Blended Human

Photosynthesis and the Blended Human

by Shanta Gabriel, The Gabriel Messages

May 22, 2015

New butterflies

Many people have been feeling like a new butterfly lately. We are just out of the chrysalis, wondering where our myriad legs disappeared to and how to make our big, wet wings work. This newness is the dimensional state where the only thing we are sure of is that the old ways don’t work any more.

Archangel Gabriel would speak of this time when I began my connection with him in the early 1990’s. He would say that the easiest way to acclimate to higher frequencies was to become a bridge of Light between Heaven and Earth. He advocated using Divine Light as the catalyst for changing the energy system of the body because Light acts as a transformative tool for us to become the Divine Human we were meant to be.

Divine Light is a carrier for qualities of consciousness that hold the spiritual connections we need to be more attuned to our soul and the guidance coming to us from the Angelic Dimensions. The spiritual attributes of Peace, Harmony and Joy sometimes seemed too lofty for me as a mere human to consider and yet were the very qualities I needed to shift my consciousness.

Archangel Gabriel spoke of the importance of bringing these qualities through me and anchoring them into the Earth. He said this is one way we could make a true difference in the world. Archangel Gabriel was very clear that the qualities I brought into my energy field would be not only my experience, but would also change the consciousness of the planet through my vibration. He said when a person consistently brings Divine Light through their physical bodies, the radiation of these higher frequencies would become both magnetic and luminous.

Being a conduit for Divine Light allows me to be the change I wanted to experience in my world. This seemed like new information for me in the early 90’s. Most of us did not yet realize that a butterfly flapping her wings in one part of the world could affect the energy on the other side of the planet.

Because of this, I started dedicating all my work to planetary Peace. When I began sharing the messages from Archangel Gabriel in 1994, my mission statement was Peace on Earth, one person at a time. As a working platform, this helped clarify my activities: Does what I am about to say or do bring more Peace to the world or add to the chaos?

Through 25 years of training with Archangel Gabriel, the steady thread of his messages has been to use Divine Light as a bridge to Inner Peace within the human heart leading to Peace on Earth. All of his loving words were aimed at bringing me into alignment with more Harmony, Love and Peace so I would be able to anchor and radiate those empowered qualities into the world.

Although this is not new information any more, it is still the ongoing theme of the messages from Archangel Gabriel. Thankfully, there are millions of people actively bringing more of these spiritual attributes into their beings, and this radiation of Love is changing consciousness on the planet. It has become common wisdom that we are here to blend Divinity into our human bodies so there would be no separation in our lives and we could live IN the world, but not OF the world.

In 2011, Archangel Gabriel surprised me by calling this work, Light Field Technology™. It became more clear that when I used the spiritual attributes inherent in Divine Light as a field of consciousness, I could change my experience. Archangel Gabriel states that through our intentions we create an energy field of the spiritual quality we want to embrace. It is then possible to ground that light frequency into our bodies and into the world around us. This technology of working with Light Fields is a very consistently powerful, yet simple tool that has become the basis of my work.

Now, Archangel Gabriel is taking it to another level and letting us know we can use this technology to nourish our bodies just as trees use photosynthesis. It is my honor to share this latest message from Archangel Gabriel.

Photosynthesis and the Blended Human

Dear Ones,

Light is the force of all Creation. When you align yourself with this exquisite gift, there is magic. Trees understand this magic, for they are the receivers of the flowing energy frequencies of Light. They use this gift to create sustenance that nourishes their structure and converts Divine Light into food.

When this food flows down through the strong and sturdy trunk of a tree, Divine Light works as a vertical access from Heaven to Earth in literal ways. Fuel is taken into the tree’s energy system and pulses through the cellular membranes down into the roots, where it merges with the vital substances of the Earth. New levels of vitality and nourishment from the Earth are also absorbed by the tree’s root system, which is then taken up through the capillaries and sent where it is most needed for the tree to thrive.

Trees are a fine example for humans demonstrating the best way to live in the new frequencies of Light available on the Earth at this time. Just as the tree is nourished and able to grow strong and healthy through absorption of Light and vital nutrients from the Earth, in the same way your physical body is learning to utilize the energies of Light photons that carry Love and Divine Intelligence through your physical energy system. In this process, you are creating new cells that are potentized by beams of Light, accessing the creator codes so your body can learn to live in the higher energy frequencies that support creation of higher dimensional life on Earth.

You are shifting into a body that is learning the codes of Light Frequencies to change, nourish and up-level the cells in the physical structure of the body, thus sparking crystalline formations and new life force. Just as the leaf draws in the Light of God to create life in the structure of the tree, you are accessing these fields of Light to sustain and nourish your body.

And just as the Tree of Life holds powerful symbology in many of the ancient wisdom teachings, the beauty and power of this strong symbol radiates through your consciousness to access positive change and growth.

Light Field Technology™

Fields of Divine Light are open and unformed. They create the basis of what we refer to as Light Field Technology — a form of action that uses the powerful presence of Divine Light as a force of creation.

You have the opportunity now to work with these living fields of Light to activate your life in abundant ways. Divine Light is always available. There is no shortage of Light. In fact, the Light is waiting for you to command its form into being. It has been written “In the beginning there was the Word,” so your conscious creation of form begins by naming the fields of Creation, choosing high-frequency words that have resonance in your emotional body and heart field. These are often words that represent the deepest dreams and desires of your soul.

Alignment with Source

As you become blended with your divinity in human form, you have greater ability to create a life that nourishes you using the technology of Light Fields. A deep soul resonance requires that you align with Source energy and become a grounded, embodied presence that is connected to the Earth. You become a veritable lightning rod as you empower this vertical access to expand and activate your higher dreams into new realities.

Using this technology is really very simple, and only requires alignment with the true forces of Nature — that which creates, sustains and dissolves. Acting in harmony with these rhythms strengthens all you do in life. Knowing yourself as a clear conduit for light and true love allows you to step into the active principles that are at work as a part of all Creation.

When you attune yourself to your most Divine nature, new harmonics form in the Light Fields around your body. Ancient yogis used the Science of Sound for centuries as a healing force as well as one of destruction. Your deep connection allows words to form in your mind, seemingly without your conscious awareness, and these words then activate forms of Divine Light in your energy fields. To work consciously with words that are increasing in energy frequencies, using them as intentions for yourself and the world becomes a powerfully effective way for you to create new form. To work consciously with certain words that are empowered with high-frequency energy transmissions, using them as intentions for yourself and for all humanity, becomes a powerfully effective way for you to create new form in every area of your life.

New Triads of Power

Words such as Harmony and Well-Being seem to vibrate deeply within you as you hold them in your heart. Other words are also increasing in frequencies, such as Illumination, Nourishment, Harmony. Combinations of words with the same first letter have been gaining power since the potent beginning of 2012, and these create dimensional shifts in your reality.

Triads of words such as Alignment with source energy, Allowing greater flows of Divine Light, and Activation of new empowered forms of divinity can serve you now to create new consciousness within your being. When you hold these empowered words in your heart and feel them circulating within your being, you are ready to radiate into the quantum field this powerful Light Force of Sound to create new realities in your own life and in the hearts and minds of those who hear you.

Are you listening to the voice of your heart? Can you hear the harmony of the spheres at work within your being, opening new realities for you through living fields of Light? The Unknown becomes a friendly place with unlimited potential for creation when you apply your heart’s voice into a field that assembles at your command.

Through these powerful forces of Divine Light, you are feeding your consciousness and empowering your body. You are offering sustenance and nourishment for an overstimulated nervous system. You are allowing yourself to align with the Divine Blueprint of Perfection that is held in your energy field by your soul.

It may seem strangely simple, yet Light Field Technology is a concept of great power and possibility for the creation of more happiness, clarity and inspiration in your world. Simplicity is vital to your body’s integration of Divine Light, and your natural intelligence is enhanced by these Light fields. Through the technology that uses Living Fields of Divine Light, you are creating more Balance and true heart-centered consciousness in every area of your life.

You are the beautiful, bountiful Tree of Life brilliantly expanded, strong and nourished, anchoring divinity through you as a force for the creation of Peace on Earth. And so it is.


Facing the Truth

Facing the Truth

by Lisa Renee, Energetic Synthesis

May 26, 2015

Everything we have known to be in our physical world is undergoing rapid shifting to reveal the Impostor Spirit energy that has remained hidden inside our own bodies, minds and perceptions. Additionally, we will begin to see that impostor which is present in the people around us, such as family members or in the many relationships we may have.  The impostor spirit is also synonymous with the false light, dead energy and unhealed negative ego architecture that has been given the authority over the direction of a person’s body, mind and spirit. Where we place our mental focus, is where our consciousness energy is directed, therefore, where the spiritual body goes.

