Tag Archives: creativity

Diamond Star Fire

Dancing with the Diamond Star Fire:  the 10/10 and 11/11 Gateways and the New Beginning

Archangel Michael through Celia Fenn, Star Child Global

October 9, 2016

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You live in intense and powerful times, Beloveds. At this time, the Diamond Light and the Diamond Codes are activating your Earth with a fiery form of the Diamond Light that we call the Diamond Star Fire.

What is the Diamond Star Fire?

It is the substance of your Cosmic Being, of your Soul, and the energy of Creativity. You might also call it “Soul Fire”, as it is a powerful electrical fire energy that activates the Cosmic Desire to dance in the light in the Creative Process. It is what we might call “Angel Fire”, and it is where the Soul acknowledges its Divine Essence and accepts the Angelic Star Fire into its Physical Embodiment.

It is a Light and a Fire that burns in the Cosmic Heart with a pure white light. And it is also the Light and the Fire that burns in your hearts and in your souls as you enter the New Reality.

Beloved Ones, many of you are feeling the Diamond Star Fire as it dances along your Light Body Meridians and through your Physical Body via your Nervous System and deep into your Cellular Matrix. Here it dances with your DNA activating new forms and new patterns.

It is indeed a time when the Divine Creative Intelligence is sending the Diamond Fire to burn away what is old and to create what must come. It is a time to be aware of the Diamond Star Fire as it flows into your body and is integrated into your Light Body/Physical Body. It is a time to surrender to the Magic and the Dance, and simply allow Divine Creative Power to create and manifest as the New arises.

The 10/10 and 11/11 Gateways and the “Ignition” of the Diamond Star Fire

Beloved Ones, there are two powerful moments that are coming soon when the Soul Fire will be activating in you and on the Earth. These are Time Gates or Time portals that we call the 10/10 and the 11/11/

The 10/10 occurs on the 10th of October, and it carries the energy of New Beginnings as a 1/1/9 Gateway. The double 1 energy signifies the new beginnings, while the 9 resonated with the energy of Mastery and Completion. You are indeed completing your transformation and mastering the New Energy so that you may begin a new cycle of time and creation in the New Reality.

On this day, and after this time,you will feel surges of the Diamond Fire moving through your body and through your life. It is wise to simply allow the Diamond Fire to follow its own creative intelligence and see what it will create. Do not try to control the outcome. Simply dream and desire and allow the Diamond Fire to carry these dreams and desires into manifestation.

The second Time Gate at the 11th November will be a very powerful transition. The 11/11 Gateway is a “Master Activation” portal, and its power of 11/11/9, which is a 2/2/9, activates both the power of the Master Numbers 11 and 13 and the Divine Feminine wisdom of the 2 together with Mastery and Completion. At this point the Diamond Star Fire embodies in the Divine Feminine energy, which means that the powerful flow of Star Fire/Soul Fire will activate through the Pineal Gland and into the Right Brain/Left Brain “chalice” of your own “Crystal” Skull and then be transmitted into your body via the Heart Center.

This will be a most intense activation, and only those who are physically “ready” will be allowed to undertake this by their Higher Self. It requires that the Right Brain and the Left Brain be in harmony and balance, and that the Star Fire can be conducted down the Spinal cord, into the Heart and down into the Earth via the Earth Star Chakra, where it unites with the Earth Fire in the Heart of the Earth.

Here the Diamond Star Fire will be gathered into the Earth Heart and will assist in powering the rising of the New Matrix for the New Earth.

So, Beloveds, as you dream your dreams of a new life and a new reality, you are also dreaming into being a New Earth and a New Reality for All in Higher Consciousness.

The Diamond Consciousness and the New Reality Light Bearers

At this time of change and transformation, there will be three types of people on the Earth : those who are still “asleep” in the old energy consciousness, those who are in the awakening process, and those who have embodied their Mastery and become bearers of the Diamond Fire Consciousness.

Those who are still attempting to live life in the old 3D model of duality and conflict, may be termed those who are “asleep”. They are left brain and “rational” thinkers who still operate in linear timelines and are often trapped in prefabricated versions of reality. They have not yet raised their consciousness to an awareness of another way of being and a different model for connection and interaction. Being “asleep” in the old energy and yet existing in a fifth dimensional world makes life very difficult for such people. To them, the deep processes of transformation seem threatening and chaotic, and they often respond by becoming more aggressive and more confrontational and creating more chaos and confusion and anxiety. They feel the effects of the Diamond Star Fire around them, but are unable to harness it or flow with its creative potential.

The second group are those who are in the “awakening” process, and have come to realize that there is another way of life and that a New Paradigm is being birthed on the Earth. They have moved beyond conflict, duality and power games and into the growing and emerging consciousness of Love and Unity Consciousness. They are seeking and learning, and looking for support as they develop their new consciousness and activate their Light Bodies so that they can integrate and create with the Diamond Star Fire.

The third group is those who have Mastered the New Energies and are in the process of integrating and embodying the Diamond Star Fire and living the Diamond Consciousness. They are able to integrate and balance Right and Left brain modes of Being and to operate from their Hearts and from Love and Compassion. They flow with the Creative Energy of the Diamond Star Fire and are able to create their own Time Spirals as they express and create their own versions of the New Reality. They have integrated Soul, Spirit and Body into a single unified expression of Divine Love on Earth!

Beloveds, we might also mention here, the Diamond Children, those magnificent beings of Diamond Light who have been coming to the Planet since the end of 2012. These radiant souls are born with the frequency of the Diamond Star Fire, and wherever they are, they are anchoring the Diamond Star Fire in their Souls and creating opportunities for those around them to open to this new flow of Creative Light.

So, Beloveds, you can see that at this time, Humanity is indeed in flux and flow as the shifts and changes are being activated deep within the Consciousness of All on Earth. When you interact with people on a daily basis, it is always good to remember that not everyone is at the same level of consciousness. If you have reached the level of those who are embodying the Diamond Light, then you will know that you are transmitting and anchoring that light wherever you are.

How you may Feel as you Integrate the Diamond Star Fire

As you integrate this powerful Diamond Star Fire, you will certainly feel this process in your body. Your physical being is absorbing more and more high frequency light energy and vibrating at ever higher frequencies. This will initially cause feelings of intense exhaustion, as if you simply want to sleep all the time. In fact, Beloved Ones, you well may need to rest often and take care of your physical body as it integrates these fiery energies.

