your goals, revisit self-care, and investigate adjustments you can make in how you position yourself in the world.

With all of these energies in the mix, do your best in August to be present and awake to yourself and the world. You are not here as a bystander. Give yourself permission to look deeply at things. Know that it’s okay to make “mistakes” as you do what no one has done before. Believe in yourself and in your divine changemaker role. Trust as you walk your path that you are being guided by something much larger than you. Know that you are loved, no matter what happens.





This article originally posted HERE.


Soul Psychology

Soul Psychology

by Lisa Renee, Energetic Synthesis

June, 2016


Dear Ascending Family,

“The soul becomes dyed with the colour of its thoughts.”
 ~ Marcus Aurelius, Meditations

The Controllers desperately want us to forget that we have Souls.  Even though we exist in a material world filled to the brim with many different kinds of Souls, Spirits and Consciousness, they would like us to forget our Soul. Tyrants cannot control our mind as easily, if we know how to connect with our Soul.

Without understanding the worldwide agenda of trauma based mind control, we cannot understand our participation in the constructs put in place to keep it going.  We become unknowing participants, in perpetuating these systems.  It is difficult to witness how many people on the spiritual path, and how many practitioners and session providers, have this blind spot, and are unable to see the pervasiveness of this agenda.  This newsletter will be a bit longer, in order to try and uncover this matrix of control, piece by piece, so we can no longer be fooled by it.

As an analogy, it is hard for those of us living today, to imagine a time when surgeons did not understand germs or wash their hands.  The first person to suggest a connection between invisible microbes and post-surgical infection was the laughing stock of his day.  Yet his patients did not end up with infections, and recovered much faster.  There is a connection between hidden forms of mind control, and the fact that so many humans are caught in pain traps and are being unknowingly manipulated by their sub-personalities.  When people become aware of this and can source manipulation, it ceases to have any control over them.  They also understand why it is crucial not to react to others out of anger or violence, which invites these dark forces in.  If we do not recognize and understand the dark forces, we cannot recognize and understand the light forces.

The Border Guards, Monitoring the Matrix

We live during a time on the planet when the language used for public discourse, attempting to give some kind of expression to the existence, nature and experience of the Soul, Spirit or God, is twisted and manipulated in order to distort its true meaning.  When these consciousness experiences are described, anywhere in the mass media, they are immediately discredited, labeled as delusions in order to be discredited, or quickly defined and moved into the category of religion.  Those behind Global Mind Control do not want humanity to have the clarity, virtue, strength or peace that is gained from developing consciousness through exploring the inner spiritual relationship that comes with the Soul. They want to lull humanity into the great sleep of unconsciousness.

The main Controller Pillars of Society expend tremendous amounts of resources to keep the human mind occupied on external and material things that keep us distracted and unable to look within. Distracting our mind with intense fears of survival, removes the creative potential for discovering our direct consciousness relationship with God, Soul and Spirit. To advance survival fears and poverty consciousness, the masses are brainwashed with very specific and limiting belief systems, which conveniently act as the self-enforcement policy for the consciousness enslavement of others. Humans in all cultures and walks of life, are mostly taught to victimize and ridicule people that want to explore ways to think for themselves.

The fields of Science and Medicine are aggressively monitored and regulated, as these mainstream world establishments are used to reinforce a variety of anti-Soul ideological beliefs into the public to help serve the NAA. The anti-Soul belief system requires terminating progress or credible evidence which could prove that states of consciousness or Soul exist. This includes the consistent elimination of the acquisition of any evidence-based knowledge that recognizes nature, animals and other life forms as fully sentient beings. There are many areas in scientific investigation that are not approved for public dissemination, and thus “white paper” research in these fields are heavily controlled and compartmentalized.

During and after the World Wars, aggressive social engineering agendas were put into place by the NAA Controller secret societies through the medical and scientific communities that had started to form the field of Psychology. Consequently, the academic and clinical disciplines of Psychology use the medical model and are therefore pathology oriented, which completely ignores the energetic reality of consciousness, and the nature of the Soul. During this Ascension cycle, we must help each other to understand the implication that this has upon humanity, and to redefine the nature and existence of the Soul inside Psychology. This begins by understanding the history and the intentions behind the field of Psychology that exists today.  The Soul is the essence of who we are, and it is that part of us which focuses upon the most authentic part of our true nature. For true healing to occur, the Soul is the part of us that is the most powerful in effecting mental shifts and behavioral changes, and can greatly improve our self-esteem and self-confidence.

The word Psychology derives from Greek roots that define the study of the psyche, or the study of the Soul. In China, Psychology grew from the philosophical works of Lao-Tsu and Confucius, and was further developed from the doctrines of Buddhism. This body of ancient knowledge involves exploring the deep insights that can be drawn from personal introspection and holding a pure observation of the external. These mental practices are what help to grow a strong inner core and spiritual foundation by developing observer consciousness. Ancient wisdom teachings are about practicing techniques for focused thinking and acting with an emphasis on purifying the mind, in order to increase the virtue and power of the Soul.  Prior to the late 1800’s, the study of our inner mental life was the study of our Soul, and the inner workings of our deepest self or essence. This is the true meaning of Soul Psychology, a system of understanding, which allows for the necessary integration between the functions of the mind and the Soul, acknowledging and supporting the human consciousness framework into harmonious co-existence. Soul Psychology is an important tool for helping us to retrain our mind from being easily taken over by external forces and other people. We learn to refocus ourselves, to shape our mind to become subservient to our true Soul purpose, which makes us stronger people. For these reasons, Soul Psychology is an important basic key for supporting humanities consciousness growth in Spiritual Ascension. Becoming truly self-aware and conscious is dependent upon our ability to listen to and gain the intelligent wisdom of our own body, mind and soul. They will help to inform us about our true nature, so that we can consistently improve our internal coherence and strengthen our moral character.

Mainstream Psychology

Current mainstream Psychology is the study of behavior, thoughts and the functions of the mind, which attempt to explore concepts that include all aspects of the conscious and unconscious experiences that make up the current human condition. Many people believe that the current field of Psychology has the ultimate goal of creating a more improved and humane society. However, without the necessary components to allow the integration and comprehension of the structure of the Soul, Psychology remains completely antiquated in addressing the real and varied impacts that the mind has upon the Soul. To intentionally disconnect the existence of the mind from the existence of the soul is extremely destructive and damaging to all human beings. This fact is what contributes to the manifestation of disconnected and chronically miserable people who intentionally create harm without moral conscience.

Soul disconnected people behave in a similar manner to artificial intelligence robots, as they are shaped by mass media to make decisions based on survival and selfish desires, with no authentic thoughts or emotional states of their own making. Disconnection conveniently pushes forward the basic agenda of Psychology to be very effective in furthering the Transhumanism agenda. Today, if people are unhappy and disconnected from their mind and soul, they are given a pharmaceutical drug to take control over their bio-neurological system functioning, which leads to lifelong pharmaceutical dependencies and addictions. Administering synthetic drugs to impair bio-neurological functioning of the brain further  impairs and damages the Soul body, making it nearly impossible for a person to experience Soul embodiment or perceive the nature of their Soul.

The Soul body is made up of a complex webbing of energetic receivers, which connect to the central nervous system and brain wiring. Inducing certain artificial stimulus into the central nervous system and the brain, will short circuit the soul body and brain receivers, effectively damaging the wiring connections that transmit electromagnetic signals.  This is common in people who hear voices in their mind, after they have had some kind of extreme trauma reaction, to drugs or hospitalization. Thus, applied Psychology without understanding the real existence and nature of the Soul, easily leads to biological and social engineering experiments of mind control, by prescribing drugs and carrying out therapies that shut down the energetic receivers that exist between the brain, body and Soul.

Organized Religion and Scientific Atheism are both schools of thought imposed by the NAA, which result in indoctrinated humans that suffer from the control system that extremely polarizes thinking. Each side of the opposition, present an all or nothing model that severely limits the scope of human intelligence. The agenda is to keep people arguing in circular debates with no resolution, so that we waste our energies being distracted by ineffective projects or topics that lead nowhere. Political and financial interests dominate angry egos jostling for status or position, over finding the common ground that unites us to put our collective energies into serving humanitarian causes. We must stop contributing to the deadlock, and become a positive cause in finding the common ground, by focusing on the much larger picture. Always speaking compassionately and kindly towards others is the best place to begin the dialogue.

