Tag Archives: authentic self

Energy Forecast

Energy Forecast

by Emmanuel Dagher

October, 2016

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Hi Amazing Friend,

This entire year has been full of powerful shifts that have shaken us to our core, and September was one of the most intense months we’ve experienced so far.

Many people have reported feeling disoriented, dizzy, and exhausted, and perhaps more sensitive or emotional than usual.

Each time we travel through these shifts, we detach more and more from the old energy structure, which has kept us from living as our authentic selves.

Though it may look or feel like things are falling apart in different parts of the world, or even our own lives sometimes, the changes occurring right now are not only shifting our core priorities and beliefs. They’re shifting the inner heart of life on our planet.

This is a time of amazing transformation. We are seeing a miraculous rebalancing of humankind’s Feminine and Masculine energies.

[Here we’re speaking of Feminine and Masculine energies in the Universal sense. We’re looking past physical identities and social roles right now, and speaking purely about higher energies.]

And how do we know this is happening?

A Whole New Self-Image

Have a look around right now, and you will see that almost everywhere in the world, the old ideas are being completely rewritten, as we adjust to an outpouring of the Divine Feminine presence upon the Earth.

Systems that were once based on the low, dense outlook of separateness and service to self are now having to either completely reinvent themselves by integrating with these higher energies, or simply dissolve.

Let’s look at the Middle Eastern, Asian, and African countries. So many women in these countries are beginning their own businesses and becoming leaders in their communities now, and protecting women’s right to education and healthcare.

In the Western countries, governments, banks, and monetary systems are being pushed into higher levels of honesty and transparency.

Around the world, there are millions of conscious businesses forming now. These are holding the intent of serving the world and giving to others, instead of being centered on just taking from others.

We are seeing this rebalancing now, because Earth has entered a whole new era.

A New Era Begins

As you know, thousands of years ago, Earth was a peaceful, global society. Humans, animals, plants, the Earth—everything coexisted in peace. The basis of life was love, unity, honesty, respect, and service to others. People honored both the Divine Feminine and the Divine Masculine.

But over time, this perfect balance was released and forgotten. People began to increasingly disconnect from their true identity. They disconnected from the Earth, and from one another. Human consciousness fell from the higher dimensions to the very low third dimension.

The thousands of years that followed this fall into the density of the third dimension were an era that I call “the Great Forgetting.” This was the start of human beings forgetting that they carried Divinity in them. That they were Divinity itself, expressing in physical form.

As they took on the third dimensional perspective, they got increasingly caught up in fear, defensiveness, and separateness. Life was no longer about joyful, conscious creating. It became centered around pure survival.

We also came to form low, dense ideas about Feminine and Masculine energies. We began to see them as separate, and even opposed to one another. Masculinity came to be viewed in terms of control, domination, manipulation, greed, and competition, which created a global “Us vs. Them” mentality.

People came to overvalue outer accomplishment, such as winning battles and competitions, as well as blood sport, ownership, clan loyalty, physical strength, and aggression.

At the same time, we viewed Feminine energy as being inferior to outer strength, action, and control. We saw Femininity as weakness, and nearly all females as being made for subordination and subservience—a life of obedient silence.

Our perfect integration of Masculine and Feminine was lost, as we allowed the lower, denser aspect of Masculine energy to control everything. It made the rules for our economic systems, governments, education, religions. It even controlled our thought processes and our actions as individuals.

Yet all of this was simply part of the role we had created for ourselves, for whatever we would eventually learn and gain from playing out this game of forgetting our true selves.

Because no matter how deep we seemed to fall into separation and duality, a part of us—our Spirit—never fully forgot who we are.

Our beautiful Spirit knew that eventually, over different lifetimes and experiences, we would one day fully acquire all the learning and higher wisdom we had chosen to learn, and remember our Divinity once again.

And over the past few decades, an astounding healing has been taking place.

We have been steadily releasing the old outdated belief in the separateness and inequality of Feminine and Masculine energies.

We are seeing an even bigger upgrade—a massive shift in the collective consciousness. Billions of people around the world are now remembering and anchoring the highest aspects of both Feminine and Masculine energies in every area of life.

The Sacred Feminine and the Sacred Masculine

So what are the sacred Feminine and sacred Masculine energies, in their highest forms?

The Feminine is the creation spark that anchors the spark of Divinity in everything. It is the powerful force that manifests the visible from the invisible realms, using the gifts of creativity, love, beauty, and nurturing.

The Masculine is the activation of that design, demonstrating higher design through intent and outer action.

When the Feminine and Masculine energies combine in effortless co-creation, they bring Divinity into outer form, in all its amazing manifestations.

However you might be seeing or experiencing it right now, know that what is happening to you is the end of the Great Forgetting.

We are now seeing the beginning of the Great Remembrance.

The Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine energies are again interweaving into a perfect joined flow. What we are all experiencing is simply a beautiful rebalancing of those two energies.

On a deep level of our collective being, humanity has now decreed that the Divine Feminine must be allowed, respected, and even celebrated. And the Great Mother within each of us has not only heard, but responded.

The Divine Feminine has now reawakened in human consciousness.

As a result, even our individual priorities are shifting powerfully. Many people are feeling a strong pull to redefine their purpose in life. They are no longer settling for a life that doesn’t bring them joy and fulfillment.

It’s true that this kind of inner shakeup, which is a redefining of your inner purpose, is a big move, and it can leave many feeling shaken and confused.

But this great inner shift means that soon, each person will clearly see the path they need to take in order to live out their higher purpose.

A Whole New Blueprint

Many men who used to embody a great amount of the old Masculine energies are now quickly realizing the old ways no longer work anymore—or that they are simply no longer allowed.

Some men (and women who mainly embody Masculine energy) are finding it difficult to transition out of their old Masculine identity, because they are still living almost completely in their mind and ego.

Yet increasing numbers of men are responding to the energies now flowing powerfully throughout the Earth. They are opening up to intuition, heart-based realizations and motivation, and the ability to nurture others.

The current energies are giving them the chance to embrace, love, and unite with the Divine Feminine energy, so that they can release the old wounded masculinity and embody the new, higher blueprint of Divine Masculine energy.

This new Divine Masculine lives in perfect balance with the Divine Feminine. It both values and lives from the heart and the intuition, and the creativity, respect, and service to others that flow from them.

Both women and men who have allowed others to control them for thousands of years.

But now, whether it’s in their marriages, friendships, or in the workplace, people are no longer tolerating domineering or other low, dense behaviors anymore. They are standing up for themselves, speaking from the heart, and stepping into the power of their true, balanced, authentic selves.

Another amazing shift happening right now, is that many women are noticing that the men who are accepting and embodying the Divine Masculine energies in their lives are more often treating them like Goddesses.

These men are giving themselves permission to give to and honor women, in ways they may never have explored before now.

If you are receiving this special attention from the men people in your life, give yourself permission to enjoy and receive this kindness! It’s long overdue, and it’s part of the new balance that you are also demonstrating now, as you allow Masculine energy to honor you in new ways.

Both males and females are adjusting to this rebalancing of energies. If we are experiencing an inner struggle in this area, that might be due to not fully embracing the Divine Feminine within ourselves.