You may also having “burning” sensations in your body, especially in the digestive system, and you may need to alter your diet to very soft and alkaline foods for a while to allow your body to focus its energy on the transitions. You may also feel pain in your body as the high frequency energy can create inflammation and can irritate areas of old injury or weakness in your body. Be sure to drink water when you need to, to flush out toxins and to “cool” the system which may become “overheated” by the processes of light body and physical integration.

Together with these feelings, you may also experience some feeling of “uneasiness” and strangeness in your body. It may as though electrical currents are running through your body, for this is in fact what it is. The high frequency light uses your nervous system to flow through the physical body and access the physical matrix. This could make you feel jumpy and anxious at times, or you may struggle to “switch off” and go to sleep. Or you may wake up after a few hours feeling stressed. Or you may have strange dreams as your subconscious tries to explain and integrate these processes.

In your daily life, you may feel disoriented and confused at times, and you may forget things and “lose” time. This is because, in computer terms, your hard drive is being reformatted, and some of the “information” might get lost. Just be aware that when the process is complete you will be able to function clearly again.

You may also feel “disconnected” from reality and from others. This is because you are! You are being given the magnificent opportunity to recreate both your own life and reality, and that of the Earth. By dreaming, creating and holding the Diamond Fire in your own being, you are working with the grounding of this powerful new light. Don’t try to “reconnect”, rather focus on creating the New and allow those who are more aligned with your new Light and Frequency to find you!

Working with the Diamond Star Fire in the process of Integration

The best and most positive way to work with the Diamond Star Fire is to engage in activities and processes that allow you to be creative and to access the power and wisdom of your Soul and Spirit.

Using your Creativity also allows you to activate the Right Brain part of your being, which means that you will be working towards creating the Right Brain/Left Brain balance that provides the “chalice” for the Diamond Star Fire Light to be received and transmitted.

Creativity can be expressed in many forms according to individual preference.

Perhaps the easiest way to begin is to work with your own Soul Journal, in which you record your daily feelings, experiences and wisdom through words, poetry or images that you create yourself.

It is also a good idea to come together in groups to express your creative soul essence through music, mantra, song, dance, or forms of visual and artistic creation. Being in a group of people of similar frequency and resonance assists you to balance and to activate your own creative flows.

After a while, as you work with your rising creativity, you will begin to see the connection between creativity and creating your life and reality, as you dream and choose the colours, sounds and tastes of your own creations.

What a magnificent adventure this will be as you choose and express the Colours and Tones of your Soul and Spirit, and contribute to the Creation of the New Reality.



© 2008-2015 Celia Fenn. All rights reserved.


This article originally posted HERE.


Lion’s Gate

The Lion’s Gate 2016 and the “Master” Cycle that Commences: The Opening of the Seventh Dimension on Earth

by Celia Fenn, Star Child Global

July 22, 2016

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Beloved Family of Light, when you began this year of 2016, we did say to you, with much love, that 2016 would be a challenging year, and that you would need to embody your Mastery in a powerful way.  As the Lion’s Gate of 2016 approaches, you now prepare yourself for a New Beginning and to initiate your first major cycle of creation as an embodied Master and Alchemist.

What does this mean?  It means that you will take what is of low frequency and you will transform it and turn it into Golden Light!  Even though you may be surrounded by people who are filled with fear and anger and other low frequency emotions and who are making choices based on these emotions, you will make your choices from Love and Compassion and you will be the Diamond Light that shines clearly and magnificently.

Beloved Ones, now is not the time to give up or to step back.  Now is the time to fully embrace who you are, who you have become, and to step forward into the Emerald Light as a fully embodied Master, a Creator and Alchemist of Light.  In this time of chaos and challenge as the old falls away and the new is still to manifest, it is you who are here to hold the energy of the New, to be the New Earth, and to embody the Power and Empowerment of the New Earth Soul.


The Lion’s Gate and the Planetary New Year : A New Cycle of Time and Creation


On the 26th of July, you will enter into the Planetary New Year.  This is the Time celebrated by the Ancient Egyptians and the Mayans, as the moment when the Planet begins a New Spiral of Galactic evolution in alignment with the Great Central Sun and the Divine Cosmic Heart.  It marks the opening of the Lion’s Gate Star Portal, which allows for a powerful influx of Light Codes that will shape the form of experience in the coming year.  These Light Codes will lift you into another level of evolution and experience if you allow this process, but if you are not aligned or you are in a low frequency of anxiety and fear, you will simply continue to create at this same level again.

Beloved Ones, be open to this grand influx of powerful Light and Blessings that is coming to you as this Star Portal begins to open on the 26th  July, and culminates on the 8thof August on the 8/8, and then closes on the 12th of August.  Here is a “window” of Light and Opportunity for each one of you to step up and into a new level and phase of your personal evolution on Earth..

There will be many distractions in the outer world.  Many disasters and conflicts will occur that will ask for your attention and will ask you to align your energy with theirs.  Beloved Ones, it is enough to be aware of what is happening, but to focus your energy and attention rather on your inner processes and on the need to initiate a New Cycle of personal Creation that will express a higher level of your Soul and your Soul Essence on the Earth.

Decide for yourself who you are and what you will create in your life and on the Earth, and then focus on that.  Do not be drawn by the energies of anything that is not in alignment with what you wish to create.

Time Cycles and the New Cycle


Beloved Ones, in your Earth space of the Fifth Dimension in transition, you have experienced two creative cycles of 8 to 9 years, and you are beginning another now.

From 1999 to 2008 you created together as the first wave of awakened souls on Earth, together with the Indigo and Crystal children.  This period included the 9/11 event and the economic collapse of 2008.  Both events were aimed at distracting attention from the creation of the New, and keeping people on Earth focused on the same old creations of fear and lack that allows them to be manipulated and controlled.  Then, from 2008 to the end of 2016, you have been in the second cycle, where there has been a continuation of low frequency fear based “events” that are aimed at keeping humanity at a low frequency and preventing them from progressing to freedom and empowerment.

Beloved Ones, if you are awake and aware, you will see how these events always occur at times when a great shift is possible, so that fear and anxiety will prevent many from shifting as they are trapped in their own fears.  Do not let this happen to you!  Now, as you begin the process for the creation of the 2016/7 to 2026 cycle, focus on Higher Consciousness, Higher Wisdom, and what you desire to create for yourself and for the Earth as you assist in the manifestation process for the New Earth.

The Master that You Are and the Power that Flows through as the Seventh Dimension opens


You have everything that you need within you.  Over the past two cycles of evolution and growth, you have activated the Personal Power and Creativity that you need.  You have activated your Light Body and the 13 Chakra Energy system that you need to allow you to receive and integrate the incoming Light Codes.  You have opened your Hearts to receive the Golden Light of the Christ Consciousness with its Love and Compassion at the center of your existence.