The Soul and Mind co-exist together in an energetic reality that greatly influence each other, independent of any religious doctrine or scientific dogma. If you are incarnated in a human body on the earth, it means that both the experiences, and the structures of the mind and soul are intricately enmeshed with your true consciousness. The Soul body is not ruled in its natural existence by any form of Religion, just as the mental body is not ruled in its natural existence through any form of Psychology. Humanity must get past the limitations of polarized thinking and engaging in circular debates that label people who experience their personal Soul nature, as religious zealots or as delusional. As well as opening their hearts to the potential existence that the Soul is consciousness energy, which can be measured and quantified in the day-to-day activities of sentient beings.

Impacts of Scientific Atheism

The Global Mind Control agenda wants all humanist philosophies or direct experiences with our Soul, Spirit or God, defined and catalogued by one of their belief control system intermediaries; Religion, Medical, New Age, Scientific Atheism or Transhumanist community, etc., any one of these store fronts will do. According to some Scientists and Technologists, Soul, Spirit or God is a delusion made up by ignorant, superstitious people that use religion as a crutch, to cover up their own denial and fears of humanities inevitable destiny with death. If we observe the wars, violence and destruction wielded by church going religious megalomaniacs throughout history, the reasons are clear that many educated, scientific and rational minds abandoned the tyranny that they found in religion, and promptly replaced it with some newer version. Although in some atheistic circles, the goals are to promote a humanist world society based upon credible scientific evidence, which is noble and sincere, it cannot achieve beneficial forward progress without acknowledging the vast existence of the nonvisible spiritual energetic realms, such as acknowledging the existence of the Soul. Atheism seeks to terminate the power abuses of religious based prejudices made through the imposition of their own brand of confirmation bias, which is validated by the science communities’ version of informed consensus.

Unfortunately, when people are disconnected from their Soul through the rigid belief that they do not have one, they will not gain higher consciousness or higher sensory perception ability. In order to perceive beyond the illusions of the material world or third dimension, we must connect with our spiritual bodies. When we are connected to higher dimensions of consciousness while in a body, we greatly increase our capacity to perceive the many layers of the spiritual-energetic nature of our reality. Thus, we know that informed consensus between the people on the earth does not yet exist. Earthlings have not been informed of the extraterrestrial nature of our real origins, or the regular intervention and control that is made in planetary affairs by the off-worlders. When the mass population is not informed of the truth in these matters, and is continually lied to in order to base their existence on piles of mass deception, there is no such thing as informed consensus.

Thus, Scientific Atheism has a critical relevance in shaping current systems that control beliefs in the mainstream areas of Science, Medicine and Education, which unequivocally affirm that we are alone in a cosmos devoid of supernatural realms.

The anti-soul agenda seeks to create division through polarization of people’s thinking into holding staunch oppositions that they will defend at all costs in order to win their argument. Their assertion is that there is no credible scientific evidence for the existence of a God, Soul or Spirit. Yet, as we are well aware, there is no acknowledgement of the scientific evidence that validates and describes:

  • Why and how we fall in love,
  • How deep emotional bonds between people communicate telepathically,
  • Human communication with many kinds of supernatural forces and entities,
  • Transcendental, intuitive and empathic consciousness experiences of at-one-ment,
  • Synchronistic events, which hold deep meaning in our lives for no apparent logical reason,
  • Near Death Experiences (NDE’s), proof of Afterlife or Soul Projection into other dimensions.

Millions of people experience these kinds of consciousness experiences throughout the world every day, no matter what kind of belief system they have. Science as it is being controlled today, will never be capable of explaining these consciousness experiences related to our soul, with empirical data based on informed consensus. It is important to always remember, there are beautiful and kind people that can be found within every kind of scientific or medical field. We need to focus on our common humanitarian goals, and always be kind and compassionate to the people involved, no matter what their belief system.

Thoughts Impact Soul Colors

Our thoughts and the way that we think have a great impact upon others, as well as directly impacting the quality of light and frequency that our consciousness directs, which shapes and forms our soul and spiritual bodies.  Positive and loving thoughts emanate intensely bright colors of high frequency light, sound waves and shapes that shift and oscillate within a spectrum of colors throughout the energy field. As the focus of those thoughts shift and change, the pattern of colors in the aura and the quality of the light source, also shifts and changes. The brighter and higher the frequency of light that is generated from our developed consciousness, the more strength and influence, that light source has upon others as well as uplifting the environment. Spiritually strong people have a strong Inner Light that is built upon a foundation of a strong, clear and focused mind and heart.  As the result of developing a strong, clear and focused mind and heart, intensely bright consciousness light travels far and wide, as it spirally reflects outwards from within a spiritually strong human being. Their inner light moves in many directions simultaneously to be absorbed by the souls that are located within the sphere of its energetic influence.  When high frequency light and color is absorbed within the soul-spirit body, this same color and frequency becomes a permanent part of its aura.

Negative and unloving thoughts emit dull, gray and dense colors of very low frequency light and sound waves. These negative thoughts can become things that gather into distorted and grotesque shapes and sometimes, grow to become entities littered throughout the energy field. These dull grey and black colors are dense and form a thick wall of black substance that inhibit or block the person from gathering in and circulating brighter light sources. A person with excessive negativity manifests a black wall that acts as a covering around their body that deflects and repels light away from them. In many cases, this kind of black force surrounding a human body attracts many kinds of negative spirits or satanic forces, which they co-exist with and think is a part of their own identity.

It is important to clarify that recognizing and discerning darkness, shadow entities and black force substance when it is present in the field, is not the same as contributing to negative thoughts and negative energies. When observing satanic entities, or even those dark forces who attack Starseeds and light workers regularly, the goal is to observe them as they are, study their nature and understand that they are disembodied entities, suffering and in bondage to tremendous trauma and pain. Starseeds must learn how to discern these dark forces so that they can deflect and neutralize dark attacks, as well as to defend their right to exist on the earth. The New Age has taught many people to live in denial and only accept the existence of pure light filled benevolent and loving forces on the earth. When we refuse to discern or acknowledge that the darkness exists as a type of consciousness on the earth, we allow ourselves to exist in denial and deception, which make us easy targets for dark force control and manipulation. As we spiritually mature, we will eventually access more of the truth spirit, which observes and discerns all of the varied energies, both dark and light, that make up the many realms of Universal Consciousness.

Destructive Thoughts form Destructive Doorways

When we allow ourselves to express negative thoughts or destructive emotions, these negative energies enter our body and aura through the doorway we have consciously or unconsciously created. When negative thoughts are amplified and made forceful through repeated unchecked negative ego behaviors, the more volume and intensity of the related negative emotional energy and its essences will gather.  When people obsess, ruminate or loop in their mind about something that gives them feelings of anxiety or pain, this behavior grows negative energy like gradually blowing air into a balloon. At some point, when it reaches maximum capacity, that balloon is going to pop, and the contents explode out into the environment.

An example of when there is excessive negative energy accumulated, is when a person loses control of themselves and explodes in a rage of intensely dark negative reactions through an emotional outburst. Sometimes, the person can appear momentarily possessed by these negative emotions, losing control of their personal faculties and not remembering the extent of their outburst. This situation is intensified when a person takes drugs, alcohol or other consciousness altering substances. When negative outbursts occur the vibrating negative energy of that person’s emotional experience, is felt by negative spirits in the dark realms that have the same vibration of negativity. They are attracted to this vibrational essence and tune into the mind of that person, before, during and after the outburst.  Once this negative connection is made, it can serve to amplify the negative thoughts and emotions to be carried out into even more destructive levels. The stronger and more forceful the negative thoughts become inside that person, the more likely it is they will give in to acting out these destructive behaviors, which are being amplified by negative spirits. That person may become rage filled and thus in that moment, be unable to choose their reactions. They may act out destructive actions against themselves or others, even if it goes against their own belief systems. All intrusive negative thoughts and violence are emanated from the source of blackness that makes up satanic and dark forces, and these dark spirits are seen in and around all destructive actions. All actions of destructive violence and insanity that can be observed in the world today are the result of negative spirit influence or satanic possession of a person with massive spiritual wounding. These negative spirits co-exist in our world, from other dimensions in time and space, such as the underworld or dark realms. Negative spirits constantly attempt to take over the human mind and body, to use the human body, by placing the person in dark servitude, in order to carry out the telepathically transferred agenda. Thus, all Imposter Spirits are negative spirits that use mind control and deception to achieve their goals through the manipulation of human beings, at all four levels of their bodies, while existing in the material world.