An Impostor is defined as any entity or human being that is saying words or expressions, or making representations that it does not embody, nor comprehend, nor behave or act in accordance with. Many times, this is stemming from feeding into false reality delusions, those systems of negative belief and value systems that generate harm to the self and others. When we are confused and unable to discern the difference between GSF behavior and Archontic deception behavior, we are unaware (unconscious) that we have made the impostor spirit the priority in our life, thus creating environments and structures that reinforce those same delusions.

An Impostor Spirit is the Luciferian or Satanic Spirit which promotes false light authority and anti-life architecture through deception, lies of omission, manipulation with malice to promote intentional harm, death or destruction to serve its personal agenda.

The planet and those sensing this shift transpiring now may experience intermittent flushes of fear, visions of phantom death or uncertainty in our future direction, all of which may feel unnerving. This is a time to remember we are safe in our connection while remaining vigilant at staying within our spiritual center, making the adjustments to stabilize our inner core, as we continue to ride through these choppy waters. Many changes, alterations, dismantling, initiations, endings and beginnings are all happening at the same time. What is occurring is beyond mental comprehension and awe inspiring to witness as the perfection of the Universe is revealing itself through the rebalancing of energetic polarity. That which is the accurate energetic resonance of one’s consciousness intention will truly attract to its matched vibration while that which is dissonant will fully repel itself away. What quality of vibrational thoughts we hold in our entire being will return as an amplified blessing or painful backlash, depending on the inner integrity and authenticity of the being’s totality of spoken words, actions and behaviors. This makes superimposition over others, continual siphoning of others energies for selfish motivations, much harder to accomplish in this changed terrain of the Krystal Star Host. This forces self-responsibility, energetic accountability for one’s belief systems and matching the integrity of actions based thereon.

This stunning crossroads of change upon us is shifting our planet to reveal the Impostor spirit energy that has been operating from behind the scenes as the false light systems in this dark age. Every single one of us on this Earth has been greatly impacted and traumatized spiritually by this impostor energy, also used through the negative alien agenda, that has masqueraded itself in our lives. We inherited this impostor spirit energy ancestrally, genetically and historically, as the true origins and memories have been manipulated and hidden from the human race.

This Impostor spirit energy was inserted and imprinted as our False Parent, and the spiritual betrayal we have experienced in our heart and soul due to this fact has been emotionally devastating for many. Because of the timeline of the Impostor invasion, the False Parent has manifested physically, ancestrally, genetically and energetically (spiritually) throughout our sense of identity and belief systems. Within the previous dark cycles we inherited karmically, many of us are attracted to the False Parent archetype which manifest itself in a primary relationship or spouse. Without our true spiritual identity and being incarnated into an enslaved reality deception, humanity has existed in a severe identity crisis, unaware of its purpose, unaware of being interfered with in its inner source connection. We will see this revelation of the impostor spirit and false parent ripple throughout all aspects of our societal leadership, and observe its infiltration throughout many areas of our lives.  We will need to be strong spiritually and in our personal faith to be able to see the authentic truth. The impostor spirit has hid inside our schools, governments, hospitals, careers, leadership, family members, things we hold most sacred and finally, even inside of us. We believed this False Parent spirit loved us and cared for us, and we are seeing that is not really true. The impostor spirit is not capable or equipped to know true love or benevolence towards life, towards children, towards humanitarian values. Therefore, with this pattern surfacing, this is a very hard and confusing time for humanity to reach this inner spiritual revelation in all areas and walks of life.

To become energetically transparent is to view plainly and observe the Impostor spirit corruption running throughout the enslaving controller systems. The seed of that corruption that must be inoculated is the current weighted average of valuing money (finite) over human consciousness and life force (infinite). In order to transform how we arrived at this current human station of disconnect and emotional torment, it requires we take a deep dark look into the crevices of our shadow self and that which feeds the impostors. When we cannot see the impostor, we allow our own shadow self to be manipulated by an anti-human sentiment which generates further harm, confusion, abuse and great emotional trauma. This Impostor agenda, is a reality based on manipulation and deception, and has gained the stronghold on the mass population based on that which humans have given it from our own consciousness power, and in terms of societal value, it is what we give value to as the priorities we make in life.

The acceleration from recent planetary shifts is impacting people at all levels of spiritual and human development. Many are experiencing a forced submission into surrendering to What IS instead of what they wanted it to be. The state of “What Is” is very different than the storyline that most people believe and have been telling themselves is the accurate nature of reality. The more we think that we are in control of our life from the ego position by manipulating What IS, the more intense the onslaught of accumulated backlash that returns. Our biggest lesson is true humility, in the face of these massive forces of change upon us.

This is the time we must open our eyes to see the Impostor spirit energy in all ways it has infiltrated our life and ourselves. We will see how the impostor spirit construct created the false umbilicus connection to intermediaries that serve the False Parent and how this relationship propagates negative ego authority upon our body and spiritual consciousness. As we become willing to face this truth, we are set free. As the Aurora Mother returns now to rebuild her body parts on this earth, she is the ultimate protector of Life, and through her Holy Spirit, we are reborn as her children in Christos-Sophia.

This is the time of great benevolence and blessing for the truth lover and the truth seeker, that has put their heart on the altar for God’s Spirit. This shift begins an unraveling inner and outer dialogue to honor authentic transparency, which is the spiritual alignment required to speak and act within energetic integrity and the ability to know the difference. Many of us at this time are undergoing extreme and painful spiritual lessons to increase the skill of respecting personal boundaries as well as other’s boundaries to discern lessons of behavioral and spiritual integrity. This is the necessary purging of the impostor spirit, which purges all self deception.

(Adapted from ES Newsletter: Revealing the Impostor, Re-education to Human Values)

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This article originally posted HERE.



Guilt – The Shadow of Spiritual Growth

by Frank M. Wanderer

May 26, 2015

Shadow of Guilt

During your spiritual growth, you may discover what’s important to you, you can reach your inner tranquility, peace and happiness, that none can take away from you. You can find your inner strength, which you can experience as an effortless Presence. In this state, you are aware, only the present moment exists to you, your being is pervaded by the silence of Consciousness and the joy of Existence.

During your spiritual Journey you would like to bring this effortless Presence into your daily routine, so you are trying to spend as much time in the state of the Presence as possible.

That is a noble effort, but alas, it is soon experienced that it fails day by day. The question arises,”What is the reason for the failure? Why can I not spend a longer period in the state of effortless Presence, when I want to? It is surely because I am not good enough, and I am unable to make the required effort. I am unsuited for such a noble task!”

Such thoughts inevitably generate guilt and remorse. The guilt may, after a time, become so overwhelming that the individual gives up the desire to live in the Presence in order to avoid the negative emotions that come with the guilt.

This is an extremely dangerous mind game! Why?

It is to be recognized that the negative emotions and the guilt that comes with it is not a part of the Consciousness, it only belongs to the mind!

The Ego –and so guilt as well–is a social product, created by the expectations of the parents and teachers as a part of the mind. How? A small child’s adaptation to the external world is supported and sustained by the parental expectations. Whenever a child meets the parental (and so the social) expectations, the child is accepted, rewarded and loved. Otherwise some sort of a punishment or rejection follows. In order to avoid retaliation, the child will unconsciously meet the expectations.

As long as the child is small, the expectations appear as external stimuli for the child. The child behaves well, because mum (or dad) should not be angry, should love him/her. As the child grows up, these external expectations undergo a complicated psychological process and become internal ones, and create the foundations of Ego.

At that time children no longer behave the way it is expected by the society because they direct environment so desires, but because it generates an inner good feeling in them. When they do not behave in accordance with these social expectations, they experience guilt. That is how external social effects become parts of the Ego. This mechanism follows us all through our lives.

At one point of our spiritual Journey we meet the teachings of an awakened teacher, and internally we feel that this is what we have long been looking for, we want it to be a part of our daily routine. We are thus able to create some internal expectations regarding how we are able to do it, what the fastest way to incorporating Presence into our life may be. We are, however, unable to meet the expectations, so guilt appears automatically. Be aware that this is the work of the Ego, a game of the mind!

What can we do with that guilt?

Several things are to be taken into consideration. One is that we have been living identified with the Ego (on the edge) so long that we have drifted too far from the center (Consciousness, Self, Presence). It is therefore not possible to get back to the center overnight (the possibility is there, naturally, as the center is within us, but we do have to make the effort to reach it). The progress on our Journey towards the effortless Presence initially requires efforts from us.