Then, you have received the Diamond Codes that allowed you to reconnect with your Galactic heritage, and the Emerald Codes that allowed you to reconnect with Nature and the Green Heart of the Earth.

More recently, you have begun the rewiring of your energy meridians that allows you to reconnect with the powerful flows of creative and intuitive energy of the Right Brain and to balance these and integrate them with the Left Brain’s ability to organize and create narratives.

Beloved Ones, this powerful energy that is flowing into the Planet right now is a torrent of blessings and creative abundance, but unless it is received in balance and integrated into your Light Body system, it has the potential to destabilize your energy field.  This Energy flow must then be received by the Pineal Gland Gateway, and then transmitted by the Right Brain and the Left Brain and then into to the Heart.  From there it must be grounded into the Earth through Manifestation and connection with the Earth Star and the Earth Heart centers.

Those who are not grounding this energy will feel this energy running “wild” in their system, and they will become aggressive, fearful, explosive and angry.  Those who have no connection with their Soul and Higher Self will feel lost, confused, anxious and unable to find their place in the world.

The whole purpose of your evolution in thee last two cycles has been to reconnect Spirit and Body, Heaven and Earth, so that your Body and Soul are One.

It is your Soul that will provide the center of your Being and your Life right now.  You are the Master, your Soul connects to your Heart Center in Love and Peace.  You manifest from Soul and Spirit into Matter, following the laws of Divine Creative Power and Balance.  You create a Garden of Peace and Creativity within your Heart and Soul that manifests around you.

Beloved Ones, do not seek for Peace and Harmony in the outside world, or in others, right now.  You are the ones who are here to demonstrate Mastery and to open the Gateway of the Seventh Dimension.  Those around you in the world are still struggling to understand the Fifth Dimensions, and the Magic of the Sixth Dimension, so they cannot at this moment be in that place of expansion where you stand now ready to move forward.

The Seventh Dimension is the frequency of the Master and is the focus and end point of the Ascension process.  For you, Beloved Ones, it means to be here on the Earth, in the midst of the turmoil and chaos, and to be in that place of Inner Stillness and Peace.  It means to be connected to the powerful Flow of Divine Creative Intelligence and to be able to direct this Flow into Magical Manifestation through Intention and Focus.  It means to live without fear, without expectations and attachments, but simply in the Flow of Love, Creativity and Divine Manifestation.

To live as a “Master” does not mean to be “perfect”.  It means to be who you are as a Soul in a Body, and to express your Soul in alignment with Spirit, in everything that you experience and manifest on Earth.

Beloved Ones, as these Gateways are opening, you are all most welcome to step across the threshold and claim your place in the Higher Dimensions of Light as they open to Earth.  These intense Frequencies of brilliant light and Luminosity will illuminate all that you do at this time.

And, as you do this, you will know and trust that you will always be safe and cared for.  Your Soul will protect you and Spirit will guide you, as you weave and create with the Divine Creative Intelligence as an Embodied Master of Light.

The Magical Gateway Opens


So, Beloved Family of Light, at this powerful New Year and Lion’s Gate, there will also be a powerful opening to the Seventh Dimension of Ascended Mastership available to you if you so desire to move forward in this way.

You will know that you are ready.  You will feel that you have mastered the Fifth Dimension of Oneness and released the hold of Duality and the Shadow on your Life.  You will be ready to embrace the Love, Creativity and Magic of the Sixth Dimension and to flow with the powerful Light Codes and currents without Fear.  You will be ready to balance yourself between Heaven and Earth, and to step forward as a Master of these Energies on Earth.

You will be ready, when the Gateways open, to express your Soul fully on the Material Plane as a New Human of the New Earth.



© 2008-2015 Celia Fenn. All rights reserved.

This article originally posted HERE.


The Emerald Codes

The Emerald Codes and the Return to the Garden of Creativity

Archangel Michael through Celia Fenn, Star Child Global

June 17, 2016

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Beloved Family of Light, once again you are approaching the mid-year with its powerful waves of Cosmic Energy.  First there is the Solstice on the 20th June, which marks a “turning point” in your spirals of creation.  The Earth reaches her farthest point “outwards” and, at this moment she pauses, as if standing still, then she returns for another creative spiral around the Sun.  In the Northern Hemisphere this will be the Summer Solstice, marked by the longest day and the shortest night of the year; in the Southern Hemisphere this will be the Winter Solstice, marked by the shortest day and the longest night of the year.

This shift of energies initiates a series of powerful events that will determine the nest phase of your personal and planetary evolution.  In July, on the 26th, you will enter into the Planetary New Year, when incoming waves of Transformative Energy precede the Grand Cosmic Wave of the Lion’s Gate Portal on the 8th of August (8/8/1).  At this time, new Light Code templates for the coming year are integrated into the Earth’s crystalline New Earth grids.

At this time, Beloved Ones, there will be powerful waves of Diamond Light originating from the Galactic Center.  Then also, you will be receiving powerful transmissions of the Magenta and Turquoise Light Codes to balance the Divine Feminine and Masculine energies.  And finally, the brilliant Emerald Codes will be transmitted from the Cosmic Heart, to allow you to fully integrate and experience your blessed gift of life on a biological world where you create and co-create in the material realms.


The Emerald Codes and Re-Connecting with Soul and Nature : The Dance of Magic and Sensuality

Beloved Ones, the purpose of the Diamond Light and the Diamond Codes is to assist you to reconnect with your Galactic Self and to understand your origins in the Galaxy and your connections to the Star Nations.  The purpose of the Emerald Codes is to assist you to reconnect to the Earth, to your physical being and to your heritage and power as a Light Being in Physical Form.

We ask you to feel the radiant Emerald Green Light Codes entering into your Light Body and your Physical Body to reawaken your deep cellular memories of living in a Paradise Garden of Love, Harmony and Creativity.  This was always the plan for human life, to live in harmony with Nature in a Planetary Garden of Sensual Joy and Enjoyment.

You might ask, well why is that no so today?  Why are we so far from this idea?  As you look around you, you see chaos, violence and unhappiness that seems so far from the original plan. Beloved Ones, there came a time when you, as Humanity, decided to focus your Collective Evolution into an exploration of lower density and duality.  This involved an experience of the nature of “good and evil” in material form.  This “experiment” in collective consciousness, described in Biblical stories as the “Fall”, is now just about completed, and you, as Family of Light, are ready to return “home” to the Garden and to Higher Consciousness beyond the limitations of duality.