This is a very real danger for humans in the exact moment of being emotionally triggered into negative emotions. To remain mentally and emotionally able to choose, if that destructive behavior is truly being acted out by personal will, or by allowing our mind and body to be controlled by outside forces.

The critical importance of resisting these negative thoughts and destructive actions that are being falsely projected into our mind and body telepathically, cannot be over emphasized.

The tragic consequences of a person that allows themselves to be controlled by destructive thoughts or negative spirits, which further lead them to commit destructive actions, is that the energetic debt of that destructive action is now the responsibility of the person that has committed the action. If a person commits destructive actions, that person is now in the consent and authority with the dark forces that have mind controlled them to commit that action. As the person carries out repeated spiritually destructive actions, he or she is now subjected to the physical laws or mind control that has been manifested by the dark forces, where that person will not recognize the Soul or be protected by the Natural Laws of God, through their own harmful choices. The Soul is gravely impacted by carrying out destructive actions and the aftermath of this destructive energetic residue is left recorded within the cells of the human body, therefore corrupting the energetic integrity of the entire body, mind and soul. This is especially devastating to the Soul when people commit depraved actions in the name of religion or serving their God, believing that they are committing these heinous acts of destruction in order to rightly justify their violent religious beliefs. These groups of destructive people bring extremely negative energies into their human body, which leads to full blown possession and bondage to these negative spirits, which manifests and aggressively spreads diseases throughout the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual bodies.

Soul Trauma and Disease

There is a subtle balance that exists between the energies of the body, mind and soul which are responsible for the manifestation of states of health, or disease in every person. Soul trauma and constant exposure to negatively stressful circumstances are the cause of all psychiatric disorders and many pathological diseases. Extreme states of stress that are created from negative energies and negative spirits, will cause breaking points or soul fractures in the weakest links within our genetic record and accumulated cellular memories. When these energy fractures occur, they send electromagnetic signals to message in our cells, which record that imbalanced energy into our body systems, and this impairs the functioning of our body, mind and soul. The imbalanced messaging changes the brain chemistry and body metabolism, which may cause a variety of injuries that will manifest from the genetic record of that soul’s trauma. That weak link in the record of the Soul’s trauma is determined from the ancestral record or family genetic connections, until these ancestral records have been cleared from impacting our spiritual bodies. Ancestral genes carry the links to the expression of the accumulated imbalanced behavior or emotions that are recorded in our cells, and that will determine the type of weakness, disorder or disease, that we are susceptible to having.  Negative energies promote diseases and if it continues without correction, it allows for further accumulation of negative emotional energy that deepens the state of disease into the bodily matrices. The determining factor of which kind of disease will manifest is genetically determined and is a function of the memories within our own unique genetics.

Splitting the Mind from the Soul

Without this critical knowledge of the Soul, Psychiatrics as it exists today, covertly exacerbates the NAA spiritual abuse conditioning through its social and biological engineering methods. Thus, it functions to reinforce medical care methods that induce mental body splitting, that ultimately create soul fracturing in the human public. Social Engineering is a type of mind control that seeks to manipulate people from their own right to privacy, into becoming knowledgeable and self-informed, so that the social structure can exploit them with misinformation that is used to take control of their behaviors. The primary method is applied via bullying, intimidation and deception tactics through controlling perception and by generating personal or mass fears, real or imagined in their targets.

Thus, this includes an anti-soul agenda to enforce the basis of standard Psychiatric medical care to be fully governed and regulated by only western medical and military corporate conglomerate interests. These controlling interests only consider the revenue and resources generated from the physical pathologies that they have produced, in order to diagnose the public using their catalogue of pharmaceutically treatable disorders and diseases. Inducing and maintaining disease states to create lifelong medical consumers not only greatly suppresses human consciousness it generates multiple billions in revenue worldwide. The American Psychiatric Association or APA, offers a common language and standard criteria for the classification of mental disorders in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders or DSM. The DSM primarily evolved out of the US Army after World War II. It is currently used by every governing agency that is intricately connected to the many laws and policies that make up the current medical establishment, such as; drug regulation agencies, pharmaceutical companies, medical insurance companies, clinicians, hospitals, the World Health Organization, as well as for military psychological profiling. Naturally, the DSM has tightly guarded copyrights that continue to make millions of dollars just from the publication and distribution of the manual itself.

The combination of growing massive corporate medical and drug profits, damaging bio-neurological functioning through prescribed pharmaceuticals, standardizing psychiatric diagnostic categories for dehumanization agendas, and medically treating humans as soul-less entities, creates the perfect front for the NAA. This allows them to continue to enforce abusive standards of medical care that are intentionally used to split apart the mind from the soul, contributing to the creation of disconnected and violent humans. Medical professionals and patients are indoctrinated to commit and accept the abuse of their fellow human being as appropriate, while stripping them of their human dignity, choice and wellbeing, all in the name of health care. The obvious motivation is that this greatly weakens and confuses many human beings, making them vulnerable to every kind of deception and dark manipulation. This leads to easy forms of mind control, social conditioning to accept anti-human behavior, taking mind altering pharmaceuticals, believing that a pill will cure problems, serious suffering while in disease states, and finally dark force possession.

When we can comprehend the larger picture of what is happening on the earth, the reasons behind this dehumanization agenda in the psychiatric and medical field becomes clearer and clearer. Why would these structures be put in place with the image that they are designed to heal and help people, when the primary motivation of the structure is to make money from the continued suffering and disease of others? Have you noticed the reversals inside these structures, compared to what they are actually marketed to represent? As an example, a medical research organization may represent them selves as devoting millions of dollars in grant money, from drug companies, toward finding a cure for cancer, but in reality they do not want to find a cure because it’s not profitable to the drug companies. It basically becomes a shell company to move money around to the people that play ball with the NAA. The answers lie behind the mechanisms that are used in society to disconnect people from their direct spiritual relationship with Soul, through the same tactics used in Satanic Ritual Abuse.

Abusing Spiritual Principles to Control Minds

We define all forms of hidden, intentional deception and manipulation, applied with the intent to control the minds of other people, so that one believes the abusive content that is being projected into his or her mind is actually being generated from inside themselves, as one clear definition of Satanic Ritual Abuse (SRA). SRA is a trauma-based method used to achieve the result of completely controlling the mind, in order to take complete control over people and further abuse their bodies and souls. Thus, within all structures of mind control used on this earth, the architects behind it, abuse spiritual principles in order to isolate that system of control from the truth of God, Soul or Spirit. Their agenda is to dehumanize all human beings by stating the soul is nonexistent, degrading people purposely into not believing that they are spiritual beings, so that they will become animals that are only capable of animalistic reactions. This way, life itself is not valued or revered, thus committing torture and killing in all forms of life, is made more easily socially acceptable.

A very important principle to understand, that is used to control all people on this earth by the dark forces of Satanism, is to incite fear, anger and confusion toward any concept that describes the nature of God, Soul and Spirit. When people are continually subjected to forms of pain, trauma, grief and loss, when they feel that their only choices are to be the victim or become the victimizer, then people can be easily manipulated to commit and enforce any kind of heinous behavior and depraved action. Through people’s self-hatred, the dark spiritual forces of hatred are directed towards life and all things sacred to the nature of Soul. This is expressed through people’s lack of empathy, to which they have no moral conscience to the pain, harm and suffering that they create. These destructive beliefs and actions deeply wound the mind, body and soul of that person, along with the people that have been subjugated to that dark influence or reign of terror.  People (along with their inner child) may consciously or unconsciously be conditioned to believe that we are condemned to live in a hellish world designed by a hateful God that makes us suffer terribly, because we are bad and sinful creatures. This is what many religions have told the masses. Thus, great efforts are made by the NAA in the global mind control scape to ensure that the people of earth believe that God has rejected them. Or that other people’s Gods are violent and evil and they must be killed, or that the nature of God and Soul is nonexistent and was fabricated by the delusional minds of religious tyranny. This is the NAA mind control setup of humanity rejecting their inner spirit as God. When we hate God or hold fear based concepts about the nature of God, we violently reject our own inner self and Soul light, through that same force of hatred we have been programmed with.