There are many ways to do this. Expressing ourselves through dance, art, music, spending more quiet time with Mother Earth, or doing helpful volunteer work with children or animals, are all wonderful ways to open up to an expression of the Divine Feminine.

It’s also very important to nurture our physical, emotional, and mental bodies right now, so that we can more easily ride the wave of the Divine Feminine energies pouring in at this time, allowing these shifts to flow through us.

It’s essential right now that we nurture ourselves. Because that is a huge part of anchoring the Divine Feminine energy in ourselves and in the world.

Each of has our own unique way of nurturing ourselves, whether it’s breakfast in bed, taking a day off work to relax, meditating and talking to our guides, absorbing the beauty of Mother Earth, or whatever nurtures us in a positive way.

Nurturing ourselves naturally leads us to nurture the world around us.

Even when these shifts seem huge and challenging, know that in this amazing, Earth-changing moment we are stepping into a new era.

And we chose to be here to experience it!

Till next time,

Miraculously yours,


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Please make yourself at home on my website, and feel free to browse around to see if there’s anything else that you may resonate with or find support in.


©2009-2016 Emmanuel Dagher All Rights Reserved www.emmanueldagher.com You are absolutely welcome to share and distribute these forecasts with others as you feel guided. Please make sure to keep the integrity of this article by including the author & source website link.
This article originally posted HERE.

Cause and Effect

Cause and Effect

by Lisa Renee, Energetic Synthesis

August, 2016

Cause and Effect

During this time of bifurcation our inner energetic integrity is being tested.  This is the time to take stock of how well we are coping with the madness of the earth, as the collective mind of humanity travels the Dark Night of the Soul. Whether asleep or awake, our self-mastery is measured through how we personally deal with stress and chaos. No person on this earth is exempt from exposure to the massive fields of chaos, confusion and darkness that exist in the collective mind of humanity.

If we are not doing well with adaptability, flexibility and neutrality in our life situation, we must make adjustments to gain strength with this skill set. All people must take responsibility for the quality of their thoughts, behaviors, and actions.  This month we explore the principles of Cause and Effect.

As we undergo the bifurcation of time during the Ascension Cycle, it is supportive to understand that the current planetary consciousness shift radically magnifies and speeds up energetic forces that are governed by the Universal Law of Cause and Effect. As we move into the next Harmonic Universe, the Law of Cause and Effect manifests much more quickly, more accurately with the frequency being matched, and with more intensity on the material plane of earth than it ever did before.  In every area of our life, when we generate belief systems, thoughts, behaviors, emotions and actions, this accumulates into energetic content that combines with the vibrationally matched consciousness fields that are in the environment. Moving forward, the energetic content that we send out will return back to us with increasing immediacy, and even instantaneously. Whatever the quality of energy that we broadcast out into the Universe, it sets into motion the accumulative frequency of the energetic content that will be directly returned back to us. This is why it’s crucial to be able to find our inner stillness in meditation, and broadcast as much unconditional love, forgiveness, peace and gratitude to the Universe, as possible.

The third dimensional timelines to which we have been accustomed, are much more dense and infected with layers of artificial intelligence, subconscious mind fragments, phantom spaces and dark entities. As a result of the density, the return of the corresponding reciprocal energies that occurs in the process of Cause and Effect, is slowed down in the lower density, has less energetic concentration, and takes longer to manifest in the sequence of our personal timeline. It was harder for us to connect the dots between the causal event and the actual effect our thoughtforms and emotions had upon the environment, because it took much longer, required more energetic strength and willpower to bring it into manifestation.

During the Ascension Cycle, Starseeds and Indigos have been especially targeted with superimposed karmic loads and implants, for the purpose of slowing us down and requiring incredible spiritual strength in order to be in positive alignment with the Law of Cause and Effect. Our group experiences the boomerang effect of the planetary miasma, as this collective race karmic backlash is directed from dark entities, to keep us weighted down and trapped in this lower density. The tendency to experience more interference on our path to derail our mission, forces us to learn more quickly the necessity to maintain clear and pristine energies through spiritual housekeeping. However, the capacity of dark forces to circumvent the Law of Cause and Effect to their advantage is radically changing now, which is highly supportive for our group. In the new timeline shift, the people feeding the lower mental body constructs are receiving rapid repercussion from the Law, while those awakening people that are working to open their heart and be loving, are reaping the positive energetic rewards much more quickly.

AI Systems Bypass Natural Laws

Planetary gridworkers understand the 3D reality was rigged, through the insertion of the holographic inserts, implants, mind control and artificial timelines used for the Controller agendas. In the previous cycles, the groups of people actively feeding the NAA artificial timelines, implants and dark entities, were massively rewarded with power and resources.  These groups were effectively taking shortcuts with the Universal Law of Cause and Effect. Taking shortcuts means they were stealing the consciousness energy of other people through alien machinery and AI technology. They were inserting false holograms to create the causality for their desired effects in the timelines, and then reaping the rewards of others hard work and consciousness energy. They did not generate this consciousness-energy themselves. They either stole it from other people or it was given to them from higher ups. This included stealing through blood sacrifice, wars and astral binding.   They were rewarded as long as they adhered to the NAA plan to carry out the Controller agenda.

Some people do not know that consciousness energy exists, so are not aware of the extent to which these dark forces exist. So human parasitism has been able to thrive on the earth plane. Simultaneously, the ascending people that are working for planetary consciousness freedom from the AI technology are getting psychically attacked. They are encountering obstacles of interference and getting heaped with the karmic loads, which these Controller groups were generating as a waste product. Artificial intelligence and Satanic forces generate a tremendous amount of toxic waste product. This pollution damages and infects the consciousness-energetic matrix of a structure. This collective karmic exhaust is returned back to the individual people of the earth, in order for them to work it off, when it was not exactly being generated by them.  AI systems are used to bypass the natural Laws of consciousness, and this is one method for creating consciousness slaves on the earth. Those chosen to be the slaves are used to energetically process all of the collective waste product, while they lose their privileges of accessing consciousness, as it is being stolen from them. The Masters use the collective energy to maintain their power and rank, while they generate even more polluted waste by setting up anti-life systems that operate in reverse to natural forces, while accusing the slaves of being nothing more than imbecils and eaters of resources.

The Law of Cause and Effect in a natural consciousness system, without AI mind control, works in alignment with the consciousness energies of each person, so that our own deeds and actions bring our own results. In the previous cycles this was not happening in many cases in the shorter term, because of the abuses of technology, and the AI machinery intended to create slavery. This alien technology being targeted to awakening people, made it much harder for those who truly wanted to support humanitarian freedom. In the previous time cycle, we’ve had to work much harder to get past the enslavement system, because the lower dimensional fields on the earth are rigged with many varieties of AI technology.

Most of humanity is not aware enough to discern the energetic signature of AI, or sense the difference between artificial intelligence that operates in reverse to the natural laws, and the organic state of consciousness architecture that operates in harmony with natural laws. The regressive entities and much of humanity continually defy the Laws of Nature, which manifests as grotesque, defective and diseased creations in the earth body. However, this shift in the planetary architecture is beginning to change now, as the natural laws are being reinstated on the earth, via Guardian Hosting, which means accountability is made for every action at the end of the time cycle. No one ultimately gets away with anything it is just a matter of time.