There is an important maxim that applies to that effort: every step in the right direction takes us closer to our own center. It means that moments add up and reinforce each other.

There are inevitable occasions when one temporarily drops back into the Ego-dominated state, and these cases are also followed by a sense of guilt. Once we have understood the mechanism of the emergence of guilt, and bear in mind what has been discussed above, we need to realize that in such instances guilt is not justified!

On our spiritual Journey, we should not dwell on the guilt emerging because of dropping back to Ego-dominated state; instead, we should celebrate that we are in the state of the Presence!!

When one is able to rejoice about these moments, instead of worrying about the next possible dropback, then the positive periods will be more and more frequent in our lives. We therefore need to be patient with ourselves, and look upon our sense of guilt as Witnesses!

About the Author

Frank M. Wanderer Ph.D is a professor of psychology, a consciousness researcher and writer, and publisher of several books on consciousness. With a lifelong interest in the mystery of human existence and the work of the human mind, Frank’s work is to help others wake up from identification with our personal history and the illusory world of the forms and shapes, and to find our identity in what he calls “the Miracle”, the mystery of the Consciousness. Connect with Frank at

Note: The above passage is excerpted from Chapter 4 of The Biggest Obstacle to Enlightenment: How to Escape from the Prison of Mind Games? by Frank M. Wanderer.


This article is offered under Creative Commons license. It’s okay to republish it anywhere as long as attribution bio is included and all links remain intact.


This article originally published HERE.

Holding Boundaries

Holding Boundaries

by Jayme Price, Crystalline Soul Healing

May 21, 2015

As you begin to work more directly with the subtle realms, your emotions, your thoughts, your beliefs and your intent; you are bridging the dimensional expressions on Earth. Your creativity grows as you become more aware and patient in your present, and more active in your choices which create your future. As you bridge the conditions of your reality with the varied conditions of your subtle reality, you attain a personal harmony that opens you further to your creative capabilities. You then begin to merge the unconditionality of realms beyond your immediate Earth and you find your internal world to be an exciting peace as the external changes around you.

How do you honor that bridge of the unconditional and the conditional reality in which you live? You Hold Boundaries that support growth in the physical as you strengthen the internal, less conditional realm. We say ‘less conditional’ because you must change your personal vibrational expression into one of internal empowerment that can sustain unconditionality as you observe Earth conditions that are not pleasant. Honor the cocooning phase, just as you honor the strengthening discomfort of pushing out of the cocoon into the unknown. It is the way to fly free. As you Hold Boundaries that support growth, you create an environment that fosters personal empowerment which interacts with the strength of Love rather than the weakness of fear. However, as you observe behaviors that are less than Love, honor your authentic reaction in order to choose a new internal action. Become the butterfly strengthening to prepare for great flight.

As we sit to Blast Holding Boundaries, we are freeing our hearts and minds to focus within as we strengthen our lens of Love focusing out. We are becoming the change,allowing the transformation, and honoring the timing of grace’s growth as we nurture the Self into a new future. We are the strong that are vulnerable enough to allow growth, as we see the human condition becoming Love’s unconditional potential. We are blazing a trail of freedom within, which bridges the power of Love and the Love of empowering All Life. Blast on!

You can watch video version here.

This article originally posted HERE.


Electrical Peak

Electrical Peak

by Lisa Renee, Energetic Synthesis

May 18, 2015

The planet undergoes cycles of electromagnetic activity which reach peak levels of both electrical and magnetic force pressure during certain time cycles traveling through the ecliptic. These peak cycles are related to how fast the electrons reach their spinning rotation within the planetary merkaba body that impacts either relative force. The faster the spin the more amplification of scalar waves that are projected throughout the planetary body and Ley Lines which manifest certain electromagnetic anomalies. During the annual May alignments of Taurus, the planet undergoes what is called its Electrical Peak cycle which is generally during mid May. This is the pinnacle wave of electrical force field transmission in the annual cycle. As such, this time is the annual period of the Ascension wave during which many people will experience Kundalini activation, spiritual awakening or Expanding Consciousness as they are exposed to increased electrical activity or EMF in the planet.

Thus, this period of time tends to be intense as we experience the electrical peak, and yet this will be the time that many of us will get more clarity on our personal path or life direction. As we look at patterns over the years on the Ascension path, we may notice the patterns over the years during the May-June cycle that will have common themes and connection points. As we are well aware, when there is an extreme amount of electrical influx exposed to the planet, both light and dark agendas will be clearly seen operating on the surface. Generally, this means we will see some painful and challenging events in the world landscape in the less energetically stable areas, and simultaneously, there are areas on the earth surface that are gaining stability and energetic strength. This is relative to ascending and descending hubs, and the synchronization that occurs in the reality bubbles that are aligning to a specific timeline and vibrational quality. So this is a time to pay attention to what you are feeling in the environment and take note of the natural feelings that are generated about where you live, and other relative factors in your surroundings. At this time you may get sensations to move, change jobs or get ready to take on new projects.  It will feel organic to your consciousness to notice new levels operating in the environment that you did not see previously, and that you may need to make some alteration or adjustment to the way you have been addressing certain circumstances in your life. These electrical pulses will apply pressure in a variety of ways to take action required for laying groundwork for some needed changes.

We may be sensing our day to day life as we exist within interval timelines, as the frequencies pull us beyond the duality matrix, beyond the duality perception and bi-wave polarity. Moving through the majority of the collective is feeling the pulse of bi-wave polarity which is pushing and pulling in between the old energetic structure of the 3D reality and the platform of expanding into the higher consciousness reality. As external energies may feel dense and chaotic, we must hold strong to the core essence of our inner spirit while navigating potentially challenging external events. Being forced to transform and let it all go is relative to the ultimate in divine surrender to external events. Because of the complexity of reconciling the inner and outer circumstances, this may have gone another level deeper and taken on another level of meaning. As the wall of chaos from the collective consciousness travels towards you, there is nothing else to do but surrender to the moment and be as still and transparent as possible. When we are transparent and extremely still within, it allows the neutral vibrational state which allows the forces of chaos to travel through without knocking you over.

The pushing and pulling of these impersonal forces make for interesting moments of spontaneous synchronicities and sudden abrupt changes that occur in between long runways of quiet or stillness. Some of us may feel the magnetic “choppiness” as the external energies are moving around us. The magnetic changes are disorienting to our perception of time and space and our mental body. We can feel light headed which brings sensations of vertigo and dizziness. (what’s going on in my brain?) Electromagnetic changes will make us feel sleepy, and we will naturally want to meditate or lay down in order to integrate our new selves. Others may be in stages of previous life completions as unresolved issues will start to move to come full circle with the many persons, places, or things from the past identity that has been recently shed. (example: reconciling or ending family of origin or ancestral issues)

We can relate to this as another profound phase of the rebirthing our consciousness, as we undergo the rebirthing of ourselves. Many of us are embarking in the first phases of the second coming! This means we are emerging into the authentic wholeness of our core truth and embodying that more fully as a physical reality. Many of the Indigos and Starseeds may feel it is time to step up into new levels of participation with the Galactic based frequencies and are required to discard all the past information and learn a completely new way of relating to spiritual forces. We are being asked to comprehend more deeply what we referred to as “spirit”. We come to explore the many spiritual forces on the planet, and that we may need to quantify that quality of intelligence to increase our energetic discernment. We are all the many facets of the oneness, yet we each have a unique note to play in the prism of light and colors that is God consciousness. Additionally, many of us after mid-June will find ourselves in a new life pattern and with renewed spiritual purpose.

Physically Flattened Out

This is a crucial time to feel your inner discernment with your physical body and to decide what is best for you, from a place of personal empowerment and not fear. We want to help you find that discernment within to understand that sometimes your God self may utilizing a “disease” state to shift your body beyond old energetic patterns. Sometimes we forget that when the body undergoes Ascension flu, or feels unwell, that energetic blockages or toxicity is attempting to move out of the body. This process is known as dropping density. As we drop density we will want to support our body in every way possible to detoxify and purify, our physical, mental and emotional states.  Our God self may choose to isolate us from others if we need to be alone to undergo this deep level of cellular transmutation work.