The Worldwide SRA Agenda Summation

Although unpleasant to comprehend, there is a worldwide Satanic Ritual Abuse (SRA) agenda, which promotes the main methods behind the Archontic Deception Strategy that can be easily seen covertly operating in a variety of social structures, such as the medical system. Once we are informed by how this method works to create sociopaths, as it is reinforced in the unconscious minds of the people, we can safeguard and protect ourselves from being further manipulated. It is our informed awareness and spiritual commitment to serve our highest expression that ultimately protects us from being used and abused unconsciously. For this reason, we have summarized the basic recipe for grooming sociopathic minds through SRA methods:

Trauma Based Mind Control for Enslavement: Intentionally create conditions that manifest as much pain, torture and trauma at the earliest stages of childhood, and reinforce and grow that trauma response, into the stages of adulthood, so that spiritual abuse is normalized and accepted within the self, others and in the societal structures. SRA is trauma based mind control used to enslave people.

Abuse Spiritual Principles to Reject Soul: Abuse spiritual principles in all forms of social control that isolate and disconnect that structure and its people from feeling their natural co-existence with unified spiritual consciousness.Intend to groom self-hatred and hatred for that which is most sacred in the spiritual principles of God. Condition people to unconsciously commit grave harm to themselves and to others without feelings of remorse or taking responsibility for personal actions. Introduce and reinforce a variety of anti-Soul ideological beliefs into the public. SRA mind control is used to agitate people to get them to feel rejected, angry, and victimized, to desire retaliation against their oppressors (or others they blame), which sets them up for the bondage loop of consciousness enslavement.

Disassociate, Fragment and Dehumanize People: When people experience extreme pain and trauma abuse, (especially, when trauma events are repeated and never given the ability to heal) they will disassociate from their body and the reality to get relief. At the moment of disassociation, they fragment in their mind, emotional layers and spiritual body. This disconnects their lightbody layers and the functions between the mind and soul, which results in an energetically fractured, dehumanized and extremely fragile self. Abused and abusive people have no sense of emotional coherence, personal boundaries or self-respect, which allows for them to be easily mind controlled and prepared for further dark infiltration and consciousness enslavement. The individuals are purposely dehumanized to think of themselves as animals and to behave as animals (or even less than, generally, animals do not torture for sport). Dehumanized, they are easily fragmented, weakened and confused.

Attract and Spread Negative Spirits and Satanic Forces: Painful spiritual fragmentation creates energetic splitting behaviors, which disconnects all components of the many layers that exist within the human being, separating aspects of their consciousness into different realms of time and space. An example is the agenda to split apart the inner female from the inner masculine consciousness to produce external sexual misery and misogyny. This internal split and fracture of the Soul attracts negative spiritual entities that can form attachments.  They take advantage of energetic weakness by manipulating that person’s pain, in order to gain further access, to control some layer of their mind, body or spirit. The negative entity feeds on the energy yielded from the source of pain that human being creates. This cycle of parasitism increases the spiritual wounding, which will produce sub personalities.

Produce Alternates and Sub Personalities to take Control over the Body: In severe cases of mental splitting when the extreme pain drives that person into disassociation, at the moment the person disassociates from their body, the soul-psyche manifest coping mechanisms to survive. To disassociate from the painful trauma felt in the body, the soul and mind will split into sub personalities, or create alternate identities. These are called alters. Disassociation and hidden alters with demonic binding are especially common in rape cases and with extreme physical brutality. The alters are hidden in the unconscious mind by the fears of the inner child, which act to protect the conscious mind or the physical body from perceiving any more painful trauma. Many times people cannot remember exactly what has happened to them, until they have another major injury, or are hypnotically regressed, or brought into altered states of consciousness. It is common for the person to remember what happened to them many years later, because they have blacked out the time period where the extreme trauma abuse had occurred. Many people ignore past extreme trauma because they feel pressures to survive in the world. Alters can be unintentionally created from splitting during any kind of traumatic event, or specifically created and programmed as identity attachments that have certain belief systems. Alters that are programmed with specific belief systems can perform certain functions automatically and unconsciously, when they are triggered into that specific behavior. Alternate identities are used in programing minds when blank slating or consciousness wiping methods are used. People that have many alters, also have many satanic bindings to those alters, and they lose control over many aspects of their own mind, body and Soul, as a result. Most people are not aware they have sub personalities, and yet this is extremely common on planet earth. The sub personalities are what are easily suggestible to forms of mind control programming, and will act out these behaviors when they are triggered to do so. When people go unconscious and lose control of their mind or body, such as flying into rages where they cannot remember what actually happened, it is because they have an alternate identity that took control over their body. This alter is generally also being manipulated by a negative entity or satanic force. There are black military programs that create assassins to kill on command, using trigger words, based upon SRA programming methods of spiritual abuse. These can be partial attachments made to programmable alters or full negative spirit possessions. A person with hidden alters created through trauma abuse, can easily flip flop between many different profiles of personality, that they show as a mask to the public.  Essentially, they are actors and actresses in a movie that is being directed by negative spirits or satanic forces, in which they are not aware they are participating.

Falsified Projections for creating Destructive Acts, Self-Deception and Escapism: Negative entities (both human and non-human) intentionally create more pain and trauma in a person they perceive as weaker, to get them to commit actions that will place that person’s mind and soul in bondage and servitude to their agenda. Victim-Victimizer programming is reinforced throughout society to incite thoughts of disconnection and powerlessness. Negative entities act as the Imposter, imposing on people’s minds. They falsely project negative behaviors, images and actions, in order to get the person to believe that the harmful option is the only way out of their pain, trauma and anxiety. Or believe that the false projection is the escape path that will bring them bliss and happiness. The reality is that when the person commits the self-destructive action, it amplifies and accumulates painful energies, which makes the sensation of inner pain or addiction much worse. In cases of astral bliss, the person lives in a delusional state in order to avoid any discomfort or pain that would be caused, if they were to really see the truth of what happened.

Believing Deceptive Lies form Demonic Bindings and Astral Cords: Anytime we reject the truth to remain comfortable within our beliefs, or from our fears of self-annihilation, we easily accept lies. When a person believes the negative thoughts they received from a negative entity, are actually coming from their own mind, and they act out that destructive behavior, the entity is successful in deceiving them. This manifests as splitting, with astral cords or satanic bindings. Generally, entities use an emotional bait hook based on manipulating the type of pain or trauma that person carries. The dark force will bind itself to the wounds of that person, through the consent that was made during the destructive behaviors that person has acted out in the past or present. When people allow negative and unloving people access to their genitals, sexual bindings and entities can also be passed through intercourse.  Now that person is being drained and manipulated by a dark attachment that has corded itself to some part of that human’s body.

Producing Sociopaths and Psychopaths: Finally, when the person reaches their breaking point and cannot take the painful trauma anymore, they disassociate and lose the ability to access emotional feelings through a broken and blackened heart. Some of these people reincarnate again and again, in this wounded and splintered Soul state, reliving the same traumas repeatedly. Maybe they use forms of escapism through drug use, addictions or other ways to numb out and withdraw. Maybe they decide to be victimizers, to continue the abuse cycle to inflict the incredible pain that they have suffered at the hand of others. One thing is certain, people are being used as pawns in the checkerboard SRA game of the NAA, and many are unaware of the spiritual reality in which we are living. The lack of empathy and compassion we have for ourselves, as well as for the many serious abuses that are committed against others, is what produces narcissists, sociopaths and psychopaths. When the human heart is broken and the Soul is disconnected, it generates extreme distortions of sick and diseased behavior. These are the main goals behind the Worldwide SRA Agenda.