Laws on Earth are Changing Now

To be in alignment with the Universal Law of Cause and Effect, and to have the Law work to return an abundance of positive and loving energy to us, comes with an important caveat. We must be governed from our heart based qualities, and be willing to discover true compassion and empathy for everyone, digging deep into our heart in even the darkest moments. Practicing loving kindness and forgiveness in every moment possible. Every decision we make, every direction we take, must be based upon our heart based feelings of higher spiritual guidance, and in alignment to the service of the Universal Laws. When we are in harmony with the Laws, we are in harmony with creation, and our life takes on greater ease, grace, comfort and fulfillment in ways not thought possible. The way we make decisions in the outer world has changed forever as our spiritually initiated heart is aligning with the Laws of God. This divine source connection is what protects our aura from enduring the types of intensely concentrated dark interference that some of us have endured in the 3D timelines.  We may continue to bear the gaslighting methods that are used by the dark forces to assassinate our moral and spiritual character, but the truth will always reveal itself and be made known over time. Dark forces and people that are dark portals are predictable as bullies, victimizers and control freaks that manipulate. They seek to use intimidation, deception and manipulation, through fear based false narratives in order to maintain control over reality because that’s the only trick they have left.

If we persist in needing to use control or manipulation methods in our daily life, we will experience the Cause and Effect backlash, or the karmic return of mental bondage to the old destructive patterns of egoic behavior. This is confusing for many people on the earth receiving the Cause and Effect backlash now, because they are being returned to the energy that they have repeatedly created with their false identity, in the planetary field. The more a person has deliberately deceived others, the more energies of self-deception and confusion they will face in the external. The methods that used to work very well for them in the material world, when they were rewarded with lots of money or power, are not working for them anymore in the new timeline. They do not realize the Laws in this reality are changing to be based on the forces of love, therefore the beliefs, behaviors and actions must become more transparent and honest to accommodate this change. The backlash of receiving negative energy that a person has sent out into the field is happening with greater intensity and quicker timing. Dark entities jump on that negative energy as its generated and amplify it into the collective fields, as large as they can. This intensifies the impact of the negative energy, which can be seen as the manifested forces of chaos, confusion and insanity, as it is being returned to its causality in the collective field. From the collective field, those people resonating with those negative forces become individual conduits or vessels of chaotic expression. Because they do not know what to do with the incredible amount of negativity building up inside of them, they are confused, lost and acting out in self-destructive ways.

It is imperative that the Law is understood, that every Cause has an Effect, every Effect has its Cause, and there is no such thing as random luck or chance. We all have to go deeply within our heart to study our real authentic self, to figure out the causality links in our spiritual purpose, by understanding the lessons we must master in life. To find the deeper causality of our incarnation on the earth at this time, we begin by looking at the patterns that repeatedly show up as lessons. If we look at the causal patterns present in our life since birth, we will see the arc of their effects threaded throughout our personal timeline. These point us towards the lessons we must master in adulthood to go beyond the pain and obstacles that we have experienced, which lead us to graduate into higher competencies that ultimately help us to achieve energetic balance and consciousness freedom.  Everything we experience in life, has jewels of strengthening virtue hidden within it, to teach us to become better and stronger people, so that we can gradually learn how to conquer all of our fears and conflicts. These are principles of self-mastery, inherent in the process of spiritual initiation, which is achieved over time by learning lessons and developing virtues to gain higher spiritual wisdom. No matter what is happening in the outer world, we must come into harmony and peace inside ourselves, so that we can live within the same quality of harmony and peace with the world, even when the external is extremely discordant and chaotic.


Causality is a Universal principle that everything has a cause. It is the active relationship that exists between Cause and Effect and it is the relationship of bringing new creation, new life, and manifesting something that turns possibilities into actualities. Causality is the continual link made between all of the Cause and Effect connections that are made throughout time, the chain of causal connections that have no beginning or end. The consequences of effects that are made from this infinite causal chain of connection simultaneously ripple forwards and backwards in time. When our consciousness connects with the many causes, which had created the ripple of effects over time, at the point of energetic association, this may modify, transform, or intensify the forces, which interact with all of those same effects in time. We have a unique opportunity, during the bifurcation, to influence these causal chains.

During the journey of spiritual ascension, we are designed to grow towards increasing our self-awareness. All of these connections that we have made through the stations of identity that exist in time, these accumulative experiences manifest into links of association that become remembered, thus, witnessed and increasingly self-realized. The continual progression of gaining deeper self-realization of our consciousness experiences, bringing consciousness to unconsciousness, is what allows us to embody more of our higher consciousness intelligence in the physical world. Spiritual links of association that we reconnect with, in order to remember throughout time, are experienced as energetic animation, the direct cognition of sensory experiences that exist beyond the five senses. This is the course through which we gain deeper cellular knowing that reveals information about our true selves. The process of synthesizing our consciousness experiences with the alchemy of forces, that are created from the cause and effect chain, is relative to the current self-awareness and potentials that exist in the emerging consciousness within that person, place or object.

All of these combined interactions that are the result of the continual Cause and Effect chain, engender shifts and transformations in the consciousness state and in the forward direction of a person, place or object. For many on the earth, the combinations of the Cause and Effect chains remained static and unmoving, from excessive negative energy blockages. However, when the result of these many interactions induce effects that manifest significant changes, which alter or shift timelines for that person, place or object, the point in time where the consciousness shift occurred is called a Trigger Event. Trigger Events can be positive or negative in their effects throughout time. If we return to observe a Trigger Event in a personal or planetary timeline, whether in the past, present or future, we can potentially alter or change the causality, and its ripple effects that contribute to the series of interactions and forces that were energetically connected to manifest effects into events.

Everywhere in the world when there is an event that occurs, there is a specific energetic relationship to the many consequences of effects that were also caused by preceding events, which have transpired throughout time in order to manifest that event in the future. And that event is also connected to the collective causality, which is the state of consciousness conditions that exists within the people, place or object, at that point in time. All of these causes, effects and conditions interact in some way with those same energies in order to actualize that specific event. Causality in one timeline that may have consequential effects in the future, is blending with higher consciousness and forces of interaction that are connected with that same causality, in many other simultaneously occurring timelines. This is changing the conditions involved in the infinite chain of cause and effect throughout time.

We could visualize causality as operating more linearly in the conditions that existed in the previous 3D time cycle, a chain of preceding events that are building up consequential effects for the future. Currently, causality is evolving into a purely spherical system that is connecting into the chain of causality that exists in past, present or future, and all the way back to the source. During the Ascension the earth experiences multidimensional blending throughout simultaneous timelines, which act to merge with the series of chains of causal events and their effects throughout the Universal cycle. These combined energies integrate in order to change conditions that reach the full completion of the previous consciousness time cycles, whether we want to participate or not. It helps to remember that the state of consciousness experienced is also relative to the same conditions that exist in the time cycle experienced. The planet is coming to the end of the 3D consciousness time cycle, so this fact will shift our consciousness to perceive something else. If we are severely energetically imbalanced or refuse to adapt, we can self-destruct from pain, if we persist in the old ways. Now we have the opportunity to complete old time cycles and not have to repeat them, by returning to the links of causality that are relative to the changing conditions produced by the multidimensional blending. As the multidimensional blending is occurring while our body is in the lower density fields, we are able to spiritually link and connect with our infinite source consciousness. This completion of time cycles is occurring now as we are able to retrieve the most ancient and eternal aspects of our being, by linking with its chain of causality in and out of time, all the way back to God Source.

