Understanding Love

Understanding Love

By Corrina Steward, NHPD

March 5, 2016

Love: the unified heart code that awakens compassion and the synergy of the inner divine masculine and feminine.

I am experiencing an amazing unfolding and re-learning of the unified heart codes. The birth of my son has propelled this heightened experience and located me into a perfect pattern of higher creation. I will be sharing this divine pattern more and more as it tells the story of our Earth awakening and the origins of our soul’s birth.

The story I’m telling began with light that led to wisdom and now to love.

As I was being prepped for my surgery due to internal bleeding after my son’s birth waves of love poured with immensity through my heart center. It was in this moment that I saw a vision of my family, my husband and two children, living without me. This vision struck no fear or upset in me. I was so washed in love, the love of the higher heavens, that I “knew” everything was perfect no matter the outcome of my surgery.

It was at that moment that I released my husband as my masculine “source” and unified my inner masculine “self”, the divine masculine, with my inner feminine. I was experiencing the inner sacred marriage of the feminine and masculine, the foundation of the love code of the heart.

What is amazing is that later my husband told me he also had the experience of imagining being a single dad and raising our children without me. It was this release of the illusion of the outer marriage that shifted us both. I am now experiencing “love” differently in my marriage and with everything! Those waves of ascended love still course through me and when they get disrupted, I sink deep into compassion, empathy and releasing of judgement quickly.

I have been here before. It’s not an entirely new experience. What is different is the ease by which I AM embodying love and experiencing what I’ve come to know as the multi-textured “body” of love.

Love, as experienced in the unified heart, is a living consciousness. In the 3rd dimension of human life, love is conditional and based in our needs to survive. In unity consciousness, love is an alive intelligence that has infinite possible experiences that birth out of the “marrying” of the divine feminine and masculine creation energies.

The divine feminine energy is the dreamer, the wisdom to imagine love’s creation possibilities. The divine masculine is the doer, the love action that manifests the possibility into form. When activated in our hearts the divine masculine and feminine unify and become a synergy of “actualized compassion”. The masculine and feminine dance as a whole energy, one giving, the other receiving, respectively.

Once we are unified we no longer “need” people to fulfill us, emotionally etc; we are filled by love within and release our outer dependency on emotional and physical needs. People can come together in unity as whole selves to advance creation in cocreative partnerships. This is the awakening of the Sophia-Christ Consciousness (the inner sacred marriage) in the unified heart and our co-creator capacities advance from this embodiment.

When the love code is activated in our hearts we become unified with the Mother and Father God creation blueprint; this initiates our link to the Cosmic Logos, the source of cosmic creation and the blueprint/architecture of the cosmos. The original human and the new human are designed for this relationship.

Learn more about the love code of the unified heart.

Global Love Awakening

We are in a time when humanity as a whole has the potential to reunite with the original human design. Love as a human emotion is a gateway to love as a living consciousness. As humanity experiences increasing polarities connected to the expression of love as an “emotional story”, the potential for awakening to love as a “creation story” is growing.

It is now possible to access the love code from within the human heart, as designed in the original creation blueprint, and re-learn the story of our birth.

The steps that naturally unfold as the love code awakens are:

1) Love as an emotion: this is the third dimension, sleeping state, human experience; Love as a feeling sourced from the emotional energy body and rooted in separation, dependency and needs. 

2) Healing the Separation of the Heart: heals the original trauma of our separation from God Source. We begin to experience compassion as we forgive the “wrong’s” done to us and see the nature of love as a unifier of all life.

Heal the Separation of the Heart

3) Love code activation: unifies the divine masculine and feminine energies within us; awakens unity consciousness within our hologram or reflective reality.

Activate the love code

4) Activation of the Trinity of the Heart: the three codes of the heart, sourced from the original creation codes/rays (light, love and wisdom) unify to connect us to the universal heart and the Triad Heart (Human, Earth and Cosmos); creates a heart portal by which we receive universal heart intelligence.

5) Initiates the Doorway to the Higher Heart: through the Trinity of the Heart we experience, and ultimately, embody the God code of the heart and become an active God Principle, an agent of creation, co-designing the Cosmic Logos, the blueprint and manifestation of evolving life.

Living Love in 2016

As world events unfold this year, we have many opportunities practice compassion and forgiveness. It’s the amplified compassion that will raise the heart resonance of Earth in 2016, bringing the collective consciousness into a more visible reflection of the Separation of the Heart. This is a natural, organic unfolding of the unified heart intelligence.In this time, the New Humanity will embody deeper the operating principles and virtues for a new human culture and consciousness.

Radiate the Unified Heart Virtues

Beginning on March 8 (solar eclipse), the Cosmic Logos will return to Earth with increasing acceleration, re-orienting the Earth and the human biology to the universal cosmic “laws” of unity and infinity. In conjunction with the Cosmic Logos’ download, the Earth’s “soul clock” will be reset through Stonehenge, the human soul’s Earth energy center and energetic gateway to the original source coding of the divine human blueprint.

The New Human Story, from one of separation to one of unity, will be encoded into the Earth’s logos at this time. It is through the Stonehenge energy center that the human soul “essence” (the substance of our light) was stolen and the human creation story was distorted.

A “puncture” in time was implanted that created the illusion of separation and the belief that humanity arose out of an animalistic nature (Darwinism evolution) and the mythos of a “fallen” humanity (Garden of Eden). The New Human Story reconnects humanity to the crystalline Diamond Heart of the the Angelic Human and Christ Consciousness lineages.

As unity and infinity are re-instated the new Cosmic Logos sequence for Earth will be downloaded into the Earth’s logos. Specifically, the Earth’s double infinity frequency will catalyze enabling a new light body formation and activating the infinite-possibilities manifestation grid and reciprocal abundance flows.

The infinite-possibilities grid accelerate and ease the building of the New Earth, as the “instructions” for creation will be clear, and the tools for the New Earth will birth out of the new grid’s abundance flows.

EnJOY this amazing passage into the New Earth! I radiate my deep gratitude to each of you for your commitment in forging the path to the unified Earth and human heart. 

Copyright Notice: All original New Humanity Press Daily (NHPD) content written by Corrina Steward is copyrighted. Permission is granted to share content so long as a link to the original is included, and Corrina Steward and New Humanity Press are listed as the author and publisher. Where possible, please include the New Humanity Press logo (above). Thank you for honoring this copyright.