Educating the Spiritual Community to Compassionately Witness

If we disregard the spiritual dimensions of mind-control slavery and its history of experimentation on the human public, as it is happening on the earth, then we are neglecting to see the foundations of the entire mind control system that stems from the NAA. Many of these SRA methods that relate to creating the desired results of mass human puppeteering, were given to the Germans under Hitler, by the Nordic Aliens that are connected to the Black Sun Programs. The primary vehicle for SRA programming is to incite total terror in their victims by finding ways to repeatedly invoke that terrorism and fear without reprieve from the pain and anxiety.  To incite total terror into their victims, the SRA programmer and NAA Controller, intends to gain absolute control over every aspect of that person.

As a result, many SRA victims have deep phobias and powerful fears that they will never be believed that these horrific abuses have been committed against them. Many therapists that are trained in mainstream medicine and Psychiatry severely traumatize SRA victims further, by denying the authenticity of their experiences. Traditionally, psychiatrists have treated these victims as if their abuse is nothing more than psychotic delusions and nonsense, instilling in them even more traumatic feelings of guilt, shame and fears of ridicule. For an SRA victim to overcome their incredible internal fears to tell the truth publicly, after many years of threats to not to tell their story, is a humongous obstacle of pain for them to overcome. As a part of the spiritual community, we must become aware of the fact that rampant abuses are committed every day to the human race, through a variety of SRA methods. The Psychology profession is not equipped to address any of the mental or spiritual dimensions of humanity, let alone validate the existence of the incredible trauma involved in SRA. Total non-judgment and compassionate witnessing for these individuals is desperately needed, while being aware of the propaganda to tell the public that SRA does not exist, and is a made up fantasy from a group of psychotic people.

The truth is difficult, but it is what sets us free, along with nurturing our direct relationship with the power of God’s eternal loving spirit. All forms of denying the existence of the spiritual dimensions, ultimately generates deceptive harm in our life. We cannot reject the very nature of what and who we are as spiritual beings, and must recognize that we are sharing this earth with many other kinds of spiritual forces. We have a physical body and mind, but they are interconnected and intricately enmeshed with our Soul and Spirit, thus, we need to integrate all of our bodies to help bring them back into balance, to be able to heal the true heart of humanity.

We pray that these words are united in one heart as consecrated to the sacred self-sovereign eternal light of God, held inside the love-light power of truth telling and self-knowledge, that is dedicated to serve the complete authority of the Christos-Sophia. The Fallen, the satanic hierarchies, have no power or authority here, under any Imposters name.  We pray to God, to Humanities Collective Soul, and to the Holy Spirit of our Cosmic and True Mother, to release, transit and purge all devices and structures used to promote suffering in human beings that connect them to the fallen entities of the satanic spirits, you are cast out and have no authority here! We call upon the Spirits of Christ, the Spirit of Purity, to flood this work and its energetic container to be fully represented in the eternal power and authority that is the Cosmic Christos Consciousness. May peace be with you, in body, mind, heart and soul.

Please only take what is useful for your spiritual growth and discard all the rest. Thank you for your courage and bravery to be a truth seeker.

I am God, Sovereign, Free!

Until next, stay in the luminosity of your Avatar Christos Sophia heart path. Please be kind to yourself and each other. GSF!

With a Loving heart, Lisa



Copyright. Creative Commons by SA 3.0

This article originally posted HERE.


Summer Energy Doorway

June Newsletter

by Gillian MacBeth-Louthan, Quantum Awakening

June, 2016

Hey Ya’ll, whew what a month so far! All I can say about this summer energy doorway is ‘whoa nellie’.

The livingness of mercury and Gemini is so animated it is like an unrehearsed ballet of ice road truckers. Just like the vibration of liquid mercury it moves in un-harnessed fashion doing what it wants to do when it wants to do it.The Gemini twins are both identical and fraternal of nature. They mirror each other but they also refract each other. They really do not want to see their true reflections in this earthly hall of mirrors.  Unpredictable is the word for this season of restructure. Restructure comes in a fashion like you just hired beavers to do construction on your house. Everything is turned upside down (cancel clear) and just like a toddler giggling upside down on a couch you are seeing the world at a new and different approach.

What we once thought was our truth has left the building along with Elvis and the seven dwarfs. Who we once thought we were is no longer viable in this dimension. Our cages have been officially raddled and we can feel the energy coming forth as we breathe. All of us have held a dream in our heart for so long it has become a part of us. We still have not seen that dream birthed no matter how hard we try or pray or let go. The very reason this dream has not been birthed in this time and day is the fact that we are no longer in a place where that dream need to come forth as a physical manifestation. Each dream in our heart is something our soul wanted to achieve while on earth. Each dream once held a key, an answer a heart fulfillment, that was necessary to the divine plan. Much of that has changed and now our hearts and souls seek something new, something else, something magical and divine to fill this noticeable empty spot in our human being.

The problem is that we are not finding what will fill us, what will motivate us, or what will save us, on this dimensional platform. Seems we are stuck in-between trains and the conductor is out to lunch. In this grows a great frustration. we know we are destined to do more, be more, to know more,  than a regular human. We have felt the mission/so to speak/ our entire life. now we feel nothing and that is the scariest thing of all. The human soul need a mission, it need to know it is important, it needs to know it is needed on some level. That is how you know we are not virtual or living in a matrix, but driven by an invisible need to fulfill and invisible need. No components in that algorithm.

Right now we drift in outer and inner space not hooked up to anything, like a red balloon that has gotten away from a child. We just float wanting to latch onto an island or two, wanting to land somewhere, but it seems that is not to happen yet. We are learning to let go, to trust, to just be without a so called ‘mission’ for a while. And that is one scary place to be. In the mean time fill your human being with more kindness, more love, and simple joys.

Earth does not keep the same shape on a daily basis she breathes in and out expands and contracts. Because of that spatial expansion and tightening we all float like an island that moves ever so slightly with the changing ocean. We are no longer attached to any outcomes as they have taken flight and now are on their own. we know where we belong but the winds of change are powerful and push us off course into a place we would not chose to pursue on our own. Like a falling acorn, we allow nature to cushion our fall.

Dimensional riff is not a place for scaredy cats. Stargates open and close on many levels issuing decrees in an ancient language and sound.   Liquid solutions to the earthly heaves and hoes are not to be had at this intersection of time. Learning to float in a sea of debris is ‘a must’. The codes of light you asked for come forth as you trudge thru the summer learning’s..  Like a carpenter bee you will learn to skate the highways and byways of dimensional conversion. This ‘mother of all holograms’ will support the billions of smaller projections within her own body like a salmon before it gives birth upstream.

Just like trying on clothes you will see many different perspectives of your inner and outer self. Imagine your life filled with open doorways and unlimited possibilities. Will you pick a vowel or will you stay as a consonant. Will you fill in the blanks of your hearts desires or will you allow others to paint the pictures of your future.  Like one who misinterprets cave paintings every school of thought has many angles. It is the angles them selves that create shadow, it is in the shadows we meet our self’s.

Let the guiding star that lives in you, guide you like the magi. Verification codes of authenticity are revealed in a timeless sequence of serendipitous events.  Smiles come to the face of the old ones that know… frowns come to the face of the young ones that think they know.  Your faces show the map of worry as lines are crossed creating new constellations and new life roads are explored. We are all under construction. Sometimes a road once traveled ends; sometimes barriers are built for a divine reason.

We will be forced out of our cocoons of safety and protection. We will be asked to journey through places that we never thought we could fit. We will be a mirror reflection for others to see that shift and change and an open heart are all places of safety in the harbor of light. Like cave paintings on the bottom of a corallized sea, only snippets of certainty can be whittled away before the ocean foliage covers it again.

We all walk forward with our hearts in our hands on bended knee with humble thoughts. We, who wear the Codes of Light, do so throughout time, never ceasing to trust what lives in our divine blueprint.  We all have been cut from a blessed cloth and sewn into a holy vessel that seeks the seas of earth.