If we consider how the Law of Cause and Effect is impacting our consciousness, we will want to become more responsible for our thoughts and behaviors, in order to be aware of what quality of entity is the cause, and what quality of entity can be an effect. When we shift our consciousness state to pay attention to this causal chain of interaction that plays out in between the forces existing in our world, with our clear intention and witnessing, we can change the quality of impact these forces have through understanding how this Universal Law is operating in our lives. This is responsible co-creation with the world of forces and the God Source. Our ability to consciously choose between the different possible courses of action, moment to moment, is how we practice the principles of self-determination, which is required to develop the spiritual maturity that embodies as real spiritual sovereignty. This will lead us to take responsibility for everything that happens in our life, because we know how the Law operates, even when the matrix of reality is being controlled with harmful agendas that are impacting the mass consciousness.

Self-Responsibility as Child Abused Adults

All human beings are responsible for their thoughts, deeds, actions and behaviors, in all conditions of which they are exposed. All of these are direct choices that are made by each person in the moment that will have direct consequences that impact them. We must remember that at some point, we chose to come to the earth to experience and observe the control matrix, phantom spaces and deception that has happened here. We came with specific spiritual missions to help heal that negativity in the earth through our higher consciousness body. For that, we must take responsibility for the purpose that we are incarnated on the earth, no matter how difficult the outer world may appear to be. There are profound reasons for being incarnated during the Ascension Cycle, and we must find greater acceptance for this fact, so as Adults, we can accept full responsibility for being here. Taking responsibility for our life situation and removing blame, correctly aligns us to the Law of Cause and Effect, so the Law will be able to work more positively for the results of healing and actualization of spiritual purpose.

This can be very difficult to accept when we are unable to understand the direct causality related to child abuse, and the trauma inflicted during childhood, that emotionally and spiritually stunts many people into adulthood. In our community, we are aware that this is the Archontic Deception Strategy that is carried out specifically to abuse the children of the earth. Many adults on the earth today have experienced childhood trauma and childhood abuse that results in shutting down their heart and oppresses their emotional and spiritual growth. This is designed to impair and damage their emotional competency and self-esteem in life. As challenging as it may be to progress beyond this childhood pain, it is imperative that the adult take actions of Self-Responsibility in order to free themselves from the bondage of continuing to carry that pain.

To begin to free ourselves we must open our heart and be vulnerable in order to really look at our hurt feelings and process those emotions. The more we hold back expressing emotional hurts, the more this festers as internal conflicts, that build up tensions and energetic blockages in our pain body. Many times taking the action of self-responsibility to process and forgive painful emotions will dissolve the energetic link that the child had bonded with their False Parent, during the abuse cycle that they had suffered from in the past. These energetic links can form into attachments that feed into destructive energies such as; co-dependence, addictions, and a variety of self-abuses that attract dark entities.  We can make this choice at any time to forgive our past, forgive others, and forgive ourselves from the abuse that we have suffered, which dissolves the destructive links and negative attachments.

The False Parent is the main Victimizer Archetype that is used to create pain and trauma in the child, when that child is totally dependent upon that adult person. When abuse is suffered in childhood, destructive attachments and negative bonds are formed within that child that carry into adulthood, if they are not cleared. To free the body, mind, emotions and spirit from the bondage of trauma induced by parents or others when we were children, we must take responsibility to learn how to love ourselves and unconditionally forgive what has happened to us. This action dissolves the causality and the consequential effects, as well as later entanglements that this pain has created throughout the child’s timeline, all the way into adulthood. Unhealed childhood trauma and pain is commonly carried over into our adult intimate relationships, infecting them with pain and leading into unhealthy and destructive relationships. When we are able to unconditionally forgive the situation and love ourselves, we learn that what happened to us as a child, had nothing to do with our real self. We shift our thinking to reflecting upon what lessons we have learned, and what strengths we can take away from that experience. We must shift our concept of the Parent that exists on the external, to become the Parent that exists in the internal self, and know that we are the true spiritual parent for ourselves. Our self-worth is not relative to how our biological family or adopted parents treated us as children.

When we change the way we perceive our negative experiences, we are able to own our own emotional conflicts without blame, guilt or projection upon another person, by needing to make it their fault. The set up on earth is to disempower people into always thinking that their misery is someone else’s fault, so that they are always in a state of blaming something else outside of themselves. This creates powerlessness and cycles of victimization that trap the person into compliance with the enslavement programs. Do not assume that you know anything about that person that can be judged for what you cannot see or really know, as you have not walked in their shoes. Many people on this earth live with a broken heart, experiencing a large amount of isolation, misery and fear throughout their life. Chances are you had a parent or other people that acted these feelings out on you.

When feeling emotionally upset, we can restore balance to our heart and aura, by lovingly holding our personal boundaries, without violating others boundaries, by expecting them to resolve our emotional conflicts. This requires that we are willing to be open to learn what the real issue of conflict or pain is, and why it is there. The source of pain will reveal itself in your unchecked behaviors, blaming others or in unconscious reactions. Most of the time what you think is causing your pain, by judging it from what you see on the surface, is not really what is causing the pain you are feeling. It is much deeper than that. By going deeper and reflecting on unconditional forgiveness of yourself and others and allowing the time required to heal, helps to neutralize the inner conflict. Learning how to become responsible in recognizing when we need to process emotions and hurt feelings is a major step, in productive negative ego clearing and spiritual maturity. When we have been severely abused as children, we grow up into adults that have very little reserves of unconditional love for ourselves. As we develop into our own spiritual parent, it will be up to us to grow as much unconditional love reserves as possible, to help restore the depletion of love that this abuse has created in our heart.  This is why having a direct relationship with the God source in our life is so important. It is the most pure source of unconditional love we will ever experience.

Our Actions bring our Results

Whatever quality of energies that we prepare our body to be resonant with or express as a spiritual conduit, whether it is positive forces or negative forces, is what we allow ourselves to be in consent with. We all want to understand the difference between positive and negative forces, so that we can determine the positive and negative effects that these forces will return, when they manifest in our life. If we do not understand the causality of effects that happen in our life, and if we cannot determine the difference between positive or negative forces when they are acting in our life, we become very confused and unhappy.

  • Positive actions bring positive results.
  • Negative actions bring negative results.
  • Our actions bring our own results.