This is achieved by means of the process called Ascension.  The first phase of this process was to activate the Diamond Light Body, which was disconnected at the time of the “fall”.  This reconnection is the work of the Diamond Light Codes.  The first phase is the re-wiring of the Physical Body and the Light Body and the healing of the separation from your Inner Divinity and from Nature that was the consequence of the fall into lower frequencies and into duality.

As you rise in consciousness, you return to the state of Unity Consciousness and “Oneness” that allows you to be in the Fifth Dimensional New Earth.  But, to complete the process, you need to also allow the Emerald Light Codes to do their work of opening your Heart and Soul to the Divine Light flows that create Magic and Abundance on the New Earth.

When you began to live in the denser dimensions of the Third Dimension and to explore duality, you found it more useful to work with the mind and ego, and with the left brain faculties of linear thought and logic.  Over time, this “bypass” of the right brain ,with its intuitive wisdom, and the heart with its ancient wisdom, became a way of being for you.  You were truly “disconnected” and your physical body was re-wired over time to accommodate these new experiences and these new flows of energy.  As a result, the Soul shifted upwards and anchored above the physical body in the energy center known as the “Soul Star Chakra”.  The Soul was still able to guide the body, but from a “distance” that could only be bridged by meditation and prayer.  The chakras created new pathways of energy where the Left Brain mind and Solar Plexus were dominant, and the Right Brain and Heart were largely bypassed.  This “wiring” of the Body and Soul/Spirit has produced the kind of destructive and fearful society that you see today.  You have a culture that cannot solve its problems or see a way out, because it is unable to function together with the Heart, Soul and the Creative essence.

So, Beloved Ones, the Ascension process, guided first by the Christ Consciousness, opened the Hearts of those who were ready, to begin to experience the energy of Love and Oneness and to reconnect with the Right Brain and the Divine Feminine intuitive wisdom.  This was followed by the Diamond Codes, that reactivated the Light Body and allowed the Soul to descend and anchor into the Heart, which became the center of the New Earth being.

Now, Beloved Ones, the Emerald Codes are allowing you to complete the process.  To reconnect the Heart and Soul with the Earth and to “re-wire” the flow of Divine Creative energy from the Crown Chakra through the left and right brain equally, creating a new and balanced Flow of the Magical Creative Energy that can be expressed on Earth through your Creativity.  As you allow this “rewiring” process, you will reconnect with the Creative Dance of your Soul, and also with the flow of Magic and Synchronicity that occurs when your Soul creates and dances with Divine Light on the Earth and with Nature.

You will feel, once again, the sensual and creative joy as your Soul experiences Earth existence in a state of Fifth Dimensional consciousness and “Oneness”, and from a state of balanced Flow and Creativity.

Your Diamond/Emerald Heart and your Creative Essence


So, Beloved Ones, in this final phase of the Ascension and Transformative process, you are invited to fully activate your Diamond/Emerald Heart Light and return to the Essence of Who You Are – a Creative and Balanced Being living in Inner Harmony with Self and Soul.

Now is the time to begin to really activate the balance of Right Brain/Left Brain.  Heal the “separation” by reconnecting with your creative abilities and surrounding yourself with Beauty and the High Frequencies of Harmonic Creation.

When you activate your Sacred Heart and allow it to be a part of the Flow of Divine Light within the Four Phase energies of  Diamond, Emerald, Magenta and Turquoise, then the Right Brain will activate and the Soul will begin to express itself through Sensuality, Playfulness and Magical Creation.

Beloved Ones, when you allow this balanced flow of Divine Energies in your Being, you will feel yourself aligning with different frequencies, and living at a different pace and rhythm!  You will feel Calm, Peaceful and focussed on your Higher Purpose in life and achieving the Work of your Soul in the New Earth that is birthing.

So, we ask you to enjoy these powerful waves of energy and allow them to activate your Creative and Intuitive Self along with your Heart energies.  It is time to return to the Garden of Creativity!




© 2008-2015 Celia Fenn. All rights reserved.


This article originally posted HERE.



Emergence: Freedom, Creativity and Redesign of Self

by Sandra Walter, Creative Evolution

April 26, 2016


Blessings Beloved Light Tribe,

For those on the Mastery journey, the completion of cave time is at hand. It is divinely timed with the completion of the second wave of 2016, which has elevated the energies consistently for the past six weeks and flows through the first week of May. After enduring eclipses, the Equinox, Easter, and a Cosmic trigger last week, we now emerge from the cave transfigured into a higher level of consciousness.

Mystery school initiates who have experienced Resurrection in past incarnations will find this state of consciousness more familiar. Wayshowers, Gatekeepers, and First embodiers are experiencing levels of consciousness that feel quite transcendent. Remember it is important to simultaneously surrender to it while recognizing how your service work is changing.

The waves of light will continue to push the Light Tribe into significantly higher and higher states of consciousness. The energy does not step down, ever again. Veils will thin, some souls will use the waves to step out of body. You may remember December’s Gatekeeper visions of thousands leaving this year. No judgment on who goes or how, Beloveds. We are all unified at the highest level of HUmanity; each soul has its role to play in opening us to Divine Love.

Emerging from the Cave

As we enter this beautiful phase of emerging from the cave, we have the divine opportunity to reevaluate and redesign our lives to suit our new level of consciousness. That applies to our services, our habits, our day-to-day activities, our location, our service work, and above all else – our creativity. As we embody more and more Source consciousness, our Creator In-Carnate skills are amplified. We learn to apply this creativity to every aspect of our lives. Recognize where old paradigm habits or service work no longer resonates with the trajectory of your new consciousness. Non-resonate habits (survival, looping, fear, doubt, anxiety, engagement with lower level programming) will cause disease, disharmony and discomfort in the body vehicle if you are calling forth an embodiment – and not following up with your actions.

Dynamics or habitual programming must be discarded, that has been part of the ongoing process. However, in May we are taking everything that was learned in the cave, all of this transformational work of our Mastery journey, and reevaluating, redesigning and grounding it to suit the skills of the Higher Self, the higher state of beingness.

The New, The Next Phase, The Now

Take note of how old belief systems no longer affect your new state of consciousness. Even with several planets going retrograde this week, from this higher perspective you can see the opportunity for redesigning your lifestream to align with the new self. This True Self is emerging from cave time and is eager to create, to serve, to surrender completely to this higher state of beingness. Renewal has become easy, graceful, simplified on our behalf. Everything becomes easier as we level up out of the density. Mastery is largely about getting out of the way of the Higher Self, and since we are doing this collectively it is available on a larger scale than ever before. For those following the Wayshowers, the only Mystery you need to solve is when are you going to choose to walk the higher path of Light.