Copyright 2016.

Gillian MacBeth-Louthan
PO box 217
Dandridge, Tennessee 




This article originally posted HERE.


The New Self

The New Self:  Unity, Truth and the Ascension

by Sandra Walter, Creative Evolution

May 31, 2016

turquoise ascension

Blessings Beloved Light Tribe,

The energetic shift of the June 4-6 Gateway is upon us. Gatekeepers, we are opening Wednesday, which should be powerful paired with our Wednesday Unity Meditations. This leads us into four months of new, new, new; the New HUman, the New Earth, the New Paradigm reveals itself more clearly than ever. The Christed Ascension timelines will be empowered, energized and accelerated to align with the 2017 influx (the three flashes of light discussed last year.) Let us not get ahead of ourselves; we need to complete each phase properly so the highest possibilities play out. The focus is on this Now month of June and its remarkable gifts.

The collective tends to delay empowerment (inaction, fears, doubts, the waiting game). However, a huge portion the collective who have embraced Ascension practices, faced their personal fears, and shed their negative emotional constructs are prepared to face the Truth; the True Self that resonates with Divine Unconditional Love, Embodiment of the Creator Self, and a lifestream devoted to Service to the whole. This Gateway is a grand opportunity for the high-vibe collective to raise the collective consciousness. We can assist everyone, even those trapped in fear, obsession with conspiracy, obsession with the past, or negative behavior and judgment. Lightworkers have been doing this for decades, and we are about to receive a very potent boost in light quotient. Remember it amplifies everything; as always, get clear on what is and is not in resonation with your True Self.

Taking a Peak at the Blueprints – The Larger Overview

Energies will be streaming into the Solar System over the next four months aimed at transforming the collective to align with a higher Ascension timeline. On a macro level, that means progress towards disclosure, political changes, and movement towards a healthier financial system. The micro level is you – every single individual – facing the Truth of their own creation and making choices to disclose, reveal, and embrace the True Self. You assist the macro through the micro of your personal thoughts and vibration. The collective may choose to slow the process down through low vibrational thoughts, emotions, behaviors (not helpful, but we cannot force you to be positive), however revelation energies will be hard to sidestep. Vibration = vibration. Low vibes are set for self-destruction during this process. It applies to individuals as much as it does to governments. Take note of how that is presenting for you, and make changes accordingly.

Technically, we all became different beings in December 2012. Afterward, we spent three years on the Mastery path (the traditional three years of service of the Christed template), went through the four Equinox – Blood Moon Gateways, and then eliminated the false timelines and programs which kept the collective looping in false realities at the end of 2015. As always, these events take some linear time to settle into our collective perception.

Next up is the June – September personal/global disclosure amplification. Personally I already have ET contact, communicate with interdimensional beings, and talk to the Sun. I understand that the general population needs to hear this from a traditional leader, the military (or a man) in order for it to be *real* for them. Honestly nothing is as real as personal experience, which is why I teach the Ascension process. Until your heart opens to Source, until the unknown becomes known, the mind, ego and emotions will recreate the same default reality. Without knowing the truth of Love or your True Self, other agendas can dominate your default reality. This is a passage to override and do away with the default reality in the collective consciousness.

Disclosure from a political leader is something the asleep collective needs (and many awakened) in order to speak their truth. This step comes with a big release of emotions, beliefs, and thousands of years of disharmony, so it won’t be easy for most. That is why we take the pre-emptive action of Unity meditations, embodiment of the Christed state, and moment-by-moment choices to speak and act from the Heart, in order to create balance.

Spiritual Disclosure

Many on the Ascension Path will be experiencing a full-blown embodiment of the Christed state this year. With that vibration surging through the noosphere, everything accelerates. Everything. That primes us for a strong acceleration after September, which will send us rolling right into 2017 and the three flashes of light. Powerful and pure, divinely encoded light waves which permanently shift the vibration of the collective to a higher state. How strong this will be, how it unfolds, and what it does to each individual – or the almighty *when* question – is not shared. While it looks like a powerful event, it feels seamless, Divine. In a way, it feels like it already occurred for many, who are now hanging back to help out. I’ll speak more about this next week on Lauren Galey’s Quantum Conversations broadcast.

I have no attachment to whether or not we can accomplish this. So far, everything on the higher timeline has unfolded since 2011. We always manage to get the work done. This projection feels attainable because of the choices the Light Tribe will make over the next four months. The resonation of the unified Heart grid, the Source-Spark of the True Self will become amplified – by conscious choice. The first embodiers (embodiment of unique expressions of Christ consciousness) will demonstrate the True HUman in every action, word, deed, and creation. It shows HUmanity an alternative way of being. With the energies aimed at revelation, this becomes the greatest revelation on the agenda; what a real HUman is, why Gaia is transforming to accommodate a population of higher vibrational beings, and the overarching cosmic agenda of a New Paradigm of Divine Love and Peace.

2016: Non-Linear Acceleration

This year continues the bizarre sensation of walking between worlds; it feels like we are holographically here, and not fully here in form. This is just the beginning of Multidimensional awareness. We’re in many places, spaces and experiences at once. It becomes a more Source-like experience; a fractalized and brilliant creation. We take advantage of the thinning veils to get to know our Multidimensional Self. With focus and practice, we engage with multiple timelines and dimensions at once; the great unification of Self with Source. So naturally, we won’t feel like we used to.

We free ourselves from the old repetitive lifestream and take on the unknown with grace, ease, and enthusiasm. We shed the old Self like a costume; it just doesn’t make sense to recreate that any longer. We reach the end of an era, and ask, What Am I Now? We authentically answer with our work, our actions, our words, our services in order to Wayshow the Now Truth.

Time plays with our perception here, stretching out the affects of photonic waves and the Shift agenda like cosmic hang-time, while simultaneously speeding up our days. This year is the great in-between for many; you may remember that 2016 was missing for me. It disappeared from my awareness last November as the Gatekeeper focus went to the 2017 wave. And yet I still experience being here, day after day, receiving and being in Service, expanding and embracing the New. My Higher Levels tell me that will change in June, as our Service work steps into a new phase to compliment these revelation waves.

You are getting kicked out of the cave, Beloveds. While the entire experience of Ascension is conscious choice, those who have been in pursuit of Ascension (first wave, second wave) will receive tremendous support for every positive risk, creation, or act of empowerment you dare to take. Awakening will happen to the collective by proxy due the laws of quantum physics; those leveling up in their Ascension pull the rest of Humanity up by quantum effect.

This is an active, beautiful passage for the Ascension-focused collective to exercise their well-earned Creator muscles – and it has nothing to do with power over the dark, recreating busy-ness, or influencing other’s free will. Creator consciousness is peaceful, active, Divine. Embodiers have noted that the Christed experience is of neutrality; being a conduit for the Higher Selves. Becoming Source Presence on Earth. However it cannot be done from behind closed doors. You are needed. You are valuable. Your heart is Source; an inexhaustible treasure when you let go of fears and doubts leftover from the old Self. Whatever keeps you limited is self-imposed. It is time to test the new boundlessness, and unify as a collective force of Source on this planet. With our faith in Divinity, each other and ourselves, we usher in the next phase of Ascension.

Upcoming Events and Services

Wednesdays in June: Unity Meditations at 8:11am, 11:11am and 5:11pm PDT. Join us for 30 minutes as we unify the HUman Heart grid in Divine Love. See this post for details and a free Christ Light guided meditation download.

Thursday, June 9th: Quantum Conversations with Lauren Galey – Live show! Subscribe to the Newsletter for details.

Private Sessions with Sandra: Available in June, book HERE.

Ascension Path online class: always open for enrollment. Join us HERE.

In Love, Light and Service,


©2016 Sandra Walter – Creative Evolution


This article originally posted HERE.


Anchoring True Wisdom

Anchoring True Wisdom Within

by Shanta Gabriel

May 29, 2016

Inspiration for the Week

For this week, the message from Archangel Gabriel is reminding us that when we treat ourselves with loving-kindness, we open the doors to new levels of Wisdom within life.

The Gabriel Message Card for this Week

True Wisdom and Pure Love go hand in hand. You must love all of yourself before Pure Wisdom takes solid root within you.