The ascension symptoms have been intense and more so for those of us that have required an extremely fast shift in the cellular/molecular structure in order to handle the new energetic platform your God self has chosen for you. It can actually feel like you have been “mowed down” or flattened out. This is an extremely important time that you realize when your spirit has actually taken over many of the bodily functions. What you may “think” is disease or trauma is not actually what is going on for you in your spiritual body development. And for some of us depending how quick we had to get up to speed, this may appear severe and extreme at the physical 3D level. Sometimes, when undergoing extreme physical shifts it can appear as severe dysfunction and this may also be a complete mystery to the medical system. Those of us that choose that fast transmutation path appear to be medical anomalies and medical miracles all at the same time. Our current 3D medical system is not equipped to comprehend or handle many of these strange ascension symptomologies. The medical system in these ascension cases are unable to answer the question – What is going on with the body? These abrupt physical symptoms are appearing now and will continue to accelerate in the human population as the ascension energies continue. Be absolutely clear – Do not panic, do not go into fear. Communicate with your guidance and your bodies and use this time allotted to rest and recover. Know that this is a time of rebirth and sometimes in order for us to rebirth ourselves it may feel like a phantom death.

During the Ascension process as we accrete frequency and light we may undergo a variety of ascension symptoms, physical, mental, emotional or spiritual-energetic.

These transmutational symptoms can be extreme. The 12D Shield is helpful to harmonize the body through many ascension symptoms. Many of the ascension symptoms are vague to describe and inexpressible in linear thought and language. When people go to doctors, they are being told to take drugs or they are being instructed to seek professional psychological help. This site is not professing to be giving any medical advice. It may be beneficial for some of us to seek out medical or psychological treatment during our process. We must follow our own inner guidance on how to proceed with what is occurring within our physical and energy body systems at this unprecedented time of acceleration.

Certain symptoms are now becoming more apparent and when we know this as a “process” and that many others are feeling the same things, a certain serenity can be brought into the mind. Many can rest in the knowledge that they are being transformed in ways that may feel extremely hard on the physical body.

Some of the most common symptoms reported include:

    cranial pressure and headaches
    extreme fatigue heating up of the physical body
    joint pain body aches
    muscle cramps in legs and calves and shoulders
    flu-like symptoms
    kundalini experiences
    feeling out of sorts
    muscle pains
    skin rashes
    tingling in body parts
    having specific awareness of a internal organ or body part unlike the past
    diminution of spatial awareness
    feverish feeling
    feelings of being there and not being here
    loss of visual acuity
    memory loss
    changes with body and head hair
    lack of the ability to concentrate
    feelings of standing up or moving too quickly that create “vertigo”
    the feeling that you cannot accomplish anything because there is not enough time
    anxiety attacks that happen suddenly and disappear just as suddenly
    Seeing multidimensional energies, i.e. colors, entities, matrices, numbers, symbol codes
    Seeing extraterrestrials both human and nonhuman in appearance
    Communicating with nature, animals and people that have passed on

Also, our bodies often experience a rush of heat and energy bursts that are not comfortable. Our bodies are being shifted in thermodynamic ways and with so much light entering the fields of the body, some of the “symptoms” we experience are actually preventing our physical vehicles from bursting with the intensity of light. We may experience a “triad” sleep pattern (waking up every 3 hours) or interrupted sleep as we are being recalibrated and worked on energetically at night. This adds to our being restless and tired in the morning.

Remember to be gentle with your hearts and being and only allow others within your boundaries of inner sanctum that treat you the same. This can be an extremely vulnerable time emotionally. We need to release the fear of asking for help and investing in ourselves to feel balanced and healthy. Massage, Bodywork, Hydration, Supplementation, Energy Work, Spiritual Counsel.

(Source: ES Newsletter – Rebirth, May 2009, Ascension Symptoms, Ascension Glossary)

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This article originally posted HERE.


Embodiment: Part 2

Embodiment: How to Lose Your Mind Without Losing Your Mind, Part 2

by Sandra Walter, Creative Evolution

May 18, 2015

Sandra Walter ascension








Blessings Beloved Light Tribe,

I AM the photonic interface,
the metamorphosis of OverSoul,
and the Coherent Light Stargate.
And so are you.

This linear week marks my three-year anniversary in Mount Shasta. It has been a brilliant, challenging and revealing relationship, and I AM deeply honored to serve this Gateway (again). I will be up on the mountain on May 21 for Gateway  preparations, feel free to connect with me on the higher planes as we open up for the May 23rd cosmic trigger. I AM sure many of you integrated the amplifications of last week’s influx. It was a step to get us ready for next weekend, so let us all remain centered and focused on the higher levels of peace. The Lyrans (pronounced like Lion with an R, the feline folks) have presented to assist with this cosmic trigger. You may remember your connections to Lyra and their high-level gatekeeper skills during this passage. They are adept at utilizing parallel realities, and I feel this will provide clarity, and perhaps comfort, as we walk in between worlds.

The Experience of the Pure Presence

Embodying your True Self allows you to witness the transition and flexible nature of the reality around us. Many will be experiencing the AHA moments as the messages of the last decade leave the context of theory/precognitive intel and enter your waking, palpable consciousness. 3D has been absent for years, and now the higher-vibe collective perception is catching up. The energies coming onto the planet support that realization, and now we are getting a sense of how fabricated the external reality is. Out of theory, into the grounded collective experience. The lag between 4D and 5D is breaking down as well, which is why so many are feeling out-of-body, out-of-world. Breathe, we are all in this gorgeous merge experience together.

The collective construction of the illusion, which continues to run on autopilot as a co-created choice, broke apart due to the embodiment of higher frequencies by those on the Ascension track. The more consciousness experiencing profound levels of light and the cosmic unified state of beingness – and able to maintain/integrate it – the faster the raising of the collective unfolds, by the default of physics. Higher Vibration sustained = automatic raising of collective realities. Between the bands of pure photonic light we are crossing as a solar system, the ability of the Ascension tribe to embody higher states of consciousness, and the merging of consciousness in the lower 12 dimensions, we have a perfect storm of Ascension this year.

Experiencing Creator: Love over Busy-ness

When you are able to be balanced within the stillness and reconnect your heart center as a Source center, you move on to heightened states of Unity consciousness. Unity in this phase is You becoming the We of your multidimensional Self. It will feel very different from the Unified sensations of earlier phases. As the multidimensional merge sequences become more frequent, more powerful, and more clear, you begin to receive creative expressions, intuitive information, and activities which are in alignment with the new true Self.

Please note this is not a busy-ness phase, it is a revelation phase and must be observed at first. Rather than impulsively following the stimulation of ideas, recognize that all of those creations are a unified field of thought. It is not 4D, that is an earlier experience of connection to the noosphere of Gaia. The 5D merge challenges your concepts of reality and comfort zone. It is stimulating to experience the collective mind of your true Self.

Understand it is the lower levels that want to turn the energy into busy-ness. The old reality was very busy. It was very grounded in the busy-ness, and that busyness was attached to your worthiness, your self-worth. In the New Light service is not about the doing, it’s about welcoming forth unique expressions. No one is interested in re-creating what was done in the past, and while we are still experiencing external realities that are based on linear planning or agendas, there is a Divine emergence of new consciousness that is based in creativity. Creativity without a busy-ness plan.

Some might waver between feeling the merge – the cosmic mind-meld of you and your Higher levels – and wanting to do something with it.  Some may interpret the impulses of this phase as a grandiose mission, or a drive to reach thousands of people with your service. This causes disharmony as you Ascend (two realities in conflict within a body), so you will return to the previous phase in order to experience the stillness and realign. The void – the Pure Presence – does not include any judgment or attachment to what is happening in the external, hence the loss of busy-ness. Understand that in order to merge completely, to transcend dimensions, you must go through the energetic barrier between the torus fields of 4D and 5D. That is not transversed without pure intention, pure peace, and pure love. All of your dimensional expressions are unified through the stargate of your Heart. Give it the attention and intention it deserves.

When you learn to apply the deep peace that is attained in the melancholia phase to the new phase of the creative Self,  your Higher Self/Higher levels will insist and direct you to express in a brand new way. The lower levels of the mind, ego or emotions will not be involved. They may push back against the Higher Self takeover, however this is our evolution.

This is where we are on the map, beloveds. The pure, true Ascension; becoming one with our Solar Cosmic Christed state of beingness. Not leaving the planet, even though the higher light makes you feel like you are disappearing, even though your Higher Self may feel completely different from the old Self (old beliefs). Not judging the folks at a different level or dragging them against their free will into a new reality, rather embodying this Pure Unified state of Source and letting it merge/work through your Presence, in order to ascend the collective reality. Some of us embody it first, that does not mean we are abandoning the collective. Understand the difference.

The Consistent Creation of our Reality

The Creator phase reveals how directly we influence creation. Some of us are experiencing this as we come out of a meditation or dream state; we witness a blank slate, or a white room, and then watch the external reality rebuild itself around us. You may witness the walls, furniture, and everything around you re-materializing. I see this indoors as well as on Shasta; the trees and nature itself have to reconstruct around me. Understand it is more than the brighter-with-eyes-closed experience. While the levels of light are getting tremendously vivid (the pineal and DNA can handle more light), we are now getting glimpses into the architecture of our realities. That gives us the power to create in alignment with the New Paradigm, and a direct message to BE this embodiment right now.