The Christed or Unity state of consciousness is completely dedicated to service to others and the overarching mission of cosmic oneness. All thoughts, words and deeds will align with that state of oneness, as long as fears or doubts are actively discarded. Emerging from a year of transformation can be a time of great expansion. There is great power in your new beingness; power to build the new, not to break down the old (that happens automatically when you engage with higher light.) Can feel it in your heart center; the ever-constant flow of love and divine light? You become a pure conduit of the Oversoul of humanity itself, the mighty I AM Presence and beyond. That Presence is not concerned with the unfoldments of lower timelines – at all.

While our Mastery realities may seem to be more dreamy than those encased in the denser dream, understand that is merely a side effect of timeline resonation. Your moment to moment choices determine your timeline trajectories, and there are infinite combinations of choices. Understand that the Mastery journey of internal alchemy, of becoming this Solar beingness, a Sun of God, is happening right here, right now. It is attainable, and we are quietly, discreetly creating an evolutionary trajectory for HUmanity.

Exploring Mastery as One HUman Heart

After a deeply introspective passage, it is time to dream the new dream. Let us explore our Mastery skills to see what is presenting in the now moment; to explore what is new, as well as the skills we have recovered from our past journeys here. Our power is in our Unity, and the implementation of weekly unified meditations each Wednesday (the day of the heart) is demonstrating the realization of those new skills. We had six unified meditation sessions last week, and I received several messages about spontaneous healing, clearing, and deep activations of inner peace. Personally I felt a stronger sense of holding open the Ascension Gateways, including Mount Shasta, for others to experience more activation. The beautiful part is the simplicity: have the intention to unify in Divine Love, call forth the Christ consciousness, and serve as conduits for the higher light to do the rest. Effortless, boundless light. We welcome you to join us in stillness or use the Christ Light guided meditation each Wednesday at 8:11am PDT, 11:11 am PDT and 5:11pm PDT. Check my facebook, twitter or website for reminders.

Promise Kept: The Physical Experience

I had promised to share some of the more physical experiences over the last few weeks. A few observations on the bizarre and beautiful aspects of veil-lifting and Mastery:

  • Significant increase in the diversity of ET races in meditation and dream state. A lot of interaction with beings that I have not seen before. All positive, and very curious about our Christed transformation.
  • A Divine etheric connection with the elementals, kingdoms and Gaia as the Christ consciousness takes over. This leads me to believe that phasing into the higher realities is going to be practically seamless when the time comes for us to transition into that Christed timeline fully and completely (as opposed to walking between worlds as we do now.)
  • Hearing, feeling much higher frequency tones, and much louder. A complex mix of cosmic tones, light language, ringing, singing, which is consistent since the beginning of the year. My tones began 17 years ago, so a jump like this shows a significant increase in incoming codes. They are aimed at/picked up by the vagus nerve, which wraps around the back of the ear, which is why we *hear* these frequencies.
  • While I don’t like to dwell on the physical symptoms of Ascension, I will share that the intensity of the energies have really pushed the physical to the point of discomfort and fatigue latey. It is what it is, and we understand that evolving a body vehicle in one lifetime from carbon to carbon-silica is not an easy endeavor. I find that yoga, Earthing, Solar exposure, creative projects, hydration, green juice, mineral spring visits (or epsom baths) and restful time in nature have been helpful when the body feels beaten up. Some days are drowsy days, and I rest or meditate a lot. I learn to take advantage of the hyper-charged active energy days.
  • Dramatic increase in Solar light codes within the Ascension column, especially when expanding the torus to Source level. Blinding beautiful light! My pineal, crown and heart have been busy, busy, busy with expansion and light. Also having a stronger sensitivity to the incoming crystalline light codes (working my nervous system lately – ouch).
  • Clearer, stronger visions of expansion and resurrection. Still seeing many going through the Gateways. Consistent lucid dreams. Good for communication/interaction, staying centered and grounded with it.
  • Consistent unwavering Divine Love for all that is. The higher my vibration grows, the more telepathic I have become and the less I want to speak out loud. This is on my May redesign list for what is next.
  • A genuine excitement for coming out of the cave and realigning everything to this new level of light. As a Wayshower, I know it is my responsibility to show what is next, what is new. While we still use the tools available to communicate these things to the Tribe (articles, videos, books, radio), I AM excited to unify those who are embracing Mastery and demonstrate our higher capabilities. Not in an egoic miraculous healing or walk-on-water demo; that is not where it is at. Rather a unification in this silent presence, this subtle realm of divinity, this invisible angelic service of compassion. A gentle – yet powerful – amplification of this higher reality, which disperses the lower reality quickly and gracefully. If we may unify without ego, without the mind level agendas, we may direct our intentions to let Christ consciousness emerge and accelerate exponentially.

May: Celebration, Creativity, Emerging to the Next Level

May follows the consistent up, up and away of 2016. Gaia Gridworkers: Stability will be necessary since so many are embracing this higher level of consciousness, which in turn alters the noosphere of Gaia, which means she will need to adjust and release as necessary. No one in the Light Tribe is preventing Earth changes (those delay tactics are reserved for lower consciousness), however it is our intention for this to unfold with as much ease and grace as possible. From this higher perspective, when we let our Higher levels take over, without any judgment of the external, with complete forgiveness, neutrality, humility and gratitude for the gift of getting to this state, we allow Source wisdom to use us as conduits for the highest outcomes.

It is with an overflowing heart that I congratulate the Mastery Tribe in enduring an extraordinary phase of our HUman evolution. We now move gracefully into the integration of what it means for us personally, shift where needed, and redesign with a new sense of freedom. Let us take a moment to recognize what it means to Gaia, the kingdoms, elementals, the Galaxy, the Universe and Source itself. Be content for a moment that we have progressed in our pursuit of peace; that we were capable of enduring, and continue to endure, transformation in the face of extraordinary odds, intense energetic shifts, with an unwavering dedication to the greater good.

On a personal level, I feel excited about what the next few weeks will reveal about this new Self. I already feel transcendent most of the time, so new thoughts and actvities are welcome in this next phase of our Ascension. Most of the time it feels like I AM going to transition any moment. That is freedom; cave time loosened the grip of the lower consciousness and we welcome the Higher Self to just take over. With our fears faced and dissolved, we won’t go back to what we were ever again.

As we come out of the cave, the new light can be blinding. We welcome it with an open-heart, open mind, and the wide-open blank book on which to write the story of the new HUmanity.

In Love, Light and Service,



©2016 Sandra Walter – Creative Evolution


This article originally posted HERE.