A positive cause will reap a positive outcome. This may not be visible in a specific event, especially if you are trying to control the outcome toward something that you have labeled as positive. It is not up to us to decide the outcome of events by intentionally manipulating to get what we think we want, because that interferes with synchronicity of the Law. Interference attracts more interference. Getting what we think we want to make us happy is not always positive. Many times this can bring negative results. We must learn to use our heart and feel into it first. The goal is to know that the more positive deeds and actions we generate, the more positive effects we will accumulate, to bring more positive results in our life. Positive results are not purely materialistic objects, but the heart source inside of things that truly bring us happiness, peace and fulfillment. If we choose to be in consent with positive forces, and we want to multiply them in our life, we understand that our positive deeds and actions will create more positive forces, and this causes the ripple of positive effects that will return good results back to us.

A negative cause will reap a negative outcome. If we dwell in the negative forces, and if we carry out negative actions, this generates more negative results in our life. Negative effects that seem to be repeatedly occurring are coming from negative causes. If this is occurring, our job will be to really study our behaviors and actions to be able to determine what negative forces or negative causes are contributing to the problem, so we can clear them out. The biggest problem with negative forces is that most people have been conditioned to think negative forces are actually positive forces, so they are very confused about how these forces actually impact them. Sometimes people are doing harmful things to themselves that make them feel good or comfortable in some way, such as refusing to face the unpleasant truth, or taking recreational drugs to get high. Refusing to face the truth in situations contributes to self-deception, and deception is a negative force in our life that generates negative results. Getting high on drugs is not a positive force, no matter how it makes us feel, it is a negative force. The more the negative force is thought of as a positive force, the person is getting more negative results in their life, but is confused as to why this is happening. The negative forces on this earth are imposters, and they represent themselves as positive forces, when they are not. These forces deceive people into believing that they are something that they are not. This is why learning how dark forces work to spread negative forces in the world, is very helpful in discerning the difference between positive forces and negative forces. Most people do not want to have a series of negative results that are repeatedly coming from negative causes in their life. But until they understand that negative forces have negative effects on our entire human being, they are stuck in the painful cycle of yielding negative results.

Our actions bring our own results. On planet earth to keep people in the negative cycle, they are taught to blame other people for their misfortune and unhappiness. When people suffer negative results, they immediately blame other people. This is wrong thinking that leads to disempowering beliefs and only creates more personal suffering and unhappiness from more negative results. We must change our thinking to accept that our actions bring our own results, and that other people’s actions are not responsible for the effects or conditions that we experience in life. This does not mean that we should accept blame for other people abusing or mistreating us. It means we always start with taking responsibility for our own actions first, and then focusing on what we can do to generate as much positive energy in our life, no matter what the conditions.

We may see what is happening in the collective, but we do not allow the collective programs to infect us with wrong thinking, that will bring us more suffering and negative results. We must study our life to truly understand that we cannot compare our life to any other person. We all have specific spiritual lessons and tasks, and we reap only what we have made the effort to plant, in the conditions we have. If we want to change the conditions we are in, we must plant the seed of change that we want to grow. If you do not know exactly what the seed is that you need to plant, you ask God to do it on your behalf. Then continue to generate as many positive actions for yourself and others, and follow the higher guidance coming from your heart and trust it is leading you to yield more positive results in the future.

Law of Intent and Consent

Whatever kind of force we are in consent with, whether we know this or not, is the quality of energy that our body and Consciousness is subjected to in Universal Law. The quality of spiritual force will have corresponding dimensional laws, which govern the actions of that quality of that spirit. Negative forces are in the lower dimensions and create servitude and bondage to time, while positive forces of the Spirits of Christ are in the highest dimensions and create sovereignty and freedom for the Soul and Spirit.

What we think with our intent will be in consent with the frequency match of the forces that we generate, and the force we create with is our Authority in the structure that we are building.

What we build in the Law of Structure is what we have created with accumulated or combined forces. This creation, whether perceived as intangible or tangible, will have an energetic Cause and Effect upon our body, mind, consciousness and all of our life experiences.

When one has the knowledge of the Law of Intent, they naturally develop their consent with whatever energy, force or structure they are interacting with or co-creating with. That force of energy, whether positive or negative, is used to create a structure, and that will determine the Authority with which that structure has been built. As long as that structure has been built with that same Intent, Consent and Authority, it will remain as the Governor of that structure.

This lack of knowledge is the most common reason why an individual that has unknowingly co-created with the negative causes, that are the Imposter Spirit forces, becomes increasingly entangled with these negative forces, creating more negative results from Law of Cause and Effect. Many people cannot discern negative forces and the levels of deception carried out by the Imposter Spirits.  This is a loophole created from the Alien Machinery and its inorganic AI architecture that has manipulated human beings to co-create with these negative forces, in order to grow and spread their negative effects on the earth plane and in other dimensions.

Uncleared Conflicts create Mental Anxiety

The lower particle fields in the third dimension are rolling up into higher dimensional spaces, and are ceasing to exist in the same way that they were. The contents that were in these lower particle fields include the collective unconscious mind and pain body of all of humanity. All of this content of unconsciousness and pain is coming to the surface of the earth to be made visible, and people do not know what to do with the painful content when they are feeling it, or when it is pushing to be expressed through their body. This shift is unseen in the visible light spectrum, and although many people cannot see the dimensions rolling up, they can feel it happening. When people cannot see something occurring externally, they can still feel it occurring internally. If there are no words or context to describe the feeling, and no one else is talking about it, this unknown feeling can bring anxiety, doubts and fears. If this accumulated anxiety is not addressed, it builds momentum and the unprocessed content can be emotionally or physically explosive. In the extreme, we can see many lost and confused males under 30 acting out the unconscious rage surfacing from these lower particle fields. They are used by dark forces to magnify the victimizer programs through inflicting pain and hurt on many more people near them.

Many people can feel that the energetic root in the third dimensional foundation of the earth field has shifted, which lends to sensations of great anxiety, tension and stress. This is the feeling of having no secure foundation or safety, as if the floor and walls are crumbling away. When the foundation of our third dimensional identity is crumbling, the consciousness of the body feels anxiety and stress, through the confusion of not comprehending what is actually occurring.  The earth is entering an amplified state of multidimensional bleed-through, as many other realities are spilling into this reality, and the accumulated energies, entities and experiences are very confusing for many. People do not know how to process what they are feeling, what they are experiencing, and how to give it proper context, from all the lies and deceptions they have been told about the nature of reality. As a result we see the outward manifestation of constant mental anxiety and exhibiting imbalanced to extreme negative behaviors. These are the uncleared mental and emotional conflicts, which exist inside that person, which can further create fragmentation and attachments.

Sadly, this is resulting in the extreme mental and emotional imbalances that are manifesting outwardly in many of the earth population, who are being suppressed from accessing multidimensional consciousness anatomy, as well as Ascension knowledge.  People that are unprepared mentally, emotionally and spiritually, to comprehend the impact of these Ascension changes made upon our body, are subjected to excessive sensations of emotional tension and mental anxiety. Unfortunately, the suppression of consciousness information has been made successful by labeling multidimensional consciousness experiences as psychological or emotional diseases. Nonetheless, with nonjudgment and unconditional love, it is imperative to address unresolved conflicts that create anxiety in our mind, emotions and body, and apply clearing and healing tools to remove discord, and replace these negative feelings with neutrality and inner harmony. With some basic energetic context and proper meditation tools, this can be accomplished. When personal effort toward healing or improvement is made, it does not matter what kind of belief system that person has.