This is giving us a representation of how flexible our external reality is, how collective agreements manifest in our reality, and how we are moving into a deep understanding of our consciousness and its ability to influence our external reality. When we say we are creating our own mystery schools in our own lifestream, this is what we are talking about. This revelation phase takes the catchphrases and buzzwords and turns them into these deeply profound realizations of what Creator expressing as form, and unified consciousness in the vibration of love, truly means.

This is your direct influence in this Now phase of Ascension: embodying the levels of Light Intelligence, pure Source Light. These levels of light may reveal the construction, the maps, the white room dreams, the new fields of Light; the challenge is to let the Higher Self merge and take over. The grounded Self cannot morph into a new beingness with the mind-level attempting to control the situation. So we use the Higher Intelligence, gauge our journey as best we can, use the direction and tools available to us, and stay aligned in our Ascension column, torus fields, and Solar Heart center.

Psychological Fallout

We have mentioned the psychological fallout of the Shift often, because it was a concern when we hit this phase that many minds would not be able to properly interpret what was occurring. The energetic combination of spiritual pursuit and photonic bombardment can cause confusion within the brain. Again this is why the stillness, the boredom of the void is so important because it demonstrates the ability to maintain the peace and detachment of Mastery. It also teaches us incredible patience with ourselves and the external reality.

The Ascending Higher Self is not interested in survival, your job or your social life. It is only interested in serving the OverSoul agenda of anchoring profound levels of Love – pure Source Intelligence – into this realm. All of us leveling up during these Equinox through Blood Moon Eclipse gateways over the last couple of years are becoming Self-realized. It feels unexpectedly beautiful and – different. It becomes something new, something unexpected. The technical details provide understanding of the process and what it will do to the body, however the experience – the completely conscious experience of existence in multiple realities – is outstanding. Of course it is bizarre in some moments, because our Mastery year of 2015 is revealing the activation of OverSoul levels into new service. Highest possibilities each moment, beloveds. If you feel strong and centered enough, call forth the highest possibilities for your higher service as an embodiment and get out of the way.

What is Real, What is Now

There are as many realities and versions of the truth as there are people. Unity in Divine Love honors, respects, and has detached, neutral compassion about what the external is experiencing. It also honors what your internal reality is or is not capable of. Understand that the Solar Cosmic Christed state of beingness is all-consuming. Nothing will be left of the old Self except a holographic projection of the lifestream that has unified with the higher realms of consciousness. Many are getting a taste of that level, some are afraid of it. All choices are honored, beloveds. Use the Divine Neutrality meditation to dissolve/resolve your attachment to outcomes.

Right now, and during the next four months, it is our pure focus to level up as much as possible, experience self-realization and self empowerment as often as possible, and take full advantage of the cosmic triggers in place to create the highest outcome for the Ascension of consciousness. It gets brighter and more expansive each moment, beloveds. This is not a set-in-stone Ascension any longer, it is a vibrant What else can we experience Galactic endeavor.

The work of creating a space for others to step into their Ascension, whenever they are ready, has already been accomplished. The gateways are open, they have unified with the higher realms, and that is why we are experiencing these higher states of consciousness and brighter levels of light. This is a passage to be present, and creative on a personal level. Ground the energy through your own unique expression. Spend time with your Creator Self in order to serve the collective Ascension.

As you ease into the merge, you feel the emptying out of the old consciousness. It is just an in-between state; the old Self realizing the platform for the old experience is gone, it has chosen to advance to 5D, and then the mish-mosh of 4D (old dreamstate) suddenly becomes a waking state. Bizarre, but it’s not another decade of this. We are just in a period of adjustment during the multidimensional merge. Try not to lose sight of the goal as you merge dimensions. Reset with Creator Breath, or use the Neutrality meditation for perspective and clearing the old realities out. It works for collective clearing as well, and everything we can do to serve the collective – to make it easier for everyone down the line – has always been our Service.

In Love, Light and Service,

© 2015 Sandra Walter – Creative Evolution All Rights Reserved


This article originally posted HERE.

Re-Wiring our Minds

Mercury Retrograde is Re-Wiring our Minds

by Meg Benedicte, New Earth Central

May 15, 2015

Mercury Retro is Re-Wiring our Minds!

Doesn’t it seem like we’re just getting over the last Mercury Retrograde? Well, believe it or not, it’s that time again! And this time Mercury will turn Retrograde in Gemini within 24 hours of the Taurus New Moon with a Yod to Pluto on May 18th. This is a rare combination to say the least! Mercury Retrograde in Gemini is a time to dive deep within, review and rewire…now aided with underworld Pluto and Taurus New Moon inspires all us to evolve anew.
The recent Eclipse-Equinox upgrades still ripple through our energy field, transforming us from the inside out. We are all being propelled higher into the next level of our transfiguration.  Just be careful during the next month to stay grounded with all the airy Gemini influence, as Retro Mercury joins Mars in an exact square to Neptune. This will be a tricky wicket to navigate. We will need to slow down, pay attention, communicate clearly and discern facts over opinions.
In addition to the Mercury brain fog and crossed-wires, there also has been some global interference in a scalar ‘scrambler’ morphic field that has been targeting the mental body in the 4D astral plane. I’ve been dealing with this for about a month now as heightened mental scatter and overwhelm when I try to use the ‘thinking mind’.  It is becoming painful to mentally focus into ‘thinking’ and feels like my brain will explode.   Just another sign of the 3D Time Matrix collapsing!
During the Ascension process, we need to develop our right brain capacity to ‘know’ the truth from the quantum field of all existence.  This requires a new focus within to our Higher Self, outside the constraints of 4D time and space. In a last ditched effort, the dark forces are intercepting certain frequency bands in 4th density to dampen our thoughts and emotions. The scalar waves are sending certain sound frequencies that destroy optimism and joy!  They scatter and scramble our lower mind’s ability to function properly.
In order to survive the global transition into 5th Dimensional New Earth, we need to remove our minds from the 3D Time Matrix and transform our cognitive processing to link up with our Higher Self. In a very real way, we are rewiring our minds to function and flourish as higher dimensional circuit boards. Point your focus within to your heart-brain and attune to your ‘feeling field’.  We are becoming human radio antennas to higher intelligence and knowing.  During Mercury’s reverse journey till June 11th, make it a priority to reset your focus and feel your heart’s truth in all that you do.
Lovingly, Meg
Copyright (c) 2015 Meg Benedicte * All Rights Reserved * You may copy and distribute this material as long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete and you include this copyright notice.
This article originally posted HERE.

Stronger & Committed

Being Stronger and Committed

by Kara Schallock, Soulstice Rising

May 13, 2015

All of the downloads we have experienced in this year alone has lifted us to a higher vibration. The downloads now are occurring without a break, while whenever there is a cosmic event, such as an eclipse, Full or New Moon or solar activity, the energy is amped up. Each being receives from their Home Dimension, which helps all empower their true essence/Soul more powerfully. This enhances more Power, Creativity, Manifestation and of course, Love. Lately, all our higher chakras (Heart and above) are especially being upgraded. Our lower chakras have been heightened to higher vibrations already. The lower chakras are our “ego-chakras” and their upgrades have helped us be more Soul-aligned, so that Soul is now more powerful than separate go and separate ego has evolved to an alignment w/Soul so that we are, potentially, expressing our Souls more and more.

All of these upgrades help us move more from 3D life/duality and from expectation, attachment and reaction. We now may be in Expectancy (based on intention without expectation of how it should look), Detachment and Response. We have transformed many beliefs and patterns that held us back in the old and with this there have been many endings as well as new beginnings. Many are experiencing more Flow and being O.K. with whatever and however things are unfolding. Life purpose may very well shift as well in alignment with Soul. Purpose is not a form or a title, but is the very essence you share no matter what you do. Long ago I remember being told that there will be no need for healers at some point in time. I see this now as healers are transforming into wholers in which the old way of rescuing, saving and fixing is a thing of the past. Rather, being a wholer sees all as whole and powerful, for indeed this is how the Christ “miraculously” cured by seeing/knowing the Wholeness of a person. This recognition of another is pure Love. There is no more “I am here to show you that you need me” but rather “I am here to see you as Love only” it is a partnership rather than the separation that is created by teacher/student, healer/client, guru/follower. We are all One. A wholer does not take one’s Power from another, but reminds them that they have the Power themselves.