Divine Continuum

Unifying the Divine Continuum of Self

by Sandra Walter, Creative Evolution

October 22, 2015

Blessings Beloved Light Tribe,

There is a vastness, an infinite beauty to this passage of Resurrection which cannot be distilled into words. We turn to creativity in these passages of transformation. Creativity assists in integrating what is occurring in our own consciousness; it light-grounds our experiences for the collective, and assists us in comprehending dramatic shifts as we attain higher and higher levels of expansion.

These higher frequencies can only be interpreted with the Heart. They literally miss the lower levels of the mind.

Creating, expressing, and living from the Heart center allows you to receive these energies with clarity and apply them to your own Ascension process, and the global collective project of Ascension. The Gateway of October 23- 28th is aimed at Solar Heart center expansion. And it feels like a very strong passage, which has already begun as I write this. Take care, Beloveds. It may feel quite physical for many of you. Note the difference in your journey between reacting to the Solar activity of the past and the current Current of consistent amplification. For those who have been merging with the Solar consciousness, this is a Divine opportunity to experience an even stronger embodiment of your Solar Cosmic Christed beingness. It looks and feels like a very powerful influx for initiates, similar to August’s trigger and September’s Gateway. Note they have been about a month apart for a while; that is bound to speed up if we are able to integrate the waves faster (stabilize our energy fields, not flinch when there is Solar activity, diffuse the anxiety programs, etc.) Let us maintain our spiritual maturity, and receive this with integrity, ease, and grace in Divine Service.

More time floating than trying-to-float

The more we expand our consciousness and align with our multidimensional aspects, the more fluid our reality becomes. In earlier phases of Ascension, we spend more of our time and energy trying to attain a permanent connection with the Higher Self. Now, with the support of the drastically higher levels of light flowing through the SUN, Gaia, and the High-Vibe Tribe, it now takes more energy to maintain a connection to the lower reality and operate within it. That is a huge shift for the collective, and further indication that the drop-off for 3D re-creation is speeding up. People are catching on that it literally just. is. not. there. anymore. Albeit challenging to balance the experience of multiple dimensions at once, we seem to be getting very good at it. Embrace the strangeness, Beloveds. Struggling with it is unnecessary (and quite futile.)

Resurrection – Not public yet

At some moment I will get the go-ahead to describe this outside of the Ascension Path group. I would not exchange the deeper, stranger, revelatory experiences of this Resurrection phase for anything (except the global experience of it, which is the point – we persist.) Every time we are pressed up against a fear, or challenge our own limits, or lean right into that false sense of limitation, we discover new strengths. Divine Self-realization, the ultimate goal of the Ascension process I share, reveals so much across the multidimensional continuum of Self. This phase is constant experiences, revelations and adjustments as we merge with the multidimensional levels of the Solar Light (Heart, SUN, Galactic Center, Great Central SUN, etc.) When we talk about theMastery/Mystery steps, remember this is classic step number six: Merging with the Solar consciousness, the SUN God aspect. Let us collectively tackle one step at a time, Beloved.

The magnetics shifted again during last weekend’s Gateway. Strength to all of us engaged in the deeper, mystical aspects of the Resurrection phase. It will remain powerful for the next few months, let us stay focused and avoid distractions or sensationalism. Blessings to those assisting in the larger Galactic project of transcending/transfiguring the mystery school templates of the past. For those not involved; tap into your Higher Self, utilize your 5D skills, feel into the HUman Heart grid and witness what is occurring. Quietly, peacefully, Beloveds. I Love You, I Bless You, I Thank You.

In Love, Light and Service,


© 2015 Sandra Walter – Creative Evolution All Rights Reserved


This article originally posted HERE.

Luminous Light

The Tsunami of Luminous Light and the Return of the Divine Masculine Frequency

By Celia Fenn, StarChild Global

September 5, 2015

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Image by DebAura Araznu at http://www.Andromedanlightwork.com


Beloved Family of Light,

So you have entered now into the month of September, and you are riding the wave of Luminious Light that was received by your earth at the 8/8/8, or the Lion’s Gate. You have felt the intensity of this new wave of Light Codes as they have assisted you to shift your own personal frequency and to adjust to the Higher Frequencies represented by these Luminous Colors and Tones. In September, you will be given further opportunities to embody and embrace these new frequencies and allow your Soul to dance to these new tones and sounds.
The purpose of this Tsunami of Luminous Light is to support you as you finally arrive at your destination of full Multi-Dimensional or Nine Dimensional embodiment on Planet Earth. The Earth has fully shifted into her 9th Dimensional Matrix, and so those who are ready are riding with the Tsunami of Light into 9th Dimensional Consciousness.

Indeed, Beloved Ones, this is why there is so much chaos and confusion on your Earth right now. This Tsunami of Light is functioning as a Tsunami always does, washing away all that is not stable and secure and creating space for new creation.

So, at this time, the Earth is anchored in the Fifth Dimension, but many are still working with a Third-Dimensional Consciousness. Then, there are many who have begun to raise consciousness and have lifted into sixth, fourth and even seventh levels and higher. And so, each person is receiving the Light Codes and frequencies according to where they have arrived in their personal journey of evolution. If they are still in lower consciousness, then this time will seem chaotic and fearful.

Beloved Ones, know that the Third Dimensional Consciousness is rooted in duality and fear, and so sees every event as something to fear and as evidence of the “end” and “collapse”. The Apocalyptic Atlantean consciousness is strongest in the Collective at this level, and so there is much fear that is being put out and experienced by those who are still in this frequency of fear.

However, as Family of Light, you will know that you have reached the Fifth Dimension on Inter-connection and you will know too that the Earth passed through the “End Time” Stargate in 2012 and is now firmly on a Timeline and Journey into a New and Miraculous future.

Those of you who have embraced and emobodied the Sixth and Seventh Dimensions of Consciousness will be feeling intense surges of Creativity and the desire to express yourself and your Soul in every way possible. You will feel a very joyous coming together of the Body and Soul in the sacred marriage of Spirit and Matter within yourself as your “Twin Flame Union” is anchored within your Heart and Soul and Spirit. It is a time of great Celebration in the Angelic realms and we are here beside you to share in your Joy and Celebrations.

So, in this month of September, your first intense date will be the 9th of September, when you will cross through the 9/9/8 Stargate. At this point, the Energy Wave of the 8/8/8 will be intensified and lifted to a Higher Frequency or Tone to match the incoming energies. This is a time when those of you who have embraced your Master Light and Codes will feel a very strong impulse in your body and soul. You may experience this as electrical pulsations of energy in your body, and you may feel very tired as your physical vehicle acclimates to this new frequency. We would suggest that at the 9/9 you allow yourself a very gentle and very “inward” meditation so that you can connect with your own inner power and your inner mastery of the Light Codes.