Dissolving the 3D Personality

The incarnated station of our identity that was our personality matrix, the aspect that was enmeshed with the lower three dimensional frequencies, is also dissolving. What this equates to is the dissolution of our personality matrix or station of identity that was located in the lower three dimensions, and moving that aspect of our identity into the higher frequency bands of our soul matrix or higher station of identity. What happens to the people on the earth who believe that they are only their personality identity, when it begins to dissolve? We can see the effects of that consciousness shift now in the global scape. The range of experience for some people is from sensations of great anxiety, stress, and mental confusion all the way to the descent into madness and insane behaviors.  Most people are not aware they are losing coherence, and are unaware of the causality of what is actually influencing the way they think and behave.

The lower dimensional contents that exist in the planetary collective consciousness fields are undergoing massive reconfiguration in multiple ways. This energetic change in the 3D reality has reached critical mass, which means it is greatly impacting all people of the earth. Whether asleep or awake, the self-mastery that has been either lost or gained is measured in how you personally deal with stress and chaos. No person on this earth is exempt from the exposure to the massive fields of chaos, confusion and darkness that exist in the collective mind of humanity. During this time, our inner energetic integrity is tested in order to hold neutrality, while facing the great forces of chaos. This is being tested in every person, just from the mere fact of being on the earth at this time.  How well are we able to adapt to change and hold neutrality in every kind of stressful situation? We have to measure our competency level now.

If we are not doing well with adaptability, flexibility and neutrality in our life situation, we must make adjustments to gain strength with this skill set. This is the time to take stock of how well we are coping with the madness of the earth, as the collective mind of humanity travels the Dark Night of the Soul. What does this take and what is being asked of us? All people must take responsibility for the quality of their thoughts, behaviors, actions, as all consciousness that is created has a direct cause and effect.

Since 2009, we have consistently emphasized the necessity of moving out of the 3D consciousness fields, and from feeding those energies, by identifying and clearing the three layers of the negative ego that are run in the lower dimensional fields. The clearing of negative ego is mandatory in order to adapt to the shifting timelines, and to maintain coherence and sanity. It is imperative to address unresolved conflicts that create anxiety in our mind, emotions and body, and apply clearing and healing tools that replace our previous ways of thinking with neutrality, love and peace.

Grail Point and Stargate System

Planet Earth has a Krystal Body anatomy that holds many energetic constructs, which form into Chakras, Axiatonal Lines, Ley Lines and the many energy vortices that make up the layers of the entire Planetary Auric Body. The fact this planet was originally created from the Diamond Sun architecture, reveals the true creator of this planet and the progenitor of the human species. This remains the truth no matter what extraterrestrial race has planted its flag on the earth surface, claiming the earth as their territory. Starseed gridworkers may sense and work with many of these holographic constructs in the earth grid, which form the basis of understanding the energetic architecture of the earth consciousness body, and how this structure creates the many realities and time fields. The many dimensional layers in the earth’s auric body are the container for entire collective consciousness on planet. These structures hold the content of all of the consciousness that manifest into the many different kingdoms and species that exist on the earth. They hold the point of origination for all of the collective consciousness energy that was originally seeded onto the planet, and entered the material realm from the Grail point. The Grail point is located within the planet’s second dimensional Stargates, with its primary access being within Temple Mount.

The Planetary Chakra system, also called Stargates, acts to step down the higher energies transmitting from the Source field into the Sun, which is then directed into the many Stargates. The Stargates transmit an energetic spectrum of frequencies, moving from the higher to lower dimensions, in order to reach the matter fields and circulate them throughout the planetary grid network. Stargates create spirals of these energies, which are designed on a frequency scale to circulate the God Source energy into reciprocal exchanges with multiple dimensions of creation. The frequency scale of the spirals of energy feed into the manifested realms of space and time, returning back into the center point of the feedback loop, thus, returning to unite with the God Source field. The Planetary Stargate that receives the transmission of the Source field for distribution into the rest of the planetary grid system, is the Grail Point or Grual Point. As many of us may be sensing, the transmission of the intergalactic plasma waves from the Source field into the Grail point and the Planetary Stargates, is greatly accelerating now.

This intensifies higher sensory experiences of multidimensional bleed through, lifting the veil between dimensions, thus, more people are sensing an array of dark and light entities, sensing people that have passed their physical body, but are still existing in other dimensions on the earth plane. Moving forward, more people will have experiences with passed on relatives, people existing in other dimensions, seeing a variety of spiritual entities, orbs, elementals, etc. The intensity of the current shift amplifies an array of multidimensional experiences, and we are the experiencers in the changing of the guard to help the masses know that this is a natural result of Planetary Ascension. We must normalize multidimensional experiences as a healthy perception of reality in a humane society.

The planet’s lowest density dimensional frequency bands and their energy vortices are gradually rolling up and dissolving into the Grail point. As the energetic contents that had existed in the lower three dimensions changes its location and frequency level, it is reconfigured or it is processing through the Grail point. The Grail point in our personal body resonates with the sexual organs and sacral areas, and it holds the unprocessed content of our pain body. Therefore we must address this pain body, in all ways to find unconditional love, healing and forgiveness for the contents of the pain that was recorded there. This is similar to saying this cycle constitutes the separation of the wheat from the chaff, as the debris or lower energetic constructs in our pain body and unconscious mind are being dissolved, then harmonized, and what remains is shifting with us into the next Harmonic Universe.

If we are flexible and cooperate with the Ascension process, we can experience a massive pain body healing and release of bondage from pain. This changes previous trigger events based on pain that had been recorded throughout our personal and planetary timelines. This has a chain reaction that changes the relationships between Cause and Effect, meaning the causes held in the lower dimensions can be dissolved, and no longer have an effect in future timelines.  

Please only take what is useful for your spiritual growth and discard all the rest. Thank you for your courage and bravery to be a truth seeker.

I am God, Sovereign, Free!

Until next, stay in the luminosity of your Avatar Christos Sophia heart path. Please be kind to yourself and each other. GSF!

With a Loving heart, Lisa



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This article originally posted HERE.


Just Shine

The Soulstice Full Moon Gateway

by Kara Shallock, Soulstice Rising

June 21, 2016

It was my “plan” and intention to write this Note before the Soulstice Full Moon Gateway, knowing that celestial events don’t necessarily happen on Earth’s exact timetable. I was guided not to; my energy was reeling from the powerful calibrations of the Gateway, so was told to rest. So I thought, “I’ll write about it on the day of the Gateway;” yet by then the energies were really flowing, knocking me off my feet on the day of the Gateway. The energies had really really knocked me out. I am reminded that we can make plans yet flow with the energy, for plans may shift. Plans and intentions simply do not fit into the New. We can have an idea, yet it is best to follow our energy, for it will guide us. There just is no room for set plans and intentions, for while they may come from our desire to express Divine Will, they really are based in the intellect and there is no control or making something occur when your energy is not aligned with what is.