As a part of rising in vibration and Soul-strengthening, many may not feel as though they belong anywhere, even on Earth. They observe Earth changes and peoples’ rants and strange behavior with Detachment. What they once enjoyed, including people, shifts with nothing taking its place. This is all a part of shifting. It takes quite the spiritual warrior to be in the world but not of it. Many are dissatisfied with the work they’ve always done and so feel a bit lost. Many have disconnected from the 3D matrix and think there should be something to take its place. We are still in the Void of perceiving not being here nor there. So have Patience with it all and flow with what is. Focus on how you want to feel, for this helps create your New Life. all the while detach from the old. If you are in a job that no longer resonates, be patient. you will be guided. Meanwhile, perhaps find the Joy in where you are while you await your next and higher assignment. Let go of resistance and follow Nature’s lead. The trees and flowers do not fight or resist the natural order of things. Do your weeding so that the new growth may flourish.

Each one of us is encoded with a particular purpose and of course that purpose is to be of service in Joy and Passion. It matters not what form it takes, for you are being of Divine Service by simply smiling at another. The simple act of smiling sends waves of Love to the recipient. No act is too small, and no feeling is empty. Each feeling you have and each action you take radiates out to all others. it creates a vibrational frequency shift, so be that Light you are no matter what you’.re doing. Worry, anger, frustration, resentment and other lower vibrations also radiate out. Do your weeding. Let your Love shine unhindered.

Some things you may be experiencing (whether past, present or future depending on where you are in your Ascension) are a sense that something is missing or incomplete. you may feel loss (people, the old comfort zone or something that can’t be articulated), you may also have a sense of excitement about new opportunities not yet here, a new sense of Freedom, a sense of relief once you let go of a belief, a habit, a person, etc. a desire to be more, a Heart expansion, heightened Intuition, guiding or releasing dreams, along with a desire to connect to your Soul Group. With these feelings and Awarenesses, you may also experience certain physical adjustments such as activity in your higher chakras, not thinking clearly, forgetting even what you did yesterday or even what day it is. There are many other physical adjustments as well. Let go of pushing, controlling and “shoulds”. Be true and loving to yourself.

It is important now to focus on your Heart Chakra, for it is where the powerful energies from Source and your Home Dimension channel into our own sun and then into your Heart. Currently, we are in another big energetic expansion, so focusing on the Heart and intending to receive and share this Light is its purpose. This creates an upgrade of you being a channel of Divine Love and Light. If you experience an energy kind of like sadness, know that it is O.K. It is a grieving about detaching from what has been and an expansion of Soul within you. One important factor of being in the New and how different it is from the old is the Detachment from wanting to experience outer stimulation. It is much quieter in the New and adjusting to the quiet takes a big shift from wanting to be entertained from without to a sense of Fulfillment and Peace within. This shift also helps you detach from 3D duality, where we judge things as good or bad. In the New, we see things objectively, not subjectively, and assign no category in which to place things. Keep your focus on how you want to feel, rather than getting seduced by outer events, form or even how your physical body is processing the changes. Trust your Heart and not your head. Your Heart speaks through feeling. the present Truth. while the mind speaks of the past and of duality.

As you detach, do not worry about not caring or a lack of Passion. (Actually, Detachment is a higher degree of Love and care.) This is a period of upgrade as ego and Soul merge more as One. This all takes time, so be patient and strong during this time of merging. During this Void-time, there may be much of the old patterns, beliefs or painful memories that bubble up from the subconscious. Look at each one and see them as loving messengers as you release them in the Sacred Rose. As you do, you become stronger and more accepting and confident in your Knowing. This particular time is definitely not for the weak. it takes a lot of Courage to continue, so have Faith and use every emotion and experience as a spiritual practice. There is nothing that doesn’.t have a deeper gift of Awareness within it. nothing is random. Illness or so-called accidents all have a message for you. If you don’t get it at first, no worries. it will keep repeating until you do get it. We are experiencing the old along with the New (even though the Truth is that we are most definitely in the New, yet still letting go of the old) and for some, this can be confusing. It’s confusing because most see things as black or white, this or that, here or there. This kind of thinking doesn’t help. What does help is to flow with it all without trying to make sense of it or trying to figure out where you are analytically. It is best to be in the present Moment and in Allowance of what is.Anything you attempt to analyze only keeps you in the old, because the mind can only assign past experiences to anything and that is truly limiting. Let the “why” go and just Be with whatever is going on without assigning a “good” or “bad” description to it.

We truly are in the New and while you might want to jump back into the old familiar life, go ahead! Don’t linger long though. And remember what you give your energy and attention to you empower. Keep life as still and simple as possible, with your focus within. There are so many distractions that it is easy to be seduced away from your Divine Intentions. that of being of Divine Service. While our Transformation takes energy and Commitment, it is all worth it. Feel all the Love you are. You are beautiful.


Copyright: Feel free to share any portion of the Ascension Notes. I would appreciate being credited.


This article originally posted HERE.

The Purification

The Purification

by Anna Merkaba, Sacred Ascension

May 14, 2015



Greetings Everyone! Before I begin this channeling I would like to add a personal note. I hope that all of you are doing phenomenally well! I know that the last few weeks have been quite hectic for many of you. With many changes taking place and the energy frolicking every which way, many emotions have been released and continue to be released and contemplated upon daily. Much chaos has unfolding around the earth and yet within all the turbulence of the chaos much love and light can be felt flowing through the most darkest places on earth.

Miracles abound for so many of you as you are sharing with me daily. And I’m SO grateful that you are feeling a shift taking place! Not only in your own consciousness but also in the consciousness of those around you! Many are awakening to the truth of who they are and looking for answers, and that is where YOU come in. I am so happy to know that so many of you are taking ACTION in the direction of your missions. You truly are making a GIANT difference, every single moment of every single day! And from the bottom of my heart I thank you all so very, VERY much for BEing, all of you for walking this earth no matter how bizarre it may seem to all of us at this time.

All in all we’re moving in the RIGHT direction, and many wonderful surprises and changes that many of us have been working toward are manifesting and are about to unfold in our realities! You’re doing an AMAZING job! And I love you all so very, VERY much and once again I’m sending you my heartfelt thanks for transmitting and broadcasting the light and uplifting energies that you are receiving to those around you.

Now having said this here is the message that I have received from AA Metatron & The 33rddimension.

The purification phase of the determined ones has reached the pinnacle of truth benevolence and might. The purification phase of the chosen ones has been completed and a new set of universal decrees has indeed been bestowed upon the ones that have chosen to walk amongst the souls who wished to partake of said experiment. For indeed the veil of forgetfulness is thinning daily for you now, allowing more light, allowing more benevolence, allowing more understanding of self and all that is to shine through into your psyche and all those stationed on GAIA.

For indeed the experiment has been a phenomenal one, and the experiences gleaned by the beholders of said realities have been accumulated, processed and documented in the Akashic records for eternity.

For through the experience of pain and suffering, through the experience of effervescence and joy, through the experience of benevolence and peace, through the experience of all emotional octaves of the spectrum of human understanding of BEing, a new cognition has indeed been formed in the universal lore.

A new cognition of and understanding of said emotional structures of BEing. For indeed the planet on which you are presently finding yourselves is a unique haven, a unique haven whereby you are able to experience BEing as you are! BEing through the emotional rollercoaster prevalent on your planet.

Being able to experience all the spectrums of the emotional wheel, the freedom of choice, the freedom of co-creation. For indeed it is so, For indeed all of you who are presently residing on Gaia, all who have, are and never have been part of the experiment of the human wheel of karma, all of you have chosen to experience said realities through the vehicle of expression you call the human body.

For the world in which your reside, the experimental matrix if you will, has allowed all of you to experience that which you wished to, experience that which indeed was necessary and desired by your higher selves in order to glean, grow and expand the consciousness of that which you are. Nevertheless, the time has come to fully awaken to that which indeed you are, releasing the last bits of debris and misconception of your benevolence, might and power. For indeed you, all of you are mighty powerful beings! Mighty powerful co-creators of that which you wish to see unfold in your world.

And so, as always, we wish to remind you to keep steady in your benevolence, keep steady in your encounters with all that you see, with all that you are bathed in daily, all the “positive” and “negative” spectrums of your daily activities.


Be mindful of that which you read, be mindful of all the activities rapidly unfolding in your world, all the way understanding that, that which appears to be chaos, is building order, order through chaos, as we have indeed conversed to you prior. And so, we command you, we love you and we bow before you, for truly you are the masters of the divine, you are the masters of that which is, and you are the ones writing human history as you breathe, as you walk, as you talk, as you think as you dance, as you sleep, as you invent, as you CREATE.