Then, a few days later, you will experience the New Moon in Virgo and also a partial Solar Eclipse., and so this will be an opportunity for you to connect with the Earth, with the New Earth in her new frequencies of Light and to decide what you would like to manifest in this new cycle of time that is unfolding on the Earth. It is a time to look to what physical changes you might wish to make in your life, and also to look to what changes you might make in your life to better nurture yourself and take better care of your health and wellness on the Earth. As the frequencies rise in your Light Body and your Physical Body, you may find that you will need to live in a “lighter” way, and that includes your lifestyle and your diet. Let your Heart and Soul be your Guide at this time. The Solar Eclipse will also anchor in the New Solar Frequencies of the Divine Feminine and the presence of the Goddess and the Magdalene will be felt very strongly at this time. Allow her to be a part of your Being and embrace the Inner Goddess that you are!

On the 23rd of September you will enter into the Equinox energies, and here you will have an opportunity to balance out these powerful energies that have been coming in since July and August. The Equinox represents that time when the day and night are of equal length, and when the Earth prepares to changes seasons on its Journey around the Sun. In the North the movement is into Fall and Winter, and in the South it is into Spring and Summer. These powerful Earth energies of change are also powerful forces in the Earth’s geomagnetic field, as well as in your own Light Bodies. This is a good time for Ceremony and Meditation, and to remember that you come here also to honor the Earth and to be the “voice” of the Collective Energy of the Earth as you celebrate the passage of the Equinox.

Then, on the 28th, the energies will reach a Climax as you celebrate the Full Moon in Aries/Libra and the Total Lunar Eclipse which will also be a Blood Moon and the last of a series of four intense Blood Moons that have been the bearers of the waves of intense change. A Fire Moon is always a powerful Full Moon, and so Moon in Aries as a Blood Moon is the Full Moon of the Phoenix! It is the moment when the New is born from the ashes of the Old, and the power of the new arises in your Hearts, Soul and Spirits. At this time, you can expect to feel a powerful surge of “new” energies and a connection with new opportunities and new directions in your life, and in the life of the collective. What was perhaps hidden will now be revealed and made clear!

It will be an opportunity for Humanity, as individuals and as a Collective, to stand up and move forward as Beings of Light and Love and Compassion. There will be opportunities to choose between Love or Fear, and to decide what kind of Frequency and reality you will choose to create on your timelines for 2015 and 2016.

Beloved Ones, this is a time of Celebration and Joy! Do not allow the waves of the Tsunami to sweep you away into confusion and chaos, but remain firmly grounded within your own Heart and Soul, connecting to Heaven and Earth and being a Conduit or Transmitter for the Divine Light and the new frequencies of Luminosity that are ligting the way into a New Reality!

The Return of the Divine Masculine Frequencies of Luminosity

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As the Diamond light codes have integrated with the Earth in 2015, and now as these new frequencies of Luminous Light are being grounded into the Earth matrix, there is another exciting energy and event that is occurring. You have all welcomed the Divine Feminine and the return of the Goddess frequencies, and now it is time to welcome back the Luminous Frequencies of the Divine Masculine.

Your friends and colleagues from Sirius are standing by to assist you as you once again embody and integrate the Higher Frequencies of the Divine Masculine. In the Sirian stories, the Divine Masculine energy was incarnated in Shu, who was depicted as a Feather on the Wind, or as a Bird Man. Many of the powerful Sirian teachers in making themselves known to you took on the form of the “Bird Man”, such as Thoth, Horus the Elder and Ra.

The Bird represented the ability of this energy to flow with the winds of Divine Creative Intelligence and to flow energy into manifestation. It also represents the ability to travel on many dimensions and to fly through the Cosmos on the wings of light. As you become multi-dimensional you will need to embrace this energy so that you can feel confident in your ability to travel the Cosmos on your wings of light as Human Angels.

The Divine Masculine energy was also embodies by Yeshua, by Buddha, by Shiva and by others who took on the power of the Visionary Dreamer and were able to see the Bigger Picture in the life and journey of Humanity. They used their “wings of light” to transcend the lower dimensions and the hold of death, and were able to ascend into Light on their Angelic Wings of Diamond Light.

As you reconnect with the Divine Masculine at these higher levels, you will feel the balance returning between the Divine Feminine and the Divine Masculine. This will intensify in October at the 10/10/8 on the 10th of October, and then will culminate at the 11/11/8 on the 11th of November. At this time there will be a “Sacred Marriage” as these two energies combine to lift the Consciousness of Humanity and the Planet to new level of awareness and love. Thsi will be a powerful moment for the Planet and will prepare you for the final stages of the “Wave” of 2015, the 12/12/8 on the 12th of December and the Solstice on the 21st when the Earth aligns with the Galactic Center or Great Central Sun and celebrates the powerful floods of light that are received from the Great Cosmic Heart and transmitted via the Great Central Sun to the Earth and into your Hearts.

Beloved Ones, at this time we ask that you work with your Light Body and Energy Field, and that you make a daily practice of working with the Sacred Diamond Heart Activation that we have given to you. As you combine the Diamond Lights of Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine, you will feel that Inner Balance of Divine Light in your own Heart, Soul and Being.

Mastering the 4th Dimension and initiating Time Spirals

Beloved Family of Light, we have spoken to you before about the importance of allowing yourself to master the Fourth Dimensions of Time. Many of you have noticed how time seems to keep accelerating and going ever faster. That is because you are connected into the Collective Consciousness which is mostly still operating on 3rd Dimensional Time Calendars. As the Flow of Divine Light accelerates, it seems as though everything is moving faster, which of course it is.

The only way to work with this perceived acceleration is to life your consciousness and create the time that you need. Time is an illusion, a manufactured entity that has little reality. In the Third Dimension it was manufactured according to economic need and your lives were dominated by a working schedule. Now, in the higher dimensions, you are free to create according to your own time frames and needs and desires. This is the time to intiate your own timelines or timespirals, and to flow creative energy into the Dreams and Desires that you wish to unfold and manifest in the world.

You are the Master of Light, and you are now coming into final true alignment with your Soul and Higher Self. Allow yourself to Feel the dreams and visisons that are arising in your Soul from the HIgher Levels and express these in the world as your own Dreams, Visions and Creations.