Now I share with you what I’ve received for this powerful Gateway, since a Gateway, nor any celestial alignment, is not just at particular time of day, for there is no time anywhere except for Earth. Time is made up so we can be in control. Control is an illusion based in expectations and attachments.

This Gateway has been for the purpose to stand powerfully in and as our Authentic Self. It is time to fulfill our Soul’s mission. When we do, we open the door of our 3D prison and free ourselves to be more. So many refuse to let go, even when the door is already open. Are they that enthralled with the 3D life of duality? Is it fear? Is it control? Is it that that they just don’t think they have the Courage to be free? It confuses me and others, who shout back at the prison, “Come on; this is so much better!” Perhaps many have gotten used to their comfort zone; even if it causes pain. So they read and play in the workshops and talk the talk, yet they do not walk their talk. It’s time! You are more ready than you realize. Are you concerned what others might think or say? Be assured that when you take a step outside of the prison, you serve as an Inspiration to others. However, take as long as you want; there will be more opportunities to receive the Light codes in order to feel strong enough to rise in your Authenticity. While a small percentage of folks have leapt, more will shift in the next few years.

Being in duality, there is always a battle going on; that of conflicting emotions and judgments; and as long as a person is willing to be in conflict, they will create moreopportunities to experience duality. To break free of this vicious cycle is to not get caught up in the dualistic world and this takes stepping out of the prison and out of the old matrix and trusting that all is in Divine Order. It takes a Willingness to change; to drop the duality and all its beliefs and concepts and be willing to not just talk aboutthe New, but to Be the New. In this way, one is carried in the Flow and discover that they needn’t have been concerned about perceived loss or “looking” different to those who have not wanted to shift. Life becomes more of an adventure; a sojourn into a new land of promise. The promise is that you will experience more Joy and guidance than ever before. You let go of how you perceived life in the past and open up to how New Life is for you. We have entered a period of Light, which began about four years ago; only most don’t believe it, so attached they are to how life has been in the past.

With each Gateway, each one has had the Opportunity to align themselves with Source and receive the Light Codes that help them evolve. However, many have not done this and so do not receive the Source Codes to evolve. It takes a Willingness to open and receive and then change what needs to shift. Only when a person is willing to let go of all fear and open up to only Love, do they receive. You see we all have Free Will and nothing is forced upon us without our invitation. Light is always availableto all of us and is amplified during Gateways. Just as it is not possible to whole someone not willing to receive, it is not possible to receive the Light Codes without your Willingness or alignment. Can you love every being on Earth? Can you love the fly and the mosquito? Can you love the murderer or rapist? If not, then you carry not the Love Codes, but fear and duality. This Gateway feels different in that the Receptivity of Light does not come unless you are ready, yet there are plenty of opportunities to align and ready yourself to receive. Again, choice.

Our highest Path is to be Love and to be that Love in every breath and thought and action we take. It requires us to be aware in each moment, vigilant to what we are feeling and thinking and doing. In this way, we recognize what is not Love and release it. Daily we can align ourselves by opening our Crown and allowing Source Light to flow into us from the Great Central Sun, through our Galactic Sun and then through our own solar disc, down our pranic tube (chakras along the spine) and then ground it to the Earth Crystal Cluster at the core of Earth. This simple practice helps us stay aligned with Source, grounded to both Source and Earth, and be aware of all Gaia’s gifts as well as our own. It helps us to stay awake and aware through this conscious act.

Each Path then has a unique expression, which is Love in Divine Service. We need not label it, for simply being Love is enough. If you are guided to offer your gifts in a specific way, you will be intuitively guided. If you feel a need to be away from noisy and chaotic energy, then do so, for in Silence is the greatest guidance. In fact, it may be so jarring to be in or around noise that you simply cannot remain there. It’s easy to get sucked into lower energies if you stay in these kinds of environments. If it is necessary for you to be in lower energies, protect yourself by expanding your LoveLight from your Heart outward so that you form an egg around you that is pure Love. When you can stay in this state of Grace, beautiful forms manifest, for what is within is created without. Forms take longer to manifest when one’s energy is scattered and carries more than one’s own consciousness. You build your consciousness through being congruent spiritually, mentally, emotionally and physically. As you stay focused not on the details, but on your Divinity; your connection with Source; amazing things manifest.

This Gateway is bringing us more powerfully into our New Selves. Many may have experienced lots of intense adjustments and those adjustments are integrating, so it may not be as intense for you now. This Gateway will affect us for several months and take us right up to the Equinox in September. You will notice how the lower energies are shifting higher. As you keep your Light bright, it affects everything. As you notice things, don’t attach to them and understand that all things shift according to Divine Order no matter what it currently looks like. Refrain from judging whether something is good or bad; right or wrong, etc; for as soon as you do this, you have jumped right back into the old dualistic matrix. Our collective job is to shine bright without attaching to how it’s affecting things…just shine.

Trust in the unknowable and unseeable. Trust what you experience, especially when it doesn’t fit into the old norm. These experiences help you move further into Source consciousness. Getting out of your head helps, for the intellect knows only what it’s been told. Open up to infinite possibility, magic and miracles, for these are of the New.

Everything is shifting higher. We are seeing the old matrix, with its duality, fear and violence, be transformed. Remember that Transformation is not an easy process. The old must dissolve and then rebuild from a new DNA or mindset. It doesn’t happen overnight. Observe this over the next several months. Our cells have been calibrated higher so that now we can more easily create new lives. Remember that it takes congruent focus. As long as you carry any of the old beliefs within you, manifestation of the New for you will be much delayed. As we rise in Unity and higher consciousness, there is much to learn and all of it happens within.

As we let go more of healing, fixing and saving and instead trust that others are as gifted and powerful as we; that all beings are Authentic Selves; True Selves and Essence; we enter into a powerfully creative time in which we share our gifts as an expression of Oneness. Can you see where healing, fixing and saving are dualistic? Can you see that in Oneness, no-one is above or below anyone else? Do you see that these things of separation are of the old? We can share without the expectation that one knows more than another. When someone comes to you to be led, do you assume the leadership role or put another in that role? This role assignment keeps the old separation intact or can you see that you are two equals sharing the Light?

Everyone is called to step up in their Power and their Knowing. There will be those who share their gifts; not in order to lead or empower/disempower another, but as an expression of their Authentic Self; neither above or below. This is a time to be all of who you are. What does that mean to you?