Recently I have noticed themes that have centered around the necessity to love myself through the intensity of life I am experiencing at this time.

Becoming a blended being, integrating our most divine selves with our most human, has been a great challenge. We see ourselves growing and know in our hearts how we want to relate to others and show up in the world, and yet we often fall short of our intentions. At these times, being compassionate and patient can be difficult.

What is clearly necessary is that I come into alignment with what I am asking for in my life. This is that infamous Law of Attraction that we all know about. To be in harmony with this cosmic law, I am required to consciously monitor my attitude about my life and how I am feeling about myself.

I have noticed that I like certain aspects of myself much better than others. In the past, there were parts of my personality that I was extremely judgmental about, and these judgments outweighed my attention to all the delightfully talented, beautiful and positive parts of myself. Self-criticism seemed to be the most prevalent attitude I held about how I was progressing in life. Finally I found that when I give myself the compassion and caring expression that I most need, things flow much easier. If I focus on how hard things are and how badly I am handling my life, it only seems to get worse.

That downward spiral is a difficult one to get out of, because we just keep attracting more of the same vibrational frequency that we are expressing in our field. Life is more graceful when I can remember that there is a divine wholeness within me that balances all the many aspects of my being. Those parts that are not my best can only improve when I stop focusing my wrath at them, and instead accept their presence as expressions of my humanity.

As a spiritual being enjoying an earthly life, it is paramount that I flood those special areas with Divine Light and my blessings. When I do that, the most curious thing occurs. I love those unruly parts of me like a new puppy. This outlook helps me accept all that seemed out of harmony as too much energy expressing in the wrong places, and I begin to look with more kindness at my ongoing process of blending the divine with my human self.

Even though we have been told it is wrong and selfish to focus on our own happiness, my sense of self seems to be a key in attracting more of what I want in life. When I don’t give myself loving-kindness, I am cut off from the Divine connection that is the most important thing to me.

When I remember this truth, it dramatically changes my interaction with the myriad aspects of my personality. It is obvious that when my energy frequencies are uplifted, I live in a more expansive and happy state of being, which then attracts more love from people around me and new opportunities into my life.

Loving myself through the process of becoming a blended being appears to be the most essential attitude I can bring to my life as I learn to navigate the 5D world. When I can do this as the first thing I offer to my innocent heart instead of the last resort, life becomes much more graceful, and my inner being settles into a greater sense of peace. It seems to be a very prayerful process. And for me that really is True Wisdom.

Divine Presence,

Thank you for helping me to gain strength in becoming more loving toward myself and all beings. I am grateful that you are opening my mind and heart to the Pure Wisdom that is within me at all times.

I ask to bring more patience and compassion into my being so that I can truly live in loving-kindness with myself and all of humanity. In this way I know I can better serve my Soul as well as the Earth in her evolution. And so it is.

Shanta Gabriel
May 29, 2016


The Gabriel Messages #17

True Wisdom and Pure Love go hand in hand. You must love all of yourself before Pure Wisdom takes solid root within you.

Dear One,

When you receive pure love from your Divine Source and offer it to yourself, your life will transform. Loving yourself means that you accept yourself as a student of life. You know that you are growing every day, and deep within is the spark of enlightened consciousness that is God. Focusing on this place of Divine Light will assist it to grow. When the light of Divine love grows, it enlightens your mind and heart so you see your life from a more expanded perspective. This allows you to tap into the graceful flow of the universe and to live in more peace and harmony.

Loving yourself includes being able to see the tricks of ego and the aspects of your personality that could be improved. After you see clearly, bless these parts of yourself. This blessing energy will allow the love of God to flow through you. Your fears will drop away, and you will operate from a loving heart in every moment.

If self-criticism created perfection, you would be perfect by now. It doesn’t work that way, so be kind to yourself. You are in a human body on the earth plane to gain an education. Your soul’s growth is in the direction of perfection, but it’s a process.

You are like a lump of coal becoming a diamond. It does no good to hate the rough form and wish it were a diamond. What it takes is a step-by-step process, with the proper tools, applied with diligence and care.

Recognize your incredible potential to be a diamond. Allow the Angels to assist the process of sanding your rough edges. Know it takes some time, and love yourself for caring enough about your world that you want to be the best you can be.

Be as patient and caring with yourself as you would with a little child. Hold fast to the light of God within you. Ask for assistance from the Angels and trust the process. You are becoming stronger and more beautiful every day. Know you are incredibly loved and you deserve all the good life has to offer.

Remember your message from Archangel Gabriel today:

True Wisdom and Pure Love go hand in hand. You must love all of yourself before Pure Wisdom takes solid root within you.

Shanta Gabriel for Archangel Gabriel May 29, 2016 TheGabrielMessages.com


Copyright Shanta Gabriel 2016.

This article originally posted HERE.


Owning Your Ascension

June Gateway:  Owning Your Ascension

by Sandra Walter, Creative Evolution

May 26, 2016

Blessings Beloved Light Tribe,

Feel into this message; there is a lot presenting for the next four months as the May acceleration settles in. We are about to experience why May was so strong and transformative. That second preparatory wave of 2016 really pushed for the New Self to emerge. Denying it can crush the lower Self, so if you are experiencing doubt, fear, or confusion, get on board with the New Self decisions now, before this energy intensifies beginning of June.

June 4-6 were on last year’s Gateway list for 2016. As we approach this passage, the end of the Resurrection cave phase sends us into June with a sense of owning the New Self. If this is not presenting for you, this is your work for the end of May: Choosing to step fully into the embodiment of the New Self. Your Truth, Your Higher Choices, Your Creative Expression of the Christed Self. You are responsible for your creation, and there is great amount of freedom, harmony and Divine Love available right now. Vibration = vibration. Choose your bandwidth wisely.

The Next Four Months: A Divine opportunity for Embodiment

At last the first embodiers are emerging from the cave. We are inspired with new creations, new intuitions about our journeys, new ideas and a broader perspective on this cosmic shift. You’ll need to get to know your New Self, and shed what does not serve – again – from this higher level. The intensity of the harmonics, light waves, and adjustments to the physical container are shifting continuously. Your moment-to-moment intentions and choices are key to your comfortability with the cellular level. When the more intense photonic waves hit the physical, be present with it – there is much to receive during this passage which will not only prepare the physical for embodiment, but also give clarity on what needs to stay or go in your personal journey.

Stepping out of the cave made us flinch a bit (some folks crawled back in). Emergence will be unavoidable for first embodiers in June. No more hiding; face the fear of exposing the True Self. The energies push the envelope for change, higher choices, and creating a life in alignment with the New Self. Resurrection (embodiment of the Higher Self) is a very physical process, however it is not all about the physical structure. We have a small vessel attempting to hold very large aspects of Self; like squeezing a star into a pebble. We become conduits of Solar beingness while in form, because the True Self is huge. This is why we practice expansion; so the light does not destroy the physical. It is still a very physical process, however our expanded consciousness understands the larger picture, so integration of codes, harmonics, and adjustments come faster and more frequently than ever.

Surrendering to the Cosmic Truth

To make it easier on the physical, we drop the veils, release the density. Density presents as separation in this realm. Wherever you can shed old habits, beliefs, judgment, fear, doubt, or hiding the True Self, you greatly affect the collective process of Ascension. You also sidestep physical and emotional discomfort by being in alignment with the light. Disclosure is on the agenda for this passage. Stronger contact experiences are on the agenda. Empowerment is on the agenda. Permanent shifts in the collective consciousness are on the agenda. These cosmic agendas are possibilities put in place by us – our future selves – and now we cross paths with them. The consistent incoming light is unavoidable; Collectively we have created something brilliant. Individually, we can struggle with inevitable change or embrace an absolutely beautiful experience.