Everything that you are, is that which is. Everything that is, is that which you are! Keep steady in your stride as you walk toward freedom from the amnesia which has beset you upon your entrance into this world. Keep steady and allow, allow the beautiful encounters with your higher selves, and the benevolent truth of that which you are to flood your psyche. Understand that you are ready, ready to fully awaken, ready to take your righteous place in the universe as co-creators, as gods, for truly you are! Believe, know and remember. Remember, know and BE, BE in the moment, of eternity, BE all that indeed you have come here to uphold.

Stay in balance, stay thoughtful of peace and harmony through unconditional understanding of all colors of the spectrum of life. All colors of the spectrum of life and the emotional wheel of human experience.

Know that we are walking with you, foot in foot and hand and hand. Know that it is so. For it is!

That is all that we have for you now. We love you. We are with you goodbye for now.

copyright 2015. Anna Merkaba, Sacred Ascension

This article originally posted HERE.


Blood Covenants

Blood Covenants

by Lisa Renee, Energetic Synthesis

May 12, 2015

The “blood covenant” is the way that the False Gods (Negative Aliens and Imposter Spirits) have chosen to trick humanity out of their original relationship with their One Source Creator, and hijack their sovereignty through the process of believing in the sanctioning of Blood Sacrifice or ritual bonds as acts of religious piety. These False Father Gods, ( i.e. Yahweh, Jehovah, Annunaki) use Blood Covenants to communicate and interact with human beings. When a human being enters into a Blood Covenant through religious or other spiritual forms of indoctrination, this seals the person’s Aura with a sigil or Soul binding that states a “claim” onto that individual. The persons free will is hijacked as the human has been tricked to believe that the Annunaki extraterrestrials impersonating the One creator is actually a God, when he is acting as an intermediary to take claim and ownership over human beings that were born with the inherent divinity of the Inner Holy Spirit and Inner Christos. The False Gods both covet and hate the Inner Holy Spirit because it is the Mother aspect of God, of which they detest, and because they were not given the divine design of sovereignty that humans beings were given in their free will right to choose.

All Blood Sacrifice is Satanic Ritual Abuse and requires much soul retrieval and soul healing work on a planetary scale during the Ascension Cycle. Many ancestral bloodlines have ancient histories of Blood Covenant made with NAA races off planet, believing these otherworldly entities were Gods. People were taught to believe that killing animals and people in large amounts would be pleasing to these Negative Aliens Gods, who would in turn bless them and help their families to be prosperous and protected. This is a cruel ruse of deception and lies from these bloodthirsty predators. These suffering souls, having being killed over the wars over God, or made as a blood sacrifice, were the energetic power source harnessed to retain the crucifixion insert and its violent religious belief system architecture. One of the main systems of planetary control is the religious fundamental Christian programming. It was these programs that were manipulated to condition the planetary field and the collective human mind into believing these as Truths and revelations from God. These were the mind control manipulations to worship a False God, and the energetic results were vampiric to the group human divine soul.

As an example, a Blood Covenant is made with the anti-Christ forces in the name of Yahweh who transfer the soul binding rites to the Moloch during infant or child circumcision. The blood spilled from the baby marks a claim on the Soul to be bound to the Moloch entity which is directed to the Yahweh collective, an Annunaki faction of the NAA, that pose as False Gods to lure humanity into servitude bindings in the afterlife. Excerpts deciphered by religious scholars in the Old Testament:

“God concluded a covenant with Abraham (Gen. xv. 18, xvii. 2, 7) by which He entered into a special relationship with him and his descendants for all time; and as a sign of this covenant he enjoined on them the rite of Circumcision. This Abrahamitic covenant, expressive of the religious character of the descendants of Abraham as the people of Yhwh, the one and only God, was renewed on Mount Sinai when, before the giving of the Law, Israel as a people pledged itself to keep His covenant (Ex. xix. 8). After the giving of the Law Moses sprinkled “the blood of the covenant sacrifice” half upon the people and half upon the altar of the Lord (Ex. xxiv. 6-8), to signify the mystical union of Israel and its God. Of this “everlasting” Sinaitic covenant between God and Israel the Sabbath is declared to be the sign forever (Ex. xxxi. 13-17). At the same time the tables of the Law upon which the pledge was made were called “the book of the covenant” (Ex. xxiv. 7), and the Ten Commandments “the words of the covenant” (Ex. xxxiv. 28); and so the tables containing these became “the tables of the covenant” (Deut. ix. 9, 15).”

In addition to blood covenants made to control the bloodlines, the Reptilians promote Rh Negative Blood as a result from their hybridized DNA. This narrative is untrue. However, it is because they seek to destroy all Oraphim/Christ hybrids and their DNA potential from spreading, growing or changing the Consciousness structure in humanity, which inherently will change the entire DNA of the earth population. They want to kill off the Rh Negative hybrids through genetic modification or control them directly through militarized operations, keeping them misinformed and sick through the various methods already mentioned. They have attempted to compromise their DNA in various ways, such as through tricking humans to make Blood Covenants with False Gods. Much of this is reinforced through family of origin religious beliefs that are passed down to babies and children who grow into adulthood not understanding what is transpiring.

Rh Negative bloodline is blood that is inherently “karmic-less” blood, the ancestral miasm from previous human generations is not recorded in the same way as “karmic” blood patterns that are passed down into future generations. The karmic (miasma) patterns of repeated lifetimes on earth are energy stamps that are recorded in the blood of every being that is born into this dimension. (This is also how blood covenants are passed down to the future offspring without the person being aware of this arrangement.)  Rh Negative blood is sourced from the Stars, as such they may be called Starseed people.

Because there are less karmic energetic imprints in the blood, higher spiritual –energetic bodies of the Rh negative person have a tendency to function or operate at increased levels than in the majority of the human population. These include higher sensory abilities such as telepathy, empathy, clairvoyance, clairaudience, direct spiritual knowing, reading energies, ET contact and awareness that may develop into higher compassionate tendencies towards other humans and the earthly kingdoms. This bloodline has a natural resonance to reconnect with higher DNA activation. For this reason ET’s such as Greys studying DNA code and attempting to replicate DNA, abduct more RH negative people.

For the above reasons, Rh negative people are primarily manipulated with superimposed karmic burdens, many sourcing from Annunaki or other reptilian distortions made in the blood. This is the attempt to distort the blood pattern of the Rh negative person so they cannot be successful or productive in changing the DNA or consciousness structure on planet. Because their blood holds higher DNA potential the NAA and reptilian races do not want this phenomena to occur through the planetary consciousness fields. This impact is known as the hundredth monkey effect, when the collective consciousness reaches certain patterns these influences can impact the collective consciousness on earth. The NAA works against this phenomena from occurring in order to maintain their agenda of promoting a human slave race, on this planet and for other planets which they seek to control. Most reptilian races favor the corrupted Nephilim, ( a being motivated by greed, money and power as they are manipulated by Controllers) who exist as half or more Annunaki in their DNA, to sympathize with their agenda and maintain the belief systems on earth that promote race superiority, genetic discrimination, and social and financial hierarchy as defined by class or a rank assigned.

In this understanding of clearing blood covenants through recessive gene, ancestral gene and hybridization gene of Rh negative bloodlines, we apply core fear release programs to the Rh negative bloodlines as we bear witness to each other. This is taking intention to clear all blood covenants made that connect miasmatic history through recessive genes, ancestral genes and hybridization and genetic modification of past, present and future lifetimes. A brief blood clearing treatment is offered below, for those who may feel this clearing of benefit.

Prepare your 12D shield and command your personal space as a God-Sovereign-Free being that serves the Law of One.

Beloveds, I ask to apply Core Soul Protection to the family of origin of DNA, source field DNA and all bloodlines related to the Rh negative lineages, please go to origin to the off planet DNA and blood record, please go to the causation in the timeliness of the original human DNA that is free of all alien genetic modification or hybridization.

I ask our beloved Guardian teams that work with the Albion body as we are in a phase of coming into an awakening of the Albion body.

I intend to clear all blood covenants and related overlays that have been put on the Rh negative blood and the history of recessive genes in the bodies that I am inhabiting at this time.

I clear blood covenants in the human DNA, original human DNA, diamond sun DNA and all the way into the Albion body of the earth.

Clearing blood covenants:

Applying core soul protection to the family of origin DNA, Rh negative bloodlines to the original diamond Sun DNA record.