Accept As It Is Now

Accept As It Is Now

by Lisa Renee, Energetic Synthesis

May 24, 2016

We are not turning back, and whatever we have learned and uncovered about our deepest selves on our spiritual journey, must be applied and put into daily practice. The future of humanity, the future direction of the human species is at stake and the bar has been raised along with an incredible pressure to transform. We are experiencing the best of times and the worst of times, all simultaneously. There is no denying the level of uncertainty and the disorientation that we are feeling while in the pinnacle of this shifting energetic chaos, that is surfacing from deep inside the planet, and thus, its outer influences are taking shape inside of people. This rapidly increasing pressure can explode into surface chaos, as the result of massive changes that have occurred to the fundamental energetic architecture of the planet. This is entirely necessary to facilitate spiritual and human evolution to grow into the next Age. The chaotic energies of the recent electrical peak have radically increased the transparency in the external, in order to view how co-dependent humans and the many societal structures have become reliant on the false and deceptive programs of a mind controlled reality. These deceptions are promoted through mind control programs that are propagated for 3D humans to believe that the physical world and our Ego is the center of the Universe. We may be experiencing incredible forces that are bearing upon our life in order to learn the deeper Universal Truth about the true Nature of Reality, seeing beyond self-deception and self-delusions, the fantasies that we may have created in our mind that keep us in denial.  Self-realization of higher truths can be very painful to see in ourselves, as well as in the globalscape. The lower dimensional forces that manifest as the lower three levels of mind, are being destroyed in the presence of the Supreme Nature of the Eternal Living Light as it is transmitted through oscillating waves of plasma fields. For those on the ascension path, the life story and narrative is over as you knew it from your former identity, the 3D personality matrix. During this phase of massive consciousness growth, what you may have thought your life was going to be, or what you dreamed it was going to look like  by now, it has become clear that everything has changed. What you may have thought it was, turns out, that it will never be. We are leaving many of the past patterns of what had been accumulated to influence us from our own ancestors, and we can see those ancestral influences in our past, as they are leaving. Sometimes, it means that we have family members that are exiting from this plane as their time on the planet comes to an end, and we can feel the energetic burden of that connection dissolving. As we gain more freedom from the shackles of the past, we may see that our Infinite Consciousness only lives in the present moment of now. As we shift our lifestyle away from the need to obey or control rigid time schedules, the contrast between the now moment expansion of energies and the constriction of time that occurs when connected to the lower mind, becomes increasingly obvious, as these controlled energies lose coherence in the now moment, and are physically draining.

The behavioral imbalances, the mental disease, the broken systems, the disconnected boilerplates regurgitating from the automaton machine mentality, are apparent in the many of the control structures that may be felt or seen in the environment EVERYWHERE. Without a personal rudder, without strong inner direction (which can only be accessed from the inner stabilization of one’s core spiritual essence) many people are feeling lost and confused in the midst of this dismantling phase which accelerates chaos. How we perceive and experience this point of time during the Ascension cycle, is a matter of personal choice and knowledge that everyone has that choice to make. Gaining clarity from within this massive ball of confusion requires self-awareness of negative patterns and their attachments, along with the focused discipline of our mind to meditate and clear them. This is the time to remove all attachments to the external outcome and personal results, and focus on how we can best truly know our authentic selves and find what does support us to increase our happiness and fulfillment in the moment. Small steps every day towards spiritual development, practicing gratitude, and little things that we can do to be of better service to others on this planet, goes a very long way.

Many human beings are having trouble understanding the complexity of the powerful transition they are undergoing, and tend to misinterpret events or circumstances, as they are trying to troubleshoot problems while actually looking at it from the ego perception of reality. Because most people misinterpret what is transpiring, especially that they find deeply upsetting, and without proper spiritual ascension or consciousness context for evolution,  these changes can feel very forced and traumatic. It does not need to be traumatizing. When you let go of what you know from the past, and we let go of the need to control everything, this is what allows something new to appear in our life. In this way, personal choice is constantly being offered. Mind control has been so powerfully effective on this planet, that most people deny the existence of many things that are an actual waking, walking reality that is in front of us every day. We may get caught up in dramas that place our focus upon very small things,  when we should be opening up our perspective to something much larger.

What you decide now in the next direction of your life, will also impact ancestors and future generations. This is why it is wise to invest in the permanent part of yourself, getting into finding ways to strengthen your relationship with your inner core spirit. To develop the relationship with your Core Inner Spirit, all of us must see and face the shadows of hidden deep fears, and see the areas of denial, self-deception and delusions that we have allowed to control our decision making process throughout life. Acknowledge it. See It. Then give it to God. Inflexible minds only continue to deny the existence of the many worlds of forces, such as dark forces, in order to attempt to continue to cover up and deny the true nature of reality. We must confront the outer deception in order to get to the inner truth, and ask the hard questions. Who is benefiting from the pain, suffering and misery that so many people feel on the earth? When will humanity decide to awaken and actually see what they are really looking at? In order to finally see the deceptive nature of mind control in this planetary reality, and then to find clarity from within the confusion it creates, one has to Let Go of All you Know. Free your Mind.

Our 3D Ego Self and many of the distorted and delusional belief systems that have been shaped by the Controller Pillars of Society and the NAA, will not continue to be reinforced anymore in the external environment via the planetary architecture. Many of the Controllers that were inside these societal and secret structures that were of an alien nature or based in the human Power Elite, are being extracted and removed from holding that tyrant position from behind the veil.  That means many humans that refuse to change or shift these structures may work even harder to expend all of their energy to keep these systems alive and running, based upon drawing from their own fears and even soul energies. Essentially, this is wasting your soul energies and consciousness to be reinforced in the old controlled material structures, rather than letting them go, allowing collapse, and making something entirely new. When we are desperate to hold onto things that need to come to an end, we lose our discernment and perspective while we rapidly drain our energy. Those groups will feel exceptionally depleted and exhausted, as all of us at some level, must let go of what we know of the past, and allow for something new to be created in its absence.

For those on the Ascension pathway, plotting, planning and strategizing for control over our future prospects is over. As we place our body and life force in the hands of our Higher Self, we are learning how to communicate in the new light language without the ego interference. Wherever you may find yourself right NOW, there is a reason for it. Dissatisfaction, unhappiness and frustration in our life circumstances, can only be shifted in the perception in the now moment, there is no magical answer in the future to feed the unhappy ego. The unhappy ego looks for instant gratification and wants to have what it wants right now, many times unwilling to put in the necessary time, energy and dedication into building something new and creative.  To overcome an unhappy ego you must surrender to and accept the circumstance you may find yourself, As It Is Now. For many mentally untrained people at this stage of evolutionary development, there is a lot of ego denial of the actual facts and blaming everything and everyone on the external, which is a common ego coping mechanism. This promotes more resistance and more energetic backlash to feed the uncomfortable circumstances, which will prolong the issue and make resolution or clarity more difficult. We must stop the blame game and accept the responsibility for our life circumstances, no matter where we may find ourselves now  By way of living and breathing in a human body on the planet, tells you that you agreed to be here during this challenging time of Ascension. Accept that responsibility by avoiding the ego’s blaming behaviors or feeding into more of the victimizer patterns. The external environment for many people now is crumbling, at the job, in relationships, health, money, possessions and at the social and economic level. The walls, the ceiling and the floor are caving in and many people are in a deep panic about losing their perceived external reinforcement of security and safety. This of course is the great Illusion that must be dismantled in order to live consciously aligned to our core spiritual essence, which holds the potential to infinite consciousness. There is no safety found in anything physical, the only safety is our connection to our inner spiritual core and true heart essence. If this is your time to be physically dismantled, breathe, surrender and accept the situation, As It Is Now. Be as still as possible. You are going to be alright. As you can hold inner stillness and maintain calm, things will then progress in your life much easier.

(Newsletter- Letting Go fo All you Know)



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This article originally posted HERE.