Our year of Revelation continues to disclose personal acts of disharmony, as it simultaneously presents the collective with the choice to push for global disclosure. Christed embodiers won’t feel the tension or anxiety of disclosure; that is a lower timeline experience of density dropping away. No worries if you aren’t worried. It doesn’t mean you aren’t grounded; it simply means you understand most of HUmanity still requires this step, and that something larger is going on. Yes, it will be a great release for the collective (and create emotional turmoil, hence the balancing act of others embodying a much higher frequency). Most of you have transcended lower agendas, do not participate in fears, or the fascination with the past. We witness the effect of disclosure on the collective, and assist as conduits of Divine Neutrality; an active state of Presence consistently resonating in Unconditional Love.

Gatekeepers have been witnessing other timelines quickly playing out and dropping off; scenarios play out in parallel realms as the Ascension timeline grows stronger. The flash card or quick-flicker images have been prevalent since December as the preparatory waves do their work. The pineal is getting very busy; we remember what it is like to have this gland working properly. DMT production is stepping up, and the blissy sensations are a lovely compliment to the heart center.

June – September: Revelation Accelerator

Many in the light Tribe are going to experience the next level of Ascension over the next four months. This begins in June, and is a conscious choice of Wayshowership. The effect on the collective (which is the point of this service) as this wave of photonic transformation arrives will be powerful. Embodiment for some, active participation in the Ascension process for others. A steady stream of awakening means steady amounts of compassionate support will be needed. Remember your Divine Feminine aspects: hold space for others to have their experience. Don’t judge or overwhelm them with intel or instruction, that is not helpful – especially if you are clinging to old intel, or stories of the past. Share your stories from the heart, get the new services aligned with where you are right now. All must resonate with love, honesty and integrity. Co-creation brings fresh light to your Services; this is about Unity.

Everyone will have to be very flexible as the vibrational levels change, and reveal what is the NowTruth. It is not complimentary to regurgitate history as we make a quantum leap. In brief, a vibrational mismatch in your fields (fear and love trying to cohabitate) will get very uncomfortable. Stay open to the New, and stay open to contact from your Higher Levels. You Higher Levels (your higher aspects and your Divine Teams) merge with you as you go through the Ascension process. Willingness to surrender the old Self, old stories, and all of the past journeys are key to a smooth embodiment. Look to your Wayshowers for guidance; there is great wisdom and perspective available from the folks who faced the unknown ahead of the crowd.

Fortunately the Christed state runs on Source auto-pilot, so your Higher Self will direct as a Presence through the physical. You’ll be directed through the heart to share, prepare, or be in certain places at certain moments in order to assist. Much of the Christed work at that level is serving as a conduit. Rather than fixing or healing things like the egoic Gods of old, the new vibration is empowering the collective through Unity, and just being a higher vibrational Presence on Earth auto-corrects whatever presents for healing around us. But you do have to own that state of consciousness, without doubt.

Unity Meditations: Get on Board

Co-creation is a necessary step for Humanity to rise into collective consciousness. We have seen this with the Wednesday Unity meditations; healing, activations and deep peace are experienced when we unify in Divine Neutrality. The Wednesday Unity Meditations will continue through June before they evolve to the next level. Right now it is about strength in numbers, so if we choose to Unify as a group, we grow stronger in our new Light skills.

Gaia and the New Harmonic

As the light steadily rises, Gaia’s harmonics increase (incredibly high-frequency tones – you can hear them) and dissolve the lower reality. The Light Tribe is responsible for showing the way to the higher reality; the lower reality will eventually fade out when it is not needed any longer. Kindwhile, we walk between realities on Gaia, and many other realms, as we level up. Personally, I find it fascinating. Thank goodness we comprehend what is unfolding, and accept the unknown as the new norm. The Higher Realms have always said that Divine HUmans are dynamic, brilliant beings. Let us own that birthright – our decision to Ascend in a HUman form – right here, right now.

This new light level sends us into acceleration next week. Let us realize how strong, wise and prepared we are for this profound passage for our Ascension. It is time for all to step fully into ownership; truly OWN your creation, your True Self, the reality you are consistently creating and co-creating. How truly blessed we are to be aware of what is happening, where this is going, and have the experience at the same time. Multidimensional awareness is brilliant; let us all encourage each other to own our Ascension as the Unified consciousness of HUmanity.

In Love, Light and Service,


©2016 Sandra Walter – Creative Evolution


This article originally posted HERE.


Find Your Truth

Find Your Truth

by Jamye Price, Crystalline Soul Healing

May 19, 2016

Find Your Truth


Blessed Being, you have an inner mechanism of communication and connection. The experience of life on Earth shapes your inner and outer action, your interaction. As you move through this exciting time of change, you are learning to blend your inner and outer experiences into a more coherent, focused beam (being) of Love.

As you discover your ability to focus on Love and harmonize your experience, often there is a peak experience or a peak desire to shift your life. Sometimes this comes from feeling great love, other times from feeling great sorrow, yet both can be a catalyst for improvement. This saturation of Love sparks your hope that you can change your experience.

When you explore the many facets of Love, you discover a contradiction of the extremes of Love and its opposite. What do you do with that? Are you able to observe humanity and its extreme or harmful choices while still maintaining your focus of Love? Are you able to observe yourself and that which you are “responsible for creating” and feel no guilt, fear, or frustration?

Life on Earth Shapes Your Interactions by Jamye Price

This process of becoming a conscious creator and harmonizing your Self into a coherent being of Love has its extremes. It calls you to build your strength such that you are able to maintain your own powerful Love amidst chaos. This is the peace that passes all understanding, the peaceful power that is not logical, it’s focused beyond the circumstance of the moment and into the potentials that are being catalyzed by the experience.

To Find Your Truth, your internal strength is required such that you can and will listen to your heart.

To listen to the heart, you must hear past the desire of the ego that wants from fear or lack. To hear your heart, listen in the calm of a moment, noticing your detached compassion for self and others. This is why meditation is such a powerful tool, it teaches you to quiet the mind into a stillness that offers a better ability to hear your Truth. Your detached compassion offers a neutrality that is open to new form. It is a vital component of change. Find your detached compassion within, and you access your Truth more easily.

As we sit to Blast Find Your Truth, we are relaxing into a still moment of timeless Love. We are hearing the call of Love within every experience. We are soothing the Self into a new perspective of hope, letting go of fear and lack that keeps us spinning in a state of confusion. We are listening to the Self first, and soothing the pain into strength, as we recognize that all the Love we have ever wanted has been gently calling us to take the next step toward it. We are finding the Self and discovering the cosmos in the space within. Blast on!


Copyright © 2005-2016 | Crystalline Soul Healing


This article originally posted HERE.



Heart Keys

Are Your Heart Keys Open?

by Corrina Steward, NHPD

May 19, 2016

Dear Hearts,

I am floating after an amazing day last Saturday of “mini-retreating” with some of my closest Heart Dreamers teaching the Heart Keys…

It’s got me inspired to write to you to tell you WHY I feel so committed to helping you open your Heart Keys…the sacred Heart Virtues that turn on your new brain, the HEART!

I also want to share a video with you (…it was recorded, early in the morning after very little sleep, but see that’s how fired up I am about what is happening for me and others with the Heart Keys; and if you join me in the next 8-weeks you may get used to my sleepy, smiling face :)).



What I am experiencing in my life, this giddiness, this flow…is why I developed the “Living the Heart Intelligence” weekly video course. (Full details at the registration link below)

I finally get “it”.  And what is that “it”?  It’s that while we can study all the technical, spiritual techniques (as I’ve taught!) to tune our hearts into the right dial for healing and manifestation, it’s the Heart Virtues, the simplicity of Compassion, Service, Gratitude and Truth that create an authentically heart-centered human and life that oozes with joy.

I designed this course to teach you how to live again.  

After being in the trenches of Ascension, if you’re like me, my life needed to be re-built…re-established in the ordinary, yet, extraordinary, everyday joys….

I’ve needed this course.  Merging Heaven and Earth is my next step.  I know that it is for many of you too.  Whether you’re just starting on your heart journey or you’re a seasoned heart paver, Heaven and Earth are calling.

So, let’s do this together!  We start the Heaven and Earth living June 6th…but you can begin today…


(Early Bird pricing ends May 23rd.)

Everyone who joins gets two free Heart Virtues transmissions emailed to your inbox immediately.  These are from the “Igniting Your Heart Dream” retreat…these will set your heart on fire!