  • Restoring the soul record
  • Reclaim the consciousness memories in all time
  • Please repair any damage made in (my) lineage of Rh negative blood.
  • Hybridization
  • Fibrin
  • RBCs (red blood cells)
  • Hematopoiesis
  • Microorganisms that comes from chemtrails
  • Clear damaged blood cells of Rh negative lines recessive through the blood that has been brought forth.
  • Clear hybridization damage
  • Repair soul fiber damage
  • Repair the damage in the blood itself
  • We ask to bring Krystal Waters through this blood group, individual blood healing, as God would have it be.
  • We bring forth the amplifier of the Krystal Waters as a resonant tone.
  • We call our family of Christ, may the Krystal Waters protect and support our blood.

Eternal water sprung forth in the eternal creation Holy Mother, Holy Father, please soothe and heal the soul and Crystal body with the crystal waters. We ask these water to spiritualize the blood of Christos and to flow through the fountain of eternal life and eternal youth. Krystal Waters, please support our project of elemental encryption of our body’s blood chemistry and to heal the damage of blood toxicity, miasm and hybridization recorded as reversals in the bloodline.

For a moment, intend to deeply feel and connect to our bloodstream and blood. Imagine and bring the intent to merge with the Krystal Waters and spiritualize the blood of Christos-Sophia. See the blood spiritualized and it’s living life force throughout your venous system, throughout the arterial system and pumping through your heart protecting, healing and spiritualizing our blood in a living light blood chemistry. As we spiritualize our blood, to heal our blood of all that is tainted from ancestral genetic or miasmatic hybridization reasons. Beloved, please clear our blood record.

Please clear the spleen of its inherited genetic karmic records and wounds from any identity in time and space.
As we purify our blood, we ask the spirits of Christ to dwell in our flesh, in our mind and in our body and to circulate in our blood. Spiritualizing our blood and therefore repairing all energy receivers. The entire nadial system, radial system and the umbilicus connected through our blood, in the eternal living light.

Please correct fibrin, red blood cells and other microorganism imbalances through lab made chemtrails, toxins or other chemicals considered pathogens that are directly engineered and manufactured to harm Rh negative blood. I ask to bring this into clarity and to remove any and all DNA instruction and RNA instruction sets which carry this reverse mutation protein chain. Clear all reverse synthesis bond made through these pathogens in the blood. Clear the DNA and RNA instructions set to the original human DNA without modification as per recorded in the higher silicate matrix body of the Albion body of the double diamond sun human, the cosmic human on this earth.

  • Clear DNA RNA
  • Clear physical blood to brain barrier and generate upgrade
  • Blood treatment clearing
  • Clear degeneration
  • Clear septicemia
  • Clear anemia
  • Correct the bone marrow production as per the Rh negative of divine design
  • Corrects spleen function
  • Correct any lipoprotein disorder
  • Blood disorder
  • Genetic mutation
  • Miasmic ancestral karmic
  • Replace the organic matrix blood treatment
  • Timeline collapse past, present, future lifetimes in fetus, newborn, child, teenager, adult, and senior. Correct impacts and disease causation.
  • Collapse the timeline and replace organic matrix through all timelines.
  • Clearing any disease memory in the body from all timelines
  • Clear all memory and influences from disease memory.
  • Remove mismatching or wrongly attached body parts in the genetic or ancestral history related to hybridization modification or genetic experimentation on or off planet.

Please take this clearing off planet – Saturn blood covenants made in any lifetime, clearing Saturn blood worship of damage to the blood of my Rh negative lines.
I asked to terminate any and all alien agendas, mind control software that is using reverse DNA, RNA instruction sets to be recorded in the mitochondria, chromosomes, and the DNA, RNA messengering between the cells.

  • Clear Saturn blood worship of Rh negative control histories.
  • We ask in the Book of the Law to Return to Rightful Owner now.
  • Returning to rightful owner all human beings that are originally connected to the original human DNA off planet to the Rh negative blood.
  • We ask to return to rightful owner here and now all that belongs to each person directly.

As the living Avatar of Christ and light of God that I am, I cancel contracts and agreements that have been made with any off planet entity guide or alien in this timeline or reality related to blood covenants and that which is designed with the intention of the destruction of the Rh negative blood line and the original human DNA pattern of the diamond sun silicate matrix in the Albion body.

We ask to clear the Albion body and to reanimate the Albion body with return to rightful owner and returning the Rh negative blood and blood patterns to the original human DNA pattern. All that is not in the highest alignment in service of God and the cosmic sovereign law of one, we terminate these contracts and agreements through the ancestral line, through the genetic line and through the collective consciousness line of the human species and race of which we are a part.

We terminate redemptive vehicle, crucifixion contracts and their phantom systems from using Rh negative human DNA bloodlines through the Albion body.
We also address all splitter technologies which have been used to split apart human DNA and create toxins in the Rh negative and original human blood.
Terminate the redemptive vehicle crucifixion contract and related phantom systems from the original human DNA and bloodlines now – including the Rh negative blood lines recessive genes and the ancestral genes of which go back to the original human DNA.

  • Clearing Alien Implants
  • Replication or hybridization trauma
  • as appropriate through each of the locations of dimensions and location of the body of the original human DNA
  • Clearing blood covenant of replication or hybridization trauma
  • Human animal hybrid
  • Anunnaki hybrid
  • Dracon hybrid
  • Nephilim reversals
  • Solar Lord and warden implants
  • Axiom seals
  • Curse implant trauma
  • Fallen Angelic seals
  • Anu Seal
  • Orion solar cross
  • Crucifixion implants – left lung and heart, left knee

Please clear all Crucifixion memory implant removing blood covenant Rh negative blood distortion from the historical lines of the Albion body, collective body, collective consciousness body, human body, Left lung heart – harmonic triad all bodies clear now. Clearing all stolen replicated damage genetics as God would have it be.

Please Identify, Locate, Remove and Repair all appropriate stolen replicated or damage genetics from hybridization, cloning, replication, as well as enslavement trauma, upon the human DNA through any blood covenant which is connected to the blood.

  • We terminate all redemptive vehicle contracts.
  • We terminate all superimposed karmic loads of miasma.
  • We terminate all crucifixion contracts, enslavement contracts and related phantom systems from impacting our God consciousness and all of our double diamond sun Christ bodies.
  • I ask my avatar of Ascension and Christ consciousness to return all aspects of DNA, unity codes, fire letters, all body parts, wings, energies that have been misdirected or usurped through hybridization or blood damage.
  • We ask them to be returned now to the rightful owner in the name of self sovereignty here and stated and commanded into presence.
  • Again, connecting to the Albion body as the collective now.
  • Return all energies, essences, body parts that are in divine right order now!
  • We call back now all that is our self-sovereign God power and right.
  • Beloveds, thank you thank you thank you!
  • All is one with the light – for I am unity.
  • Coming into Krystal Star of Azoth and seeing the overlay of Krystal Star of Azoth in the heart chakra Back to front,
  • Front to back
  • Inner to outer
  • Outer to inner
  • Left to right
  • Right to left
  • Stabilize.

In Krystal Star of Azoth, Beloved Seven Sacred Suns:


Allowing the Krystal Star of Azoth divine firewater in our heart, in our blood, as we fully allow the carrier wave of the Krystal Star to be with us, within our blood and to assist in purification and spiritualization of the blood of Christ within us. Clearing in the field of superposition or possessions which need to be transited at this time. Holy Mother, we ask for Krystal Star intercession and transit of all creation, shape shifters, structures and entities.

Please perform Simple Triad Sweep run through and clearing through the transit vortex.

  • Transiting possessions
  • Shadow creatures
  • Release bindings
  • Release blood covenants
  • Clear the negative forms and apply the Core Soul Protection on the way out through the Mother Arc Portal
  • Balance center and stabilize the bodies.
  • Correct the cellular memory and perform timeline collapse from source of origin of the original nature of these creatures
  • I ask Holy Mother and Sophia to reclaim all that is originally yours

Return again into the usable substance and elements, which can be reconstituted into the holy presence. We apply unconditional love and forgiveness and forgetfulness now. Please clear human karmic miasma levels related to blood covenants that has been set forth in connection to the Albion body.

Please clear planetary karmic miasma levels related to blood covenants and again restoring original human DNA record of the specialized Krystic blood to the Albion body. Collapse and return all identities to integrate through Crystal diamond sun matrix in the organic matrix of God, as God would have it be through Crystal Star intercession and crystal matrix re encryption of the elemental body. As God would have it be, I am one with the holy presence and through all eternity, I am Unity and One with God.

Thank you, thank you, thank you.

(Source: Blood Covenant Clearing and Ascension Glossary, Transcription by Kimberly)


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This article originally posted HERE.