In this way, Beloved Ones, you will determine the way in which the Diamond Light and the Frequencies of Luminosity are grounded into manifestation in your life and your creation of Reality!

Now is the time for you to decide what adventures of the Soul you wish to create, and not to allow the fears and anxieties of the lower levels of the Collective Consciousness to hinder you. Why give your creative energy and power to the creation of an apocalyptic nightmare, when there is so much more to be experienced on the path of growth and self determination. Why not rather create a pathway filled with Light, Joy, Love and Adventure, because this is what you can do as you unfold your timelines like a Celestial Flower unfolding its petals to the Cosmic Sun!

We wish you much Joy and Light in your adventure of Consciousness as you continue to ride the Waves of Luminosity into a New Reality in this month of September.


© 2008-2015 Celia Fenn. All rights reserved.

This article originally posted HERE.


Magdalen Gateway

The Magdalen Gateway

by Kara Shallock, Soulstice Rising

July 23, 2015

We are in a most powerful shift. As you already know, we have had bigger and bigger shifts, one right after the other, with hardly any time to take a break in-between. The current shift is extremely powerful as it leads right up to the Lion’s Gate on August 8th. (8/8/2015=8/8/8). Eight symbolizes Power and certainly, Power to be all that we are is what we each are guided to be. The Magdalen Gateway, the shift we are currently in, helps us prepare for the Lion’s Gate by empowering the Divine Feminine in each of us. Please know that the Divine Feminine holds both sexes within and the Power is in manifesting our creations, which is a blending of both female (creativity) and male (manifestation).

The Magdalen Gateway brings with it the vibration of The Magdalene. Her main essence is Courage…Courage to transcend the small separate ego and step more completely into the fully integrated ego having Soul and ego be One. In the past it seemed as though separate ego and Soul were in conflict. This Gateway helps the separate ego be what it is intended to be and that is the expressor of Soul in all ways. As we use the Power of this Gateway to merge as One (Soul and ego. and female and male energies), we prepare for the culmination of this Gateway at the Lion’s Gate. Each day brings more Light and more Power onto Earth and into us as we build in momentum. The Full Moon, our 2nd Full Moon of the month, on July 31 (in the U.S.) helps to further empower this Gateway. So you see, not only are we in one Gateway, it immediately is followed by the most powerful Lion’s Gate. And the energy will continue from there, as dates are only a guidepost.

We can feel the build-up, can’t we? Emotions are more intense and those lower emotions from separate ego are right in our faces saying, “Whatcha gonna to do about it?!” Well, what are you going to do about it? Will you play the victim to them or take a stand and say, “No more. buh-bye!” If you’re willing to drop your old people-pleasing patterns and step more into your Authentic Self, it helps greatly to move gracefully through this powerful time. It takes being fully honest with yourself and not holding back from others in order to keep your old mask on to keep the peace. Remember that when you stand in the Power of your Authenticity, it helps others do the same…if they choose to. Of course, they may choose not to and will become quite upset if you change the rules of the “game.” For you, you simply cannot abide games, lies or deception any longer. And you see right through those who choose to live their lives in a fake role.

Since the New Moon of last week, we have gotten more in touch with our Authentic Selves as well as through choices we’ve made. There may have been some big drama especially in relationships, family and our own version of security. The more intense it has been is equal to how fervently you and/or others are resisting change. If you have flowed with it and have observed, rather than attach to the drama or conflict, you have empowered your Courage to be more Authentic. With this shift, which is also part of the Magdalen Gateway, we have not only felt it emotionally, but physically as well. There may have been a big shift in your sleep patterns as well as in other areas of your physicality. Women especially may have felt it in their reproductive organs. all a part of the upgrade of the Sacral Plexus. This is a huge wave of Divine Feminine energy and the urge to heal any part of denial is present. There may be a return also of some headaches along with Heart energy in the form of palpitations, pressure or other manifestations. This is all a message to love yourself more. every part of you, for that is the message of the true Goddess.

Yes, the energy has been building and will continue to build, as if we are riding a huge tidal wave that continues to grow. This all prepares us for September’s eclipses, yet another huge wave of powerful energy. Stay on top of the wave and let it carry you, lest you get swallowed up in it.

I shared some time ago that the Pleiadian Emissaries of Light have passed the torch of guardianship to the Sirian Emissaries of Light. These Blue Beings are guiding us through our next Ascension years and eons. Part of the Blue Beings’ gift is the empowerment of the Magdalene and her Twin Flame, The Christ, as One…the Divine Feminine. Yes, they were/are of Sirius and is why this Magdalen Gateway is extra powerful. While the old guard has maligned Her, She and The Christ take Their place now as the Courageous One and this is a most powerful aspect of the Divine Feminine/Source. Please remember that the Divine Feminine is not about gender, for it holds no separation between female and male. This entire evolution into the Divine Feminine is guided by the Blue Beings of Sirius and greatly empowered by the current Magdalen Gateway. The Blue Beings of Sirius have actually been with us for a while now and have helped us rise in Christ Consciousness and will further help us evolve into Universal Consciousness, as our DNA evolves and we access our New blueprints. As you know, our cellular structure is slowly changing, which eventually leads us through different consciousnesses and into Diamond Consciousness eventually, the most brilliant of all. There are some now that hold this frequency, yet few really know this nor express it.

We are taking one step at a time, and the first step is to let go of all that limits us. This gradual evolution is important to build a strong foundation. When we are clear and when Soul and ego are merged as One, with no remnants of separation, we will continue to evolve into the higher consciousness levels. For now, it is important to just put one foot in front of the other and follow our Guidance. We will be led. So continue to meditate, release what is for you to release and if there are big changes for you, take them, for each step and each choice leads the way into the Lightness of Being. You needn’t rush things, so stay in the Moment and be ready to leap into the unknown when it is time. your Soul knows what is best for you.

As we each follow our Guidance we will be led to wherever we are meant to be. We will have new paths that are aligned with our evolving consciousness. Be aware in each Moment, for it is only through Awareness that we evolve and this Awareness helps you choose. When you say Yes! to the Universe, the Universe says Yes! to you. Be aware of the people in your life and for the messages they bring. Some will be painful messages and you will know that it is time to let go. Align yourself with Joy and you can’t go wrong. Joy is the highest vibration of all and without it there is no evolution. Remember that Joy is not based on anything outside of yourself. it is a Soul Essence within you. Now is the time to face your life honestly and be willing to let it go, if that is your guidance. Hold onto nothing. Be free. be You.





Copyright: Feel free to share any portion of the Ascension Notes. I would appreciate being credited.http://www.soulsticerising.com


This article originally posted